《Evils Of The Sky (Io Shirai X Male OC)》New Names, Theme, and In-Ring Debut
~With Carlo~
Masami and Kaori have their tag team match against Alayah and Martinez next week while Stone and I were at ringside. I wanted to go out there and make sure shit doesn't hit the fan.
At Full Sail, we were called to gorilla by Hunter about something.
How's it going guys?
勵起。 (Excited.)
少し緊張していますが、それでも興奮しています。 (A little nervous, but excited nonetheless.)
Good. Now there's something that I wanted to ask you three if you're okay with it.
I looked at Kaori who had an adorable hopeful face as Masami looked interested in what Hunter wanted to ask us. It was kinda cute.
How would you two feel if you were given your new names and not the ones you used from Lucha Underground?
They were excited because they needed new names and not just their current ring names.
私はそれを愛したいです! (I'd love that!)
私はそれと一緒にいます! (I'm down with that!)
Whatever you come up with, I won't object.
Alright. So, Kaori, you're going by your new name Ayane and Masami, you're going by Kallisto. The reason you're getting your names changed is because Lucha Underground didn't sell the rights to us for your old ring names, but they did sell us the rights to your group name, so you all are still the Black Lotus Triad.
What about me, Hunter? Any changes for me?
No, because "The Eye Of The Storm" Carlo De Luca sounds perfect as it is. I didn't want to change your name or your theme because it means the world to you. While you're with them, there will be a theme change, but you're keeping "Eye of The Storm" Carlo, it's just the group's theme that we got for them.
Kaori and Masami seemed interested in what theme they got for us so I was interested too.
Okay let's hear it.
Hunter pushed play into our headphones and the song was perfect for both of them!
At the part where the lead singer says "Shall we dance?", we knew it was the perfect song for the group ONLY.
After the song finished, we all loved it as we had to get ready.
I was going to wear a mask with a leather jacket and black leather pants with boots while I had to wear a black t-shirt underneath.
On the jacket, I had it engraved "Black Lotus Triad" in English and in Japanese. That was something that I wanted and it was given to me.
Here's what it looks like:
Masami was dressed in her old BLT outfit, which was cute, same with Kaori, but I felt Masami was even more cute.
Ever since I asked her out, I've been planning on doing something that I think she would enjoy, so I made a reservation for us at Medieval Times down the road, and I think she'd love it.
今夜の準備ができて? (Ready for tonight?)
私は確かにいます。 あなたは? (I sure am. You?)
ええ。 こんにちはカルロ? (Yeah. Hey Carlo?)
ええ? (Yeah?)
私があなたに伝えたいことがあります。 (There's something I want to tell you.)
ありますか? (Is there?)
ええとそれは、私が何かを通過していたときはいつでも、最初に対応するのが最初にいるでしょう。 あなたの優しさは魅力的です、私はあなたのことを考えずにそれを言うことを私自身を持ってくることができませんでした。 (Yeah the thing is, whenever I was going through something, you'd be the first one to respond. Your kindness is irresistible, I couldn't bring myself to say it without thinking about you.)
それではそれでしたか? (And was it then?)
Carlo De Luca Pesci, I—
人は? ロバートストーンブランドはリング內にあります。 (Guys? The Robert Stone Brand are out in the ring.)
Just the worst possible time, Kaori!
香織! (Kaori! )
申し訳ありません! (Sorry!)
She giggled and left as Masami was frustrated, but I had to cheer her up.
こんにちは、あなたと彼女には次に試合があると思いません。 後で話しましょう、大丈夫? (Hey, don't be frustrated you and her have a match up next. Let's talk about it after, okay?)
わかりました。 (Okay.)
I put on my mask as Masami was wearing a leather jacket alongside Kaori.
We were at gorilla and when the lights went out, we went out there to do our signature pose, and our new titantron played.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Kaori's on the left with her arm on my shoulder, Masami on the right with her arm on my other shoulder as her hand was on my chest.
It felt a bit tingly to be quite honest. I knew that Masami was expressive, but not this expressive.
The lights went back up as our team name was going to be announced.
And their opponents, being accompanied by "The Eye of The Storm" Carlo De Luca, Ayane and Kallisto, the BLACK LOTUS TRIAD!
