《Fragments of Time ( A Disney Twisted Wonderland x OC story) Book I》4.7 (final) - A New Beginning
I woke up to be greeted by sunlight filtered through the room, my wounds scabbing over, and the Grimoire floating in front of me, flipping to the same page, but with different writing.
"Wow. Number two is achieved." I smiled faintly, watching the book move back into my bag.
I had gotten dressed in shorts and the red top outfit from yesterday, the clothes cleaned of any dirt. But decided to throw my hair up back in a ponytail. Tying on the bandana was difficult due to my arms being stiff from the wraps. I bandaged the wounds with fresh gauze and healing ointment, courtesy of the ghost nurse in the infirmary, before I left my room. But for some reason, I felt like my stamina had been restored overnight, as if yesterday's melee never happened.
But it did....
I couldn't help but let my thoughts rest on Xedok. Who was he exactly? How long has he known Ophelia? What kind of power does he hold?
As if my thoughts were read, I heard Ophelia.
'I know you have many questions, my dear Charlotte. And I promise you, you will know them in due time. But now it seems that my worst fears have been confirmed....The Dark Lord, Acheron, is somewhere in this world, and he's alive, aiming to achieve life once again...'
"The one from the story?"
'Yes. The same Dark Lord who killed the Seers way before you were born. I can't believe it....'
"But...How is he alive?! You said the three survivors killed him!"
'That's what I'm confused about too...there's so many questions and such few answers....and now that Xedok knows you're here, and holding the power....your life could be in danger...'
'Acheron will send his spies on you to gather everything there is about you...so that he can trap you, and take what's his.'
"But I thought you said my powers can't be stolen unless someone holds the same blood like me. And that feeling....when I nearly lost control....what was that?" But before she could say anything, I saw Jamil walking towards me.
'We'll talk Later. Now, there's something that needs to be handled.' Ophelia whispered as she vanished.
He stopped a few steps away from me, hands in his pockets. He didn't look me in the eye. I could tell he had a bit of nervousness running in his mind.
More awkward silence. Then-
"Listen, I....I-I never meant to hurt you. Honestly. Whatever Xedok did to me....it's like I wasn't in control...." Jamil ran a hand through his hair. "I-It was stupid of me to make that deal with him.....I know I won't be forgiven that easily, not after what I nearly did to you....and...."
"No." I spoke up. "I understand. You were at your wits end, and you want to Kalim gone. You were desperate for anything, and he fed off your fears and desires, which led to yesterday....but it's okay to feel fear. You're human, and we can't change it. But now that you and him are starting to turn things around, for better or worse, it's still a new start for you two. And you don't have anything to fear."
Jamil was silent as he looked at me.
"And yes....I can't forgive you that easily. Not after using me....and nearly stealing my powers....but.....I'm willing to give you a chance." I cupped his cheek. He stood stiffly at the sudden contact, but made no effort to move away. "You're a changed person, you're aiming for greater things than just mediocre, and you're giving it 100%.
That in itself means dedication, and dedication starts somewhere." I smiled lightly.
"Hey, Jamil! Charlie!!"
"Cmon, better get your ass in gear." I teased as I patted his cheek before skipping off.
Kalim clapped for everyone's attention.
"Okay! Now that Jamil is recovered, and all the winter break homework is finished, time to celebrate!" On Yea, I forgot to mention, all the homework is done at last! No more back breaking shit till January....
"You're never gonna get bored of these parties, are you?" Jamil have him a bored look.
"Now, now, it's alright. Everyone needs to let loose after a while.
The Leech bro's approaches saying everything is good to go.
"And with the elephants and peacocks, time to get to the oasis!" Kalim sprints off.
"Hey, you feeling okay? If you start feeling woozy, you can sit down."
"I said I'm fine" Jamil brushes off.
"Hey, Lil shrimp, Sealy, wanna go swimming~?"
"Not with the likes of you, pervert." I slapped his cheek slightly, and kept walking.
"Wow. Feisty." Jade smirked.
"Don't push yourself if you're in any pain." Azul reminded.
"Pass. Going into debt's gonna bite me in the ass. Also try not to evaporate in the desert. You may not be used to this weather."
"Well, they seem to be getting along great!"
"They're really not..."
"There it is."
"Finally! I wanna eat now!!"
"Race ya there!" And they took off.
"Jeez, how are they not tired?"
"I ask myself that all the time..." I agreed. But seeing the clear blue water surrounding the trees was enough to put me at rest.
"Let the festivities begin!" Kalim cheered.
All around people were having the time of their lives. Kalim dragged Jamil to the dance floor, while Floyd ran after, leaving Jade and Azul to themselves.
