《The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse》Chapter 6-10
The doorway became an enclosed space due to Luo Xun's home renovation. In order to enter the living room one had to go through an additional door. This was a safety precaution, in the event someone opens the door after the apocalypse they would not see the entire house at a glance.
At this moment he was sitting in the entranceway putting on shoes when a chorus of whimpers echoed from the living room.
"You! Acting so pitiful." Luo Xun exasperatedly strode back into the house and lifted the puppy by her scruff.
"You want to go outside with me?"
The puppy panted with her small tongue lolled out and brush-like tail wagging back and forth.
"Why?! It's so cold outside! Honestly, just stay home and behave."
The puppy's tail continued to wag. Luo Xun bent over and put the puppy back in her cage.
"Wooo...." The pitiful voice resurfaced and the tail drooped.
Luo Xun soothingly patted the puppy's head. "I'll be back later and bring something good. So behave at home, don't make too much noise."
If the weather permitted, he may spoil the puppy and hold it outside. The puppy was too young and the weather was too cold. The dog was rather smart, no matter what Luo Xun would not let her so she quietly laid on the mat looking with big soulful eyes.
Luo Xun sighed and felt he brought big trouble back. Even if the puppy did not mutate, how would he walk the dog when grown the zombies everywhere! He changed his shoes, locked the door and headed to the elevator with a sigh. A notice was posted on the first floor near the the elevator.
Printed above, 'On December 10 the property offices open the doors. Hydro, electricity and gas may be subject to change before and after the New Year's Day to be notified otherwise. The building had not yet been completely set up. Water and electricity timetables were temporary – one did not have to pay every month. The utility companies would come and collect fees after everything was finalized.
Luo Xun read the notice again, shaking his head as he walked out – he can save some of his money... However since the district was not yet completed, there were occasional temporary water shortages. He needed to reserve two days worth of water.
He drove home in his used car after the last shopping trip. In the past few days he had visited the farmer's market and purchased vacuum sealed rice, flour, oil and other grains in bulk. After he drove to all the southwestern area pharmacies.
It was inconvenient to buy medicine online, especially those with specific prerequisites. Luo Xun could buy first supplies online but for the others like anti-inflammatories and cold medicine he had to visit a pharmacy.
Each time he entered a pharmacy he only bought one or two boxes due to the limitations. However there are dozens of pharmacies, small and large in the area. How many could he hit? Thus Luo Xun spent the last sum of money on multi-purpose but hard to access drugs, along with some more common drugs and rice.
Using this method, Luo Xun could quietly amass a lot of medicine, the city is big enough for that. If he had enough money he could have gone through the entire city instead. He stacked and organized everything into the house. The puppy sniffed around and perked up, owner had come home early! Luo Xun had become more cautious when returning home since the puppy had attempted to run out the door.
"Don't run around! You could fall off the railing!"
Luo Xun huffed as he dropped the last bag of soil on the ground. His head hurt as he saw the filled living room. So many things, when would he have the time to organize it all? An unorganized room would never be clean!
Before, Luo Xun had purchased a number of buckets, boxes and aquariums online. After delivery, there was no walking space left. Fortunately the stacked boxes did not occupy much space. Being space efficient was a good thing. Luo Xun temporarily piled garden supplies on the terrace.
The rice, flour, oil and grains were heaped outside the kitchen door. The storage room next to the kitchen would be used as a nursery with higher temperatures to plant shade loving crops and maybe mushrooms. The balcony would cultivate fruits with the remaining space used for storing hardware and tools.
The living room was storage, Luo Xun placed three freezers along with a microwave oven, electric stove, small stone mill, peeler, manual meat grinder, manual sausage machine, distillation equipment, spare buckets and baskets. There was also a pile of bulk rice and noodle to the side.
On the second floor there was a small amount of instant food, vacuum sealed rice, noodles, grain, oil, sealed seed packets, a spare plastic pipe and a large amount of charcoal. In the large bedroom there were large cabinets, bed, a bedside table, small desk, a laptop and boxes of medicine. There's also spare clothing in the wardrobe, several sets of bedding and fabric packed in compression bags.
