《Little Rizzo | Grease 1&2 Fanfiction》8


-January 5th 1960-

I enter the lunch room and I sit by Stephanie Zinone who is sitting next to her boyfriend Johnny Nogerelli. Sharon Cooper sits across from me with her boyfriend Louis Dimocci and next to him is Goose Mckenzie and next to Sharon is Paulette Rebchuck and Davey Jaworski and next to Goose is Rhonda Ritter.

Stephanie:So Caliatra how is your sister and her new husband?.

Calia:They are great. They are excited for me to move in with them in May. They have a bedroom all set up for me but won't let me see it. Kenickie is always liking to surprise me.

Sharon:Yeah like when he gifted you the motorcycle. I think it's very dangerous for you to be on that thing.

Calia:You know Sharon that is hypocritical when you go for rides on them.

The new T-Birds laugh at my come back and Sharon stares.

Calia:Besides I'm very good on motorcycles I've beat every guy who I've come across so far in races.I am very careful on it.

Paulette:Yeah so careful she almost ran into one of the old T-Birds.

Calia:Hey Sonny was getting on my nerves I had to scare him a bit.

Everyone laughs and i smile.

Rhonda:How are him and Marty?.

Calia:So far so good last I heard. They are taking things slow and focusing on college.

Davey:And what about your old friend Doody?."Smirks".

Calia:Well he's in college and since him and Frenchy are on a break he's been seeing other girls just like Frenchy has been seeing other guys.

Louis:What about the others?.

Calia:Jan and Putzie plan to marry after college and Danny and Sandy plan to marry in May.

Stephanie:Must've been fun at the wedding.

Calia:Yeah felt like old times. We went out for drinks and went to the park to celebrate.


Goose:"Teasingly".How was Doody?.

Calia:That's in the past.

Johnny:Yeah right.

Calia:I helped him get the girl and he did that's all there is to the story.What me and him did that summer didn't mean a thing.

Davey:Oh a real heart breaker aren't you.

Calia:"Sassily".Well I just might be.

Everyone laughs and we enjoy the rest of our lunch and day of school.

-May 9th 1960-

I go to the beach and see a nice set up for the wedding tommorow and see my sister and our friends.

I look over by them and see Sandy and Danny with a person my age talking to him.

I go over to my sister and our friends and they greet me.

Putzie:Hey you cut your hair.

Calia:Yeah Frenchy cut it for me.


Calia:I decided I needed a change.

Marty:It looks good.

Calia:Thank you.

Sandy,Danny and the teen boy walk over to us.

Calia:Hey guys."Smiles".

Sandy:Hello Caliatra.

Danny:Hey Little Rizzo.

Sandy:Cali this is my cousin Michael Carrington.



Frenchy:So tommorow is the big day!.


Danny wraps an arm around Sandy's shoulder and pulls her in kissing her head.

Doody:Wow first Rizzo and Kenickie and now you two.

Sonny:Who's next?.

Kenickie:Probably Jan and Putzie.

Rizzo:Or Caliatra.

Calia:I haven't even met anyone.

Doody:Well maybe you will.


-May 10th 1960-

Frenchy is Sandy's bridesmaid and Kenickie is Danny's best man.Sandy and Danny kiss as husband and wife and everyone celebrates.Music plays as all the couple's dance and I watch.Michael walks over to me.



The song Those Magic Changes begins to play.

Michael:May I ask your hand to dance.


Calia:You may.

I take Michael's hand and we begin to dance as the music plays. We tell eachother about our lives and we tell each other funny stories.As the celebration goes on Michael and I have become like siblings just like Me and Kenickie have.

-September 1st 1960-

I wake up when my alarm clock goes off and I get up putting on my first day of school clothes.

Afterwards I grab my sunglasses.

I then put on my lemon verbena and go to the kitchen to eat a bagel as Betty washes the dishes from last night's dinner.

Calia:Good morning.

I grab a bagel and put some jam on it.

Rizzo:Good morning sunshine."Chuckles".

Calia:Is this how it's gonna be every school day this year?."Takes bite of bagel".

Rizzo:Hey I need the practise roll of embarrassing mom.

Calia:"Chuckles".Of course you do.

We hear a car horn and we look outside to see Frenchy who will be taking a chemistry exam this year.

Calia:Well that's my cue.

Rizzo:Have fun ruling the school.

Calia:"Smirks".With pleasure.

I grab my books and I leave the house and get greeted by Frenchy.

Frenchy:Good morning Cali.

Calia:Good Morning French.

I hop into Frenchy's car and soon we are off the the highschool.

Frenchy:So we'll be meeting Sandy's cousin at the busses today.

Calia:I can't believe you didn't tell me till last minute that he's moved here. Half this summer I could have spent time with him. You know he's like a brother to me.

Frenchy:"Chuckles".I'm sorry I had no idea he didn't tell you.

Calia:Well he's paying for not telling me too.I just need to think of a punishment.

Frenchy:Oh of course he broke the code."Playfully".

Calia:A big code."Playfully".

Me and Frenchy both laugh and soon we are in the school yard. I grab my things from the car and Frenchy hands me a bag that has my name on it.

Frenchy:I thought this could help.

Calia:Thank you.

I put my things in the bag and we begin to walk on the sidewalk towards the busses as everyone heads on to the school ground.

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