Charlie stood off to the sidelines, staring in contempt. Dangling her punch in one hand, she decided to rest before doing anything rambunctious.
"......eeeeeey! Heeeeeeey!!"
"What in the-?!" She turned to the sound of the voice.
"Who's running across the desert?" Grim squinted at two figures running like madmen.
"Ooooi! Charlie!!! Grim!!!" Ace shouted.
"You guys okay?!" Deuce followed.
"Ace?! Deuce?!" She dropped her cup of punch in surprise. The two idiots of Heartslabyul show up outta nowhere?!
"What...the hell is this place?! It's too damn hot!!" Ace panted, stopping to catch his breath.
"What are you guys doing here?!" She walked up to them, completely caught off guard.
"Whatcha mean 'what're we doing here'?! What's up with you?! You look like you went full-on she-devil!!" Ace spat back.
"You sent us a message that you were held prisoner in Scarabia. But we couldn't contact you after that!" Deuce explained.
Charlie felt her heart skip a beat in realization.
"Oh yea....we texted you guys...." Grim remembered. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd be of help to us. And you showed up too little too late..."
"Seriously?! The damn Door couldn't budge! We can't just warp our way over! We had to take public transport to get back here!!" Ace shrieked, tugging at his hair in frustration.
"Not sure what you've been through, and I'm afraid to ask...but now, you seem to be having fun. So, harm's way is not here, then." Deuce shrugged.
"Hey, Charlie! Are these your friends?" Charlie turned to see Kalim behind her.
"Hey, Kani-Chan! You're here!"
Charlie saw a look cross Ace's face. "Right....I didn't mention, but I'm on the basketball team with Floyd-senpai...and Jamil as well."
"Oh, wow! So any friend of Jamil's is a friend of mine!"
"Hey, I said I'm not your frie-and he's not listening. Again." Jamil sighed.
"Since you guys traveled a long way, stay here for the party!" Kim led them away.
"Shit! It's them!!" Ace tensed seeing Azul and Jade.
"What are they doing here?!" Deuce asked.
"We were in deep shit! What else?!" Grim fired.
"What he means is....we got some backup after 'certain events'." Charlie corrected the loudmouth.
"Now let Yours Truly spin the tale!" Grim leapt away from Charlie.
"Well, you're good, and that's all that matters." Ace smiles.
"You sure know how to cause a panic." Deuce blushed.
"So...you guys were worried about lil old me?" Charlie giggled.
"Eh, not exactly. I just played games at home and I got bored after." Ace blunts. Charlie gave an unimpressed look.
"But, I did say you could text us so there's that." Deuce coughed.
"You numbskulls...."
"Okay! Back to the party at hand! Let's go!!"
Everyone decided to stray off, but Kalim kept me alone as everyone else went their own way.
"Yea?" Suddenly, I was met with a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you!" Kalim sniffled.
"For what?" I asked as he pulled away and faced me, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.
"For....being there, fighting through so much even when you're strength is out, and...and....and a lot more than I can say!!" He wailed.
"Hey, shh, shh, it's okay. It's okay." I hushed him as I dabbled away his tears with a tissue I grabbed from my shorts pocket. "Besides, either way, whether I came to Scarabia or not, our paths would've crossed either way."
"You...think so?" He asked.
"Fate works in mysterious ways." I smiled.
"Yes....I guess it does!" Kalim smiled. "And....I guess this makes us friends?"
"Awesome! And....I remembered how that crown looked on you back when I showed you the treasure vault so....here! I swiped it from the vault before we came here! I want you to have it!" He placed the crown in my hands and I stared at it.
"Kalim....I can't accept this!"
"Nonsense! Just a little something to welcome a new friend and our new bond! And with someone who's got hidden powers! I never knew you had that! Now let's go! We're missing the party!!" He grabbed my hand and ran all the way to the dance floor while I laughed.
"He never changes...." Jamil sighed, having watched the exchange from afar, but held a small smile against his lips.
The snow crunches under our feet as the familiar landscape of the Ramshackle Dorm cane into view.
"Ugh! Finally, we're back!" Grim groaned.
"Feels like we've been gone for ages." I hummed, picking at my hoodie drawstrings. I shifted my bag on my shoulder, hearing the tiara clink inside. We decided to stay at Scarabia for a couple more days to let my wounds heal Thoroughly. When I felt like I could move without causing any bleeding, I was given the green light to head home.
"Hey! There you are!" The three ghosts swarmed their way to us.
"Even these old geezer-ghosts have never looked comforting after that experience..."
"We thought you went over to the other side, since you never returned after a long time. And we were worried sick!"
"It's so good to have you both back safe and sound!"
"We went ahead and handled giving the fire fae their daily logs!"