We went down the ring as the crowd was cheering and chanting "BLT!" I hope they're chanting about our group and not the sandwich.
I went in the ring the right way while Masami and Kaori slid under the ring ropes and went on each turnbuckle to pose for the cameras. They both got off the turnbuckles and took off their jackets, ready for their debut tag team match.
I was on the outside keeping an eye on Robbie in case he does something stupid, and eventually he will because he's too big of an idiot to keep his head smaller than his dick.
The bell rang and Alayah and Masami were walking in circles, eyes solely on each other as Masami was looking to destroy the bitch that started it all.
あなたは私の友人が先日泣くように支払うつもりです。 (You're gonna pay for making my friend cry the other day.)
I don't think so because he deserved it! He cried like a bitch, didn't he?
あなたはそのゴミをバックアップしていますか! 私はあなたが持っていた関係よりもあなたのお尻を落とします! (How about you back up that trash! I'll drop your ass harder than the relationships you had!)
Make me you thick bodied Jap!
Masami was enraged and started beating her ass and not giving a shit about the five count!
Before the ref reached 5, Kaori went in and backed Masami off, just to prevent their debut from getting their momentum killed.
マサミを止める! あなたは後で彼女を倒すことができます! 試合に焦點を當てるだけで、あなたは後で彼女のことを心配することができます! (Stop Masami! You can beat her up later! Let's just focus on the match and you can worry about her later!)
罰金、來週の試合に彼女に挑戦しています。 (Fine, I'm challenging her to a match next week.)
Masami kept beating Alayah up, but she watched the 5 count. Alayah then tagged in Mercedes who was fighting her, but Masami countered with punches and kicks before running to the ropes for a dropkick.
She pulled Mercedes to the corner, tagging Kaori, who laid Mercedes on the mat, as Kaori performed a 450 Splash and Masami did a moonsault.
Kaori covered Mercedes but she kicked out at 2.
I was really impressed that Kaori and Mercedes have chemistry as a team. They could go after the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships!
~10 Minutes Later~
Kaori was in a headlock from Mercedes and the crowd was cheering her on the best they could. Masami was stomping in the steps as I was hitting the mat with my hands while Robbie S was trying to tell the crowd to stop, but it was no use because no one would listen to him.
To be honest, I do listen to him, I just like to tune him out.
Kaori got up and started fighting back with punches to Mercedes' ribs. She was fighting until Kaori went to the ropes and performed a hurricarana, and a clothesline on Mercedes!
Both women were down as this was Kaori's chance. She was slowly crawling towards Masami and I saw Mr. Stone about to take Masami off her feet, but I glared at him, making him fall down in his ass and running away!
Kaori tagged in Masami and here we go! Masami gave Alayah clothesline after clothesline and kick after kick! Right after she Irish Whipped her into the corner really hard, hurting her back, and do a Stinger Splash before setting her up for a Moonsault Stomp, her finisher.
She performed the move, but Mercedes stopped the count at 2. Kaori saw it and clotheslined Mercedes out of the ring before going to the top rope.
It got everyone cheering and some laughter from me! That was so adorable but I really think Masami is more adorable than her.
She screamed while doing a cannonball, you know the move you do when you're at the pool, onto Mercedes and Robbie Stone off the top rope and onto the floor!
Masami performed another Moonsault Stomp onto Alayah and covered her.
The bell rang as they won their first tag team match!
Here are your winners, Ayane and Kallisto, Black Lotus Triad!
Kaori came back into the ring with Masami and I to celebrate their victory, but I have a promo for Robbie.
I took off my mask, grabbed the mic and I spoke into it.
Hey Robbie! Turn around!
He did as he was not expecting me to talk to him.
You think we're done here? Oh no! We're not done until I say we're done! You tried to kill our momentum coming to NXT, now I'm laying a challenge to you!
The crowd cheered as I was going to keep talking.
I want you in a match with me next week, but there's one condition: you get in gear and get out of retirement!
The crowd was still cheering as he didn't want to, but he doesn't have a choice.
Alright, I accept! You want me in a match, I'll do it!
Masami wanted to talk, so I gave her the mic so she can vent, but my God, this will be savage!
Alayah! I want match next week!
