《Your The One That I Want | Grease Movie》2


-Kayra's P.O.V-

Kayra:Romantic huh?.

Sandy:"Nods then sings". Summer Lovin happened so fast.Met a boy cute as can be.Summer days Drifting away.To uh oh those Summer nights

The girls:"Singing".Tell me more,tell me more

Marty:"Sings".Like does he have a car?.

The girls:"Sings".Uh-huh,uh-huh,uh-huh, uh-huh.

Sandy:"Sings".He ran by me got my suit damp.He showed off splashing around.Summer sun,something's begun.But uh oh those Summer nights.

The girls:"Sings".Wella,wella,wella huh.Tell me more,tell me more.

Frenchie:"Sings".Was it love at first sight?.


The girls:"Sings".Doobie-doo,doobie-doo, doobie-dum.Doobie-doo,doobie-doo, doobie-dum.

Sandy:"Sings".We went strolling drank lemonade.We stayed out till ten o'clock.Summer fling don't mean a thing.

Rizzo pushes Sandy over into some bins and us girls help her up.

The girls:"Sings".Tell me more,tell me more.

Rizzo:Cause he sounds like a drag.

The Girls:"Sings".Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop,Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop,Shuda-bop-bop, shuda-bop-bop,Shuda-bop-bop yeah!.

Sandy:"Sings".He got friendly,holding my hand...He was sweet just turned 18.Summer heat boy and girl meet.But uh oh those summer nights.

The girls:Tell me more,tell me more.

Jan:How much dough did he spend?.

Sandy:"Sings".It turned colder that's where it ends.Then we made our true love vow.Summer dreams,Ripped at the seams.But...Oh.Those summer Nights.


After lunch we are all heading inside for the rest of the day of school.

Jan:He sounds real nice.

Rizzo:True love and he didn't lay

a hand on you?.Sounds like a creep.

Sandy:He wasn't.He was a gentleman.

Kayra:What was his name?.

Sandy:Danny.Danny Zuko.

Jan and Marty Giggle at Sandy's answer.

Rizzo:Well I think he sounds peachy keen.Maybe if you believe in miracles.Prince charming will show up again someday.Somewhere unexpected.See you later.Come on girls.

Sandy:Do you really think so Frenchie?.


Kayra:Er...Sandy I think we outta get to class.

After school I am at my locker collecting my jacket and I see a hand land on the locker next to mine and I look up to see the boy from class.


???:Hey there.


???:Whats ya name?.

Kayra:Kayra Walker.

???:I'm Kenickie Murdoch.


Kenickie:New here?.


Kenickie:"Looks around".I gotta go...Just wanted to say you look hot."Leaves".

Kenickie leaves me at my locker blushing at his comment and I smile as I close my locker door.



September 4th 1958-

On Friday we are all at the Pep Rally and bands are playing.

Cheerleader's:"Chanting".Do the splits,give a yell,Show a little spirit for old Rydell,Way to go,red and white,Go Rydell, fight, fight, fight!.

McGee:And now...Quiet please.Quiet everyone.Now boys and girls the man of the hour.The coach we're all depending on to pull Rydell out of a 7 season slump our very own Coach Calhoun.

Everyone cheers as Coach Calhoun takes the stage.

Calhoun:Who's the best?.


Calhoun:Give em hell Rydell.I just wanna tell you students that we have a banner year comingup.Because my boys are primed,really primed,because I primed 'em.Not only primed,they're honed.Honed to a sharp razor-edge.We're not just going out there to win.We're going out there for glory.And when we get out there,we're gonna yank 'em and tear 'em and rip 'em.We'll take 'em and roll 'em around and rip 'em up to pieces!.Then we're gonna slaughter em.And after the slaughter is over, we're gonna come back here and ring that victory bell.Like we always wanted to.

Sandy:Thanks Frenchie.

Frenchie:That's alright.You were great out there.

Sandy:I messed up I was so nervous.

Kayra:Oh no your split was divoon.

Rizzo:Hi Sandy.

Sandy:Oh Hi Rizz.Hi girls.

Rizzo:We got a surprise for you.

Sandy:What is it?.

Rizzo begins to lead us away.

Jan:You'll see.Right Rizz?.

Frenchie:Let me comb your hair down."Combs Sandy's hair".

Sandy:Where are we going?.

Jan:Want a little lipstick?.

Rizzo leads us over to a parking lot and soon we are in front of a group of guys and one of them is Kenickie.