I stopped. "Oh shitzki....I forgot all about that. But no wonder we didn't come back to the school looking like it could be a part of the ice age." I shuddered.
"No way we're spending our time stuck in ice!"
"And the feast you were promised is here!"
"Nyaha!! Great! I gotta see it to believe it!" Grim pounced outta my arms and Bee-lined for the door, the ghosts following after.
"Oh! Back already?" I stopped, looking up to see...
"That's true. I'm the vice leader of Diasomnia, just to remind." He smiled as he landed right-side up in front of me. "And you must be Charlotte?" I nodded. "So I was right. Anyways, I came to deliver a card to you from someone unique." He winked in my direction, taking my hand and pressing a crisp envelope into it.
"Oh....uh, thanks?"
"He's been saddened since he ever received invitations towards any celebrations again this year. Don't forget to let him know should you happen to host one yourself." He took my hand and kissed the back. "Well, with that...it seems like my work here is done. I pray we cross paths once again." And he disappeared in a flash.
Caught off by the mysterious guy, I opened the card to see something completely vintage. And inside, the initials "M. D" were written in delicate cursive.
"Malleus Draconia...." I whispered, the name ghosting my lips like icicle shards. Why would he send me something like this....?
"Hey, Charlie!! Get in here! You're gonna miss out!" I heard Grim shouting from a window. I snapped out of it, seeing him, and let out a chuckle. I slipped the card into the crevices of my bag and jogged up the staircase and back into our humble abode.
Lilia stood outside the gate of the Ramshackle Dorm, staring at the place Charlotte stood not too long before he "vanished".
"So I was right....it is her." He nods, remembering her eyes. He sensed her aura, it was the same as hers. And her magic...it held something....electrifying.
He wasn't sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.
"Either way....she has returned. But it is not time to meet her yet. I've a strong feeling she'll be with us soon." He murmured before he poofed away.
A cloaked figure strode down the darkened hallway, the light from several oil lamps giving direction of the walls and corridors to where he was heading.
He turned corners and strode faster until a set of tall dark oak doors stood before him. He stared up, then reached for the brass handle. Lifting the knocker, he pounded the door three times, then once, and twice.
"Enter." A voice boomed.the doors creaked open inwards, as the air grew densely thick as the man strode in the room. He stopped about halfway into the room before kneeling on one knee, bowing his head in submission.
"Ah, Xedok....returned at last." The voice echoed. "So....what have you discovered?"
"Something quite revelating...." The hooded figure lifted his head, revealing cold light silvery eyes, nearly white, his ebony hair, fashioned into a medium-short ponytail falling over his shoulder like a curtain, and a cross between a frown and a smirk lingered on his face. ".....Lord Acheron."
After the feast that was promised I dunno what was more filling for a feast: The Luchessi Potluck every Easter or this! But either way, it was still satisfying.
It was nightfall before I knew it. After bidding the ghosts goodnight, I base my way upstairs. I fixed my pj sleeves after I rebraided my hair. Walking through the doorway, Grim was already passed out on the edge of the bed.
"That turkey....it's mine...." He mumbled sleepily.
I giggled at his sleep-like state. Time to turn in for the night I guess.
But then, the mirror started to glow again.
Now things were suspicious. I approached the mirror with some caution in case something shocking happened.
But I stepped on something.
"Fgyya!" I tended up, seeing Grim recoil with his tail under my foot. But he didn't wake up, to my relief. After I heard him let out a snooze, I crept to the mirror and looked inside.
The glass was foggy and a finger started poking at the mirror, which almost stretched like rubber. And then his silhouette appeared.
"It's him..." I breathed.
"Is someone there? Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm...Charlotte. Charlotte Luchessi." I answered.
"A name, that's Mysterious yet wonderful..." he said.
"And you must be..." I urged him on.
"I'm Mickey. Mickey Mouse." He said. "Is it that same dream again? It must be the third time this happened...I keep seeing living cards and a dancing music box, but.... Not this time. Now I can hear you quite clearly this time. Are you not a figment of imagination? Where are you?"
Suddenly, I got lightheaded, and tried to get out what he needed to hear. If he confirmed his identity, and my worst fear, then he needs to know.
"I'm in....Twisted Wonderland..."
The rays of morning hit my eyes.
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Та ид шид байдаг гэдэгт итгэдэг үү?Бас чөтгөр, шулам, сахиусан тэнгэр, шидтэн зэрэг хүмүүст итгэдэг үү?Тэд бүр бидний дэргэд энгийн хүмүүс адил амьдардаг бол яах вэ?Хүн хэзээ ч харагдаж байгаа шигээ байдаггүй юм.......тэдний дотор нуугдах асар том нууцbxb биш болно.
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