《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》Trending AGAIN
~With Carlo~
Just when I thought us debuting/returning trending was one thing, now the insult that Masami, my new girlfriend, said was getting a ton of attention and they actually said it was the funniest thing everyone had heard from her.
"Kallisto said the funniest thing ever! I'm dying of laughter!"
"It has to be the funniest shit I've ever heard! Keep making insults like that Kallisto!"
"I literally spat out my drink when I heard this! Kallisto might be the better talker of the group!"
It was great to get a laugh out of Masami. She's so adorable and funny that I just think she can be more than just a girlfriend, but I'm holding that off until many years later
I decided to text her and see if she's interested in going for a walk.
こんにちは愛! (Hey love!)
ちょっと! あなたはどうしていますか? (Hey! How're you doing?)
素晴らしい! 今日は何をしていますか? (Fantastic! What are you doing today?)
私は散歩に行くことを計畫していました。 私に參加したいですか? (I was planning on going for a walk. Wanna join me?)
私はが大好きです! 変更されましょう、そして私はそこにいるよ。 (I'd love to! Let me get changed and I'll be right there.)
待って、何? (Wait, what?)
She then sent me a picture of herself against the door, ass naked! I felt like my mind has gone off. That's hot as hell!
本當に? この早い? (Really? This early?)
なぜですか? あなたは今私のボーイフレンドで今、私が得るすべてのチャンスを試してみたいと思います。 (Why not? You're my boyfriend now and I want to try and tease you every chance I get.)
さて、あなたは間違いなく私の小さな友人がすべてパーキアップされました、それは確かです。 (Well you definitely got my little friend all perked up, that's for sure.)
私にあなたを迎えに來て欲しい? (Want me to pick you up?)
私はそれを愛します。 それでお會いしましょうか (I would love that. See you then?)
それから會いましょう。 (See you then.)
After some texting, I got into my jeans and t-shirt with a little necklace I've had and drove to the hotel. When I saw her, she looked lovely as always.
She went into my car while giving me a peck on my cheek and hugged me.
ちょっと! (Hey!)
お會いできて嬉しいです。 公園の準備ができて? (Nice to see you. Ready for the park?)
準備ができています。 行きましょう! (I'm ready. Let's go!)
I drove and when we got to the park, it looked ready for us to walk. We got out of the car and started walking around, admiring the view.
だからあなたは私が言ったことを知っています (So you know what I said was trending, right?)
ええ、しかし、あなたはそれを思い付くのでしょうか? (Yeah, but where'd you come up with that?)
あなたのプロモーションを見て學んだと言ってみましょう。 (Let's say I learned by watching your promos.)
本當に? (Really?)
ええ。 それで、いつも離れて逃げません。 (Yeah. So, it's not going away anytime soon.)
絶対にそうではありません。 カオリはどうですか? 彼女の頭は大丈夫ですか? (Definitely not. How's Kaori? Is her head okay?)
彼女は元気です。 (There's no concussion or anything now so she's fine.)
良い。 悪いことが起こったらそれは恥になるでしょう。 (Good. It'd be a shame if something bad happened.)
同意しますが、質問をすることができますか? (I agree, but can I ask you a question?)
を確認してください。 (Sure.)
あなたがスターダムで私たちを訓練したいのは何ですか? (What made you want to help train us at Stardom?)
私はただ私がそれらの告発のようなものではなかったことを証明したかった。 確かに私から離れていると思いますが、私は恐れている必要はないことが間違っていました、私は私を正しく扱う限り愛されることができます。 (I just wanted to prove that I was nothing like those accusations. Sure there were some girls that would stay away from me, but I proved wrong that I don't need to be feared, I can be loved as long as they treat me right.)
カルロを愛したり恐れたりする方が良いですか? (Is it better to be loved or feared, Carlo?)
それは良い質問ですが、私がそれを見る方法は、私は指輪を恐れているが、その外で愛されるのを好むでしょう。 愛は誰かにとって重要なものです。 あなたが誰かのために愛を持っていないならば、その時點は何ですか? (It's a good question, but the way I see it, I'd prefer to be feared in the ring, but be loved outside of it. Love is what matters to someone. If you don't have love for someone then what's the point?)
あなたは間違っていない。 (You're not wrong.)
私が間違っていなかったら、マサミを教えてくれました。 (I'll tell you, Masami, if I wasn't wrong, I probably wouldn't have been released after a couple months the first time thanks to Alayah.)
當時毎日何をしましたか? (What did you everyday at the time?)
この時點でできることをカップルのことがあります。 (There are a couple things you could do at the time: practice your moves, practice new ones, get into scandals like I was even though they were false, or just leave.)
あなたは何をしましたか? (What did you do?)
私? 読んだ。 (Me? I read.)
あなたは何を読みましたか? (What did you read?)
サンツーズ。 (Sun Tzu.)
なぜSun Tzu? (Why Sun Tzu?)
彼は私に関係、ビジネス、その他の分野の戦略を教えました。 戦爭の蕓術は戦爭や戦いの戦術だけではありませんでした、彼は他のもののために本を書いた。 ここを見てください。 (He taught me the strategies of relationships, business, and other fields. The Art of War wasn't just about warfare and battle tactics, he also wrote the book for other stuff. Look here.)
We stopped at a tree as I wanted to tell her something passionate.
