《THE SANDLOT preferences》Realizing you guys like eachother (preference)


(your POV)

The way he defended Smalls made your appreciation for Benny stronger. He was kind, sweet, and just down right a great human being. This little action, which was actually a big one, made your interest for Benny stronger. During the game you couldn't stop admiring him. You realized you liked him.

(His POV)

I saw how she looked at me when I defended Smalls. Her pooling e/c eyes glowed with joy. She smiled and boy, that smile was like an energy drink for me. It made me push myself during this round of baseball. I wanted to impress her. I realized how much I liked y/n.

(your POV)

I remembered what Smalls told me about when He showed me to the sandlot. He said they laughed at him and that he felt discouraged. I felt bad for him and so I hugged him knowing that it might make him feel better. He hugged back. I grew to like him. I liked him.

(His POV)

Y/n was there to comfort me and I could never ask for anything right then and there. She has been nothing but kind and sweet and just amazing. I liked her as friend. When she hugged me I knew I liked her for more than a friend.

I told everyone about y/n and I realized I talked about her a lot. She was so much fun at the pool. I guess I did like her. I smiled at the thought of her.

I was still surprised that y/n knew a lot about baseball. It was rare for a girl to like things like that but the thought of that made me grew to like her.

y/n was all I could think about. She grew to accept my brother and I'd close relationship and thought it was sweet. I knew that I grew a soft spot for her and I was accepting of that.



(your POV)

He threw so fast. He was kind. Cunning. And sweet. This boy was on your mind FOR THE LONGESTYou liked Kenny... a lot.

(His POV)

I was thinking of many ways on how to impress her. I already knew she liked how fast I could throw so maybe I should learn how to throw multiple at a fast pace. I realized that I liked her so much that I wanted to do everything for her.

y/n is sweet and pretty cute. She was also interested in the sport I loved so much. She thought my constant repeats of "yeah yeah" was adorable. Her smile makes me hot and I knew I liked her.

the lifeguard was ok but y/n is GORGEOUS. I could see her and I having a great life together if she did like me. But I like her and maybe I'll get lucky.

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