《Little Rizzo | Grease 1&2 Fanfiction》15


-May 6th 1961-

I am waitressing at the dinner and as i walk to the next table I see the second Cool Mysterious Rider sitting there waiting to be waited on.

CR2:"Deep voice".Hello again miss.

Calia:My name's Caliatra.

CR2:"Deep voice".Nice to meet you Caliatra.

Calia:What would you like to eat?.

CR2:2 Cheeseburgers and 2 sodas.

I smile and walk away for the orders thinking he's waiting for someine else.Soon i walk back to the table and put the orders on the table and he pays me.

CR2:How about you sit down Miss Caliatra.

Calia:Aren't you waiting for someone sir?.

CR2:Second order I got for you.You look hungry.

Calia:"Smiles".I perhaps could take a break.

I sit down to eat and the guy smiles at me as we both eat our meals.

CR2:When do you get off?.

Calia:10 minutes actually.

CR2:I'll wait for you then.I wanted to ask to take you for a ride.

Calia:Well as long as you get me back here within a few hours I think I may take your offer.

We finish our cheeseburgers and drinks and I wash the table and go to the others and Viola comes out from the back since we haven't had a buisy day.

Viola:Calia how about you leave early. Your shift ends in 5 anyway.

Calia:Thank you Vi.Mind if I keep my cycle in the garage for a few hours?.

Viola:Not at all dear."Looks at CR2".You be a gentleman Calia is special.

CR2:"Smiles".Yes indeed.I'll keep her out of trouble.


Me and CR2 go outside and he gets on his cycle and I take my helmet from mine and put it on and I get on the back of the motorcycle putting my arms around the mysterious rider.


CR2:You ready back there?.


CR2 drives off and we stop at an empty lot that looks over the Beach.We hop off his motorcycle and sit on the bay.We talk for an hour and soon we begin making out after awhile we hop back into rhe motorcycle.

Calia:Oh I can't stop shivering.

CR2:Then hold on.

Calia:That's what's making me shiver.

I put my hands around The cool riders waist as he takes off and soon we are back at the restraunt.

CR2:Well we are back on time.


Me and The cool rider stand in front of the restraunt when The T-Birds walk out and Johnny looks furious.The Cool Rider gets on his bike.

CR2:I'll be outside at the talent show."Drives off".

I look confused as he drives off...Howd he know about the talent show?.Is he a student at Rydel?.

Calia:"Looks at Tbirds".Hi.What are you guys doing?.

Johnny:So what's the story with the creep number 2 on the bike?.

Calia:What do you mean?.

Johnny:The story.The creep.

Calia:Nothing just took a ride.

Johnny:I catch you with that punk

one more time I'll rearrange his face.He's a dead man you know what I'm saying?. D-E-D!.

Johnny and the T-Birds get on their bikes and drive off.

Calia:Its spelt D-E-A-D!.

I know they can't hear me but I didn't know what else to say.

-May 24th 1961-

I am outside the school sitting on the bleachers reading a book when someone sits down next to me.I look up to see Almanzo.

Almanzo:I keep putting notes in your locker,Waiting for you at your motorcycle and you still havent talked to me at all and I want to know why.Its been months and I don't see why your ignoring me.I thought we were friends.I thought you didn't care what the T-Birds or Pink Ladies thought.


Calia:Talent show auditions.

Almanzo looks at me.

Calia:Ask Michael.He knows what you've done.

Almanzo:Why don't you tell me?.

Calia:You didn't come see me.You were to caught up in talking to that girl.You were supposed to be there as a support.You promised you'd be there for me and you left me on the side lines.Friends don't do that.

I get up and Almanzo stares at me.

Calia:If you excuse me I have rehearsal and have to find a dress to wear.I'm kind of seeing someone now and I want to surprise them at Talent Show night.

I walk down the bleachers staring at my feet saddened.Normally I don't act like this but lately it's been hard controlling my emotions...After rehearsal I go home and enter the place to see my 6 months pregnant sister cooking.The pregnancy was surprise to everyone.Kenickie and Betty wanted to wait to have kids but the universe had other plans.

Calia:Hey Betty.How is baby Murdoch?."Smiles".

Rizzo:The babies fine.In fact we learnt the babies a boy.

Calia:Oh you are gonna have your hands full.

Rizzo:"Chuckles".I know but we weren't any better.

Calia:What's Ma and Dad think?.

Rizzo:They are glad there will be a boy in the family.How was school?.

Calia:Well Almanzo tried talking to me again and i may have said some hurtful things.

Rizzo:Oh Caliatra.

Calia:I know.I know...Everythings just so messed up.I fell in love with him and then this guy on a motorcycle along with another guy show up out of no where and I fall in love with one of them too and now I just don't know what I'm doing.I can't be with Almanzo and after earlier he probably hates me.I told him he wasn't a good friend that he left me on the side lines all because I saw him with another girl which broke my heart cause I thought we had something going.

I groan and sit on the couch and cover my face with my hands.

Rizzo:You know if you told mom all this she would say...

Calia:You are old enough to fix your own problems.


Calia:Why can't life just be simple?.

Rizzo:If you find out let me know.

Me and my older sister look at each other and we laugh.

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