あなたは私がNXTに戻った理由を知っていますか? 新鮮なスタートのためでした。 私は私が誰であると言ったのか私が誰であったのではなかった人々に証明したかったのです。 あなたは私がそれらの告発に対して私の人生のために戦った理由でした。 Alayah、私は雌犬が好きだったことはありませんでした。 (You know why I came back to NXT? It was for a fresh start. I wanted to prove to people that I wasn't who that bitch said I was. You have been the reason why I fought for my life against those accusations. Alayah, I never liked that bitch, all I know is that she used me to get her popularity on social media.)
Alayahは癌のようなもので、あなたはそれが大きくなる前にそれを取り除くことができます。 そうでなければ、それはあなたを殺すつもりです。(Alayah is like a cancer, you gotta get rid of it before it gets bigger. If you don't, it's gonna kill you.) Capeesh?
She nodded as we kept walking, this time holding hands.
彼女が早く、後でリリースされたら、彼女の友人、両親、ガールフレンド、ボーイフレンドでさえいなくても、誰も気になることはありません。 あなたが愛するものについて心配して、あなたは大丈夫だでしょう。 (Nobody's gonna care if she gets released sooner or later, not even her friends, parents, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Just worry about the ones you love and you'll be fine.)
We held hands and kept walking around, sharing childhood stories and before we left, we decided to have an ice cream.
あなたはあなたが欲しいものを知っています、可愛い人? (You know what you want, babe?)
バニラはありますか? (Is there vanilla?)
私はあなたをチェックします。 あなたのコーンは私にいます。 (I'll check for you. Your cone is on me.)
カルロ、あなたは必要ありません。 (Carlo, you don't need to.)
こんにちは、あなたは私のガールフレンドです、あなたは私があなたを散歩に招待したときにあなたのために支払ったくないと思いますか? (Hey, you're my girlfriend, you think I'd wouldn't want to pay for yours when I invited you for a walk?)
あなたはとても甘いです。 (You're so sweet.)
She side hugged me and kissed my lips with passion. And I felt the taste of her lipstick. It tasted sweet, and a bit salty. Almost like a strawberry.
I paid for two cones: one vanilla and one cookies N cream. I gave Masami her cone and she started eating it up!
こんにちは、遅く、あなたは胃の痛みを得るでしょう。 (Hey, slow down, you'll get a stomach ache.)
私は知っていますが、私は気にしません。 私たちが今日キスした時代のようにそれを楽しんでいるつもりです。 (I know, but I don't care. I'm gonna enjoy it like the times we've kissed today.)
本當に? c'mon! (Really? C'mon!)
We kept walking until we finished our ice cream and sat on a bench, watching ducks swim in the lake, but it was all ruined by Alayah and her posse.
Not even a day off can ever make her leave us the fuck alone!
Hey, Carlo.
The hell do you want?
That's not how you talk to lady.
I don't see a lady. I see a selfish broad.
Don't talk to her that way, I can sue you.
Are you sure? I think you'd fail trying to file a lawsuit, Karen.
Masami was holding in her laughter, but at the same time, she was giggling. Mercedes had something to say and I was ready to burn her as well.
The way you talk to us isn't smart, smartass! You think we play around?
I know for a fact that we don't too. You're not making fools out of us, you all are basically making fools out of yourselves.
Alayah was going to speak, but I had to interrupt her.
Why won't you get the idea that I'm done with you, and I got her now? You failed then, and you failed now. Fuck off back to Canada.
Alayah was enraged as was thinking about slapping me, but she thought better.
There's a fine line between etiquette and no manners. Have you learned it as a kid or did your parents didn't teach you anything?
Masami had enough and punched her so hard in the jaw that she was out cold!
You'll pay for this!
Awww, you really don't mean that do you, Karen?
He glared at me but I wasn't fazed at all. They picked her up and walked away as I texted Hunter the situation.
Later on, he told me he was going to suspend Alayah and make sure she gets called up after her match with Masami.
いつファックを閉めるかを知りません。 (Don't know when to shut the fuck up.)
ええ。 ホテルに戻りたいですか? (Yeah. You want to go back to the hotel?)
私は本當に水曜日にするつもりだったことをすることについて考える必要はありません。 (Please, just so I don't have to think about doing what I was really going to do Wednesday.)
大丈夫。 (Alright.)
On the way back to the hotel, I decided to play around.
生まれ変わりについて聞いたことがありますが、それ以外のものですか? (I've heard about reincarnation, is any of it true?)
そう思います。 それはあなたが誰に戻ってくるのでしょうか (I think so. It's about who would you come back as and what you do differently?)
私はAlayahとして戻ってきて、私に一人で地獄を殘します。 (I would come back as Alayah and leave me the hell alone.)
After that joke, Masami was done! She was laughing so hard that she was on the edge of wheezing.
私は死んでいます! カルロ、あなたはとても野蠻人です! (I'm dying! Carlo, you're such a savage!)
私は時々あることができます。 (I can be at times.)
At the hotel, I walked her back up just to make sure no one tries to jump her. It's the least I can do, you know?
今日は素晴らしい時間がありました。 ありがとうございます。 (I had a great time today. Thank you.)
もちろん。 あなたと私はいつか夕食を得ますか? あなたはこの時間を選びます。 (Of course. How about you and I get dinner sometime? You choose this time.)
本當に? (Really?)
こんにちは、あなたは私のガールフレンド、あなたは私がコントロールになりたいと思うでしょうか? (Hey, you're my girlfriend, you'd think I want to be in control?)
それから私達が私達の日付を選ぶように見えます! (Then it looks like I'm choosing our date!)
We hug and kissed before she went into the room.
おやすみなさい、カルロ。 (Good night, Carlo.)
おやすみなさい、マサミ。 (Good night, Masami.)
We kissed again before she closed the door and I went home to my cat Rocky.
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