These things would always be useful, Luo Xun remembered the disaster of three to four years before the base reorganized the textile mills. At that time cotton, flax and other plants had large scale mutations. Raw materials became extremely scarce, people changed back to 'a pair of pants and a child'.
Behind the first floor staircase, Luo Xun hid barrels of recently bought gasoline and diesel due to restrictions of these goods. The demand for gasoline was not that high from what he remembered from being a part of an adventure group but it was still better to have some reserves.
Lastly on the second floor terrace he placed shelves above the patio, some have plants but others had been set aside for future use. Along with the shelves, small buckets with holes were placed alongside the terrace.
For these he could wait until spring to plant some crops according to weather conditions. A grill stood in the center of the terrace, circular with a new iron grille and filled with coal. When covered, a charcoal briquette burned faster than if open. If the sun was not strong enough or the sky was continuously cloudy, Luo Xun could feed charcoal to the fire. He would also use wood as fuel if reserves ran low.
By the time everything was prepared, it was mid-November. Luo Xun woke up and opened the tap to collect water. Not long ago Luo Xun hired someone to install solar water heaters, he also secretly added two on the small cistern roof.
Normally, by December the extras would have to be demolished because the weight is not safe and authorization for public uses would be needed. But for now, it is private property if the apocalypse does not occur Luo Xun would naturally remove the water tank. However if doomsday did occur as foretold, the water heaters would be a life saving measure.
The kitchen cabinets were filled with all sorts of things. Luo Xun joyfully rolled up his sleeves, hands covered in flour. How many years had it been since he cooked with white flour and rice? He did not get the chance in his previous life.
Before the apocalypse, Luo Xun bought all his food other than instant noodles. He could only fry and scramble eggs. He actually learned how to cook after the apocalypse but by then he had no chance. Ordinary people could not buy rice.
Now he had an abundance of ingredients, water and electricity! If not now, then would he be able to cook to his heart's desire. The puppy was sleeping with a full stomach, the milk was not the same as mother's but there were no thieving brothers or sisters!
The scent of cooking and the sound of owner's humming was very comfortable. Although she cannot huddle and snuggle with her brothers and sisters, yesterday owner bought a dog plush she can cuddle with while sleeping.
fluttered in the breeze above the living room. A section of sausage on top resembled a banner in full flight. The past few days were filled with drilling noises, now filled with the aroma of cooking. The 16th floor had changed so quickly.
Several handymen on the 14th floor balcony smelled the fragrance. One asked,
"Yesterday was pancakes, what is today's smell?"
"Guoba! My grandmother would cook it way more delicious than the supermarket!"
"What do you think they are doing? Why would they need to cook so much every day?"
"Maybe for lunchboxes?"
"Making lunchboxes and guoba?"
"There is no smell of side dishes."
"Who said that? Wasn't there such smells just yesterday?"
"It was 5:30 in the evening, someone must have been cooking dinner!"
Today's tasks were now complete! Luo Xun smiled as he removed the excess oil from the last piece of guoba. He was happy since he had used up half of the loose bulk rice. Bulk food is hard to store, especially in a home with many plants. He decided to make food in advance so the worms would have nutrients while digging through the soil.
Luo Xun installed a fan along with hoods for a gas stove outside the kitchen. Energy was always scarce, doubly so in an apocalypse. Therefore he needed to save electricity in order to avoid paying any fees to foreign parties.
For example, he had three freezers, one was vertical, the other two were horizontal. All three were large volume appliances with high energy saving capabilities. Right now only one is operational, filled with all kinds of meat bought from the supermarket.
All the bulbs were replaced with energy saving variants. Luo Xun also stockpiled candles, alcohol and so on. Back in the living room, the puppy saw Luo Xun and climbed his leg, shaking her tail merrily while begging for hugs.