Rizzo:Hey Zuko.I got a surprise for you.

Danny:Oh yeah?.


Jan pushes Sandy to the front of the group to see him.




Danny:What are you doing here?.I thought you were back in Australia.

Sandy:We had a change of plan.

Danny:I can't..."Looks at his friends".That's cool baby.You know how it is.Rockin and rollin and what not.


Danny:That's my name don't wear it out.

Sandy:What's the matter with you?.

Danny:What's the matter with me?.What's then matter with you?.

His friends chuckle behind Danny.

Sandy:What happened to the Danny Zuko I met at the beach?.

Danny:Well I do not know.Maybe there's two of us right?.Why don't you take out a missing-persons ad or...try the Yellow pages?.I don't know.

Sandy:You're a fake and a phoney.I wish I'd never laid eyes on you."Throws her pom Poms down and runs".



I run after Sandy along with Frenchie.

Sandy:He was so nice to me this summer.

Frenchie:Listen Sandy men are rats.Listen to me.They're fleas on rats.

Kayra:Worse than that they're amoebas on fleas on rats.

Frenchie:I mean they're too low for even the dogs to bite.The only man a girl can depend on is her daddy.You know what you need?.A night out with the girls.We're having a sleep-over at my house tonight.Wanna come?.

Sandy nods and we smile that we had cheered her up.

Frenchie:Good.You'll love it.Kayra you can Come too.Come on.


Later that night at the sleepover we are having a good time.

Kayra:Hey look at Jan.

Jan:"Impersonating a commercial".Brush-a, brush-a,brush-aGet the new Ipana,With the brand-new flavour,It's dandy for your teeth.Brush-a,brush-a,brush-a,New Ipana toothpaste.Brush-a,brush-a,brush-a.Knocks out decay germs fast.Fast,fast,you sure are right.

Marty throws a Stuffed Animal at Jan making me laugh.

Marty:Turn it off.

Jan throws the stuffed animal at Rizzo.

Rizzo:Hey hand me a ciggie butt.

Frenchie hands Rizzo a cigarette.

Marty:Oh yeah me too.

Frenchie:Want one Sandy?.

Sandy:I don't smoke.

The girls:You don't?.

Rizzo:Go ahead try it.It won't kill ya.

Sandy takes it and smokes it but coughs.

Rizzo:Oh I forgot to say you shouldn't inhale unless you're used to it.

Frenchie:Sandy let me teach you how to French inhale.It's really cool watch."Smokes then blows out some smoke".

Jan:God that is the ugliest Iooking thing I ever saw.

Frenchie:The guys really go for it.It's how I got my nickname.

Rizzo:Sure it is.

We all chuckle at Rizzo's comment.

Rizzo:"Takes out a wine bottle".Ok how about a little sneakyPete to get the party going?.

All of us but Sandy cheer.

Jan:"Reading the bottle".Italian Swiss Colony?.Wow it's imported.I brought twinkies.Anybody want one?.

Marty:Twinkies and wine?.That's real class Jan.

Jan:"Showing her".It says right here it is a dessert wine."Sips some".

Rizzo:"Hitting her with a paper bag".Hey Sandy didn't get any wine.

Sandy:Oh that's ok.

Rizzo:I bet you never had a drink before either.

Sandy:I had champagne at my cousin's wedding once.


Jan:What's wrong?.We don't got cooties.

Sandy takes a big sip of wine.

Frenchie:Hey Sandy.Would you like me to pierce your ears for ya?.

The girls:Da,Da,Da.

Frenchie:Shut up!.

The girls:Da!.

Sandy:Isn't it awfully dangerous?."Hiccups".

Frenchie:I know what I'm doing.I'm going to be a beautician.

Rizzo:What's the matter?.You afraid?.

Sandy:No I'm not.

Marty:"Handing something to Frenchie". Here Frenchie use my virgin pin.

Jan:Yeah its nice to know It's good for something.

Sandy:Oh Frenchie I think It's not a good idea.

Frenchie:It's ok.

Sandy:My father won't like it."Screams".

Frenchie:Sandy let's go into the bathroom.My mother'll kill me if I get blood on the carpet.

Frenchie leads Sandy over to the bathroom.


Frenchie:It only bleeds for a second.

Sandy:Frenchie I don't feel very well.

Rizzo:Don't worry.If she screws up she can fix your hair so your ears don't show.

Frenchie leads Sandy into the bathroom and we can still hear Frenchie.

Frenchie:Sandy,Sandy beauty is pain.

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