We were excited when she said that in perfect English, same with the NXT Universe!
Okay, you think you're so tough, let's fight—!
Uh uh! Next week, 私はあなたの目を引き裂くつもりだ、そして私はあなたを頭蓋骨にファックするつもりです!
That made me giggle and Kaori was trying to stifle her laughter the best she could, but I had to translate what she said.
What did she say!
I was giggling like a little girl but I have to tell my ex what Masami just said.
She said, next week, she's gonna rip your eyes out... and she's gonna skull-flub you!
A big loud "oh" was heard from everyone here at Full Sail as they know, Masami just went from 1 to 100 real fast.
Our theme played as Alayah was just stunned and couldn't move because of the burn Masami gave her.
In the back, we were just having a very hard laugh to the point that I thought I was going to die from laughter!
マサミ、あなたはあなたが言うことを見なければなりません! (Masami, you gotta watch what you say!)
何? 私が欲しいものは何でも言っているのは何ですか? (What? What happened to me saying whatever I want?)
あなたはそれがちょうどテレビのようなものを言うことができないということだけです! (You can it's just that you can't just say things like that on TV!)
大丈夫、十分に公平です。 (Alright, fair enough.)
あなたは私がF-Bombを言っていたのかを知っていますか? 私はそれをPGに保つためだけに「FLUB」と言わなければなりませんでした! (You know how close I was saying the f-bomb? I had to say "flub" just to keep it PG!)
We still had fun talking about what Masami pulled out there, but we had to go home before Alayah and her threesome collective find us. I drove Kaori and Masami to the hotel as I wanted to ask her something.
masami? あなたは私に何かを言わせたかったと言った、正しい? (Masami? You said you wanted to tell me something, right?)
私はしました。 保持します。 香織! (I did. Hold on. Kaori!)
ええ?! (Yeah?!)
あなたは部屋に先に進んでいます、私はカルロに少し話すつもりだ! (You go on ahead to the room, I'm gonna talk to Carlo for a little bit!)
大丈夫! (Alright!)
She went away as Masami was about to tell me something.
~With Masami~
I couldn't do it anymore. Carlo has done so much for me, there's no way I can keep this in.
カルロ。 私たちがNXTで派閥になって以來、私が言いたいことがありました。 (Carlo. There's been something that I've wanted to say since we became a faction in NXT.)
そしてそれは何ですか? (And what is that?)
I took a deep breath and said...
Carlo De Luca Pesci... I like you.
He felt relieved about that because he was about to say something too.
私は実際に同じ気分だからです。 (Good to get that off your chest, because I actually feel the same.)
I gasped in shock. I didn't know he felt the same.
これらの告発が出たので、そのようなものについて怒っていると感じたときはいつでもあなたは私のコーナーにいました。 私はあなたのように感じました、そして私は一緒にいることを意図しています。 マサミ、あなたは私のガールフレンドになりますか? (You have been in my corner ever since those accusations came out and whenever I felt angry about things like that, you'd be the first to help me calm down. I felt like you and I are meant to be together. Masami, will you be my girlfriend?)
I couldn't believe it, he said the five words that I wanted to hear.
はい私はします! (YES I WILL!)
I just hugged him with all my strength and joy and before I knew it, we were looking at each other's eyes.
それで、私たちはそれを公式にするべきですか? 取引を密封しますか? (So, should we make it official? Seal the deal?)
私はそのようにしたいです。 (I'd like that.)
I then leaned in and kissed his beautiful lips. It was only a second before we got into a make out session. Our tongues wrapping around each other and after a minute we had to breathe.
あなたは悪いキッサーではありません。 (You're not a bad kisser.)
あなた自身のために話す。 (Speak for yourself.)
We kissed again before I realized Kaori was waiting for me.
私は明日PCであなたに會いますか? (I'll see you tomorrow at the PC?)
ええ。 おやすみなさい。 (Yeah. Good night.)
I pecked his lips again before getting out of the car.
おやすみなさい。(Good night.)
I closed the car and went up to our hotel room.
~With Carlo~
That's it. Masami and I are together, boyfriend and girlfriend. It was just a matter of time before we got together and confess.
Not only that, but to confess and become a couple on our debut night was even better.
No. Not better.
More like TOO SWEET!
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