Luo Xun picked up the puppy and gave her chin rubs while lounging on the couch. His body stank of sweat but Luo Xun felt too tired and lazy to change clothes. He also cannot be bothered since he was alone and the puppy could not abandon him.
There were two fish tanks next to the sofa, one had several fish and other had shrimp. These were not ornamental aquatic creatures but ones bought at the market. Luo Xun did not know the exact care methods but they were living, cheap and easy to bring home. The fish and shrimp species were not known due to small size. The next day half died, the rest dwindled down to four fish and three shrimp remaining.
The eight quails were held in a modified aquarium tank next to the balcony window. Luo Xun had specially bought mealworms for the birds to be stored in a separate tank. The animals were easy to raise, pad the ground and give vegetables. Luo Xun did not know when the quails would lay eggs.
Luo Xun fished out his cellphone and aimlessly surfed the Internet while glancing at his meat stores. With 2080 yuan left, Luo Xun planned to go out the day before doomsday to buy a bunch of ready made snacks and takeaway. In between now and the apocalypse, there was not much to do other than preparing food and playing with the puppy.
In less than 10 days, the world would greatly change. It was unknown how many people would die during the apocalypse. His fingers subconsciously inputted words and Luo Xun was drawn to one of the search results.
On November 22 "How to make/use technology during the apocalypse" was created in a forum. The content was very detailed, starting from well-known protective measures to teaching people how to repurpose existing household items, water purification and stretching food stores. The thread attracted a large crowd of onlookers.
The thread was active with sudden and spontaneous additions. Each time the writer went online, followers would happily find new content. Moderators rated it highly since there were no prophecies, rumor spreading or telemarketing; just teaching people on further uses of existing household items.
Afterall many things are readily available at home. Even if most did not believe the apocalypse would come, it was not a bad idea to grow sprouts, garlic and cherry tomatoes at home. Even if the plants were not eaten, they could be used for greenery beside the computer.
Home planting had been quietly popular in current society. Housewives afraid of potentially unsafe produce were the first to try. The tension increase since the title included 'apocalypse'. Quite a few inquired about the topic which drew in people with planting experience.
Luo Xun felt faint regret as he looked out from his home. Was the post made too late? Would more people have been helped if he posted earlier?
No, it was not too late. Luo Xun posted the day's content and scratched the sleepy puppy. Interested people would naturally experiment and check other posts. The uninterested would do nothing even if someone predicted the apocalypse.
No one would believe conspiracy theories without proof. Even knowing that the apocalypse would start on November 28, Luo Xun was willing to believe that his past life was nothing but a dream.
It was November 26, 11 in the evening according to the phone clock. Tomorrow he would go out one last time, the next day doomsday began. On November 27 at 8 in the evening the writer posted the last forum post.
Many onlookers arrived early, refreshing the page in wait of new information and tips. People had tried planting home crops, some bought distillation equipment. These were hands on activities people had not done since leaving school science labs. At 8 o'clock the new post appeared. Some reread the entire post since the contents were very shocking.
Today is the last post because after midnight on November 27, that is November 28, the apocalypse will arrive.
The author advises the following: if you live with someone, it is best to stay in separate rooms and lock the doors since zombies cannot turn knobs by themselves. If you have pets, best keep them in cages or separate rooms because once a zombie their lethality surpasses imagination.
Those who see this message should store up as much tap water as possible since the author does not know when the water gets contaminated. Saving water costs nothing, tomorrow everyone can have a water party.
Other precautions have been described. Even if the previously mentioned items like food and medicine are not prepared, first aid maneuvers can be used until a rescue team arrives. Believe it, zombies will appear.
P.S. The author hopes this prediction is false and we all see the light of day tomorrow.
The reply surprised everyone who shifted to a "it is like that" mindset. Someone had speculated that the posts would lead people along then drop a bombshell. This kind of trick is common online, especially in conspiracy forums.
Up until now, the writer had been teaching them while cultivating worry but the final post made people think "hogwash as expected". The last message was deleted after some discussion at 8:21 p.m.
On November 28 at midnight, the sky quietly turned dark red, some noticed but thought it was normal. Luo Xun stood in front of the bedroom window, the puppy was in her cage, the small quails in separate containers and the few fish and shrimp in individual buckets. Even the worms and plants were separated from each other.
Tonight had the same red sky, the same dark atmosphere. Gradually a dark green light shined in all directions as snow began to fall.
Luo Xun stared blankly at the sky then crawled into bed. In his past life he did not turn into a zombie or develop powers. Right now he could care less about powers, he just hoped he did not wake up a zombie...
That same night, Yan Fei cooly watched several directors arguing about a project in the conference room. When he turned to look out the window he saw a flash of green light and sucked in a breath.
"Yan Fei?"
"Finish this tomorrow." An unknown feeling rose in his heart, Yan Fei felt something ominous, a sense of danger and anticipation.
Change was coming, the prelude to a cataclysm. He was not clear if the omen was good or bad. A change for the better or a descent into an abyss of depression and helplessness.
The sunlight shined without mercy with no choice but to wake up. Luo Xun blinked a few times then threw himself out of bed to stare outside. Apocalypse! Doomsday! The end of the world had arrived!
In his past life, Luo Xun had not witnessed the very start but some of his companions had mentioned it while fleeing. He still remembered his self blame,
"If I had known that the apocalypse was coming, I would have prepared in advance! Instead I was living complacently in a bubble. I thought it was a trick of light when green flashed across the computer screen but then the machine shut down. Many became zombies and went after each other."
Now he saw it with his own eyes. First Luo Xun checked his hands, normal with small wounds and rough skin from days of labour. Then he closed his eyes and meditated – no feeling at all. He picked up a heavily modified, spiked baseball bat. He is still just an ordinary person. Luo Xun stuck close to the walls, fully alert and grasping the bat.
He headed to the patio, opened the sliding door and peeked inside. Some of the crops had transformed. From the thirty-three seedlings dispersed across four shelves, six had turned maroon exuding a gray atmosphere, definitely contaminated. The maroon plant was now inedible and highly toxic with a possibility of turning into a zombie if consumed.
Luo Xun used rubber gloves to pluck the contaminated plants and threw them into a pot in the corner to be burned. Other than the contaminated plants, four looked strange; two golden yellow, one bright red and one silver gray.
Luo Xun removed these plants and transferred them to a separate shelf. Mutated plants may not bear fruit or become more productive. Usually the mutation created a completely different plant species.
No problems on the second floor. After checking each room, Luo Xun grabbed his homemade mace and slowly descended the stairs.
*Bark! Bark!* Luo Xun froze, looked down then felt relief.
The three shrimp had all turned belly up, there had not been enough oxygen inside the buckets. One of the four fish had become a zombie. The fish had been placed in the corners of a box. Two had suffocated and the zombie fish had the eaten the last, only leaving bones.
The puppy barked and growled at the box. Luo Xun strode forward and smashed the zombie fish with the bat, with that all the aquatic creatures had died.
"You're fine." Luo Xun smiled and petted the dog. He did not feel sad about the fish, the puppy was the greatest gain.
"I'll feed you again later. Wait a while." He spoke in a gentle tone. The puppy tilted her head curiously.
All eight quail stayed normal inside their containers. No losses! The same applied to the worms, no change but they protested when Luo Xun dug them out.
"Such stubborn vitality..." Luo Xun put them back with a sigh.
Finally he inspected the balcony. One of the apple seedlings was contaminated and one of the orange seedlings had mutated. Though three pepper plants and one star anise seedling were also sacrificed, Luo Xun felt very satisfied with the results. He burned the dead fish and contaminated plants on the terrace before checking the nursery.
Sadly, most of the nursery mushrooms had mutated. Luo Xun needed to get rid of these bright red poisonous mushrooms as soon as possible. Fortunately he had known that mushrooms were suitable from his past experience.
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