《The Sandlot(BxB)》Chapter 1


"Be quick, you know I get bored easily"

"Okay, okay I'll be quick. What so serious about playing cards anyway?"

"You're not here to play them with me, duh"

"Oh whatever"

He smiled and got up from the floor to go and make his chocolate milk.

Scotty is so weird. I mean just make hot chocolate and put it in the freezer.

It caught my interest in why he wanted to talk to his stepdad, Bill. He was suspicious to me but Scotty just says he's just a regular old guy. I sure hope so.

After he left the room I let curiosity get the best of me and I slowly followed behind him towards Bill's trophy room.

When he knocked on the ajar door, I wasn't far behind him so I forced myself to stay quiet.


"... Dad? I-I mean Bill. Do you remember you-you promised me you'd teach me how to play catch?"


"W-well, can you teach me?"

"... Sure"

Silence filled the room and neither of them said anything until Scott broke it.

"... Okay!"



More silence came and I creeped behind Scott to look into the doorway. Bill looked back at Scott basically asking him if he was done talking to him. Scott almost backed into me when Bill didn't say anything and basically started staring him down.


I stood back so he didn't bump into me completely and he left the door slightly cracked. He looked back into the room through the door. I couldn't see what he was looking at but eventually he turned around and looked up at me jumping backwards. Some of his chocolate milk sloshed around in the glass, almost coming out on to his hand. I must have scared him because he looked terrified.


I bursted into laughter at the look on his face while he furrowed his eyebrows and slapped my arm

We went back to his room. More like he stormed into his room, mad at me for scaring him and me half sincerely apologizing to him while laughing at the same time.

"Don't do that ever again!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Why are you still laughing!"

"Cause it's funny!"

"You know what, I'm not playing cards no more"

"What! Don't be like that!"

"No, I'm going to sleep"

"But if you go to sleep, then I go to sleep and that's not fun!"

"Oh well"

He jumped into his bed making it bounce him up and he was under the covers with his back turned to me.


He didn't answer me after that and I sighed basically defeated. I walked over to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers down. I laid down next to Scotty and he had his eyes closed.

"Scott get up!"

I listened to his breathing and it was even. I wouldn't be surprised if he could asleep this early. He always goes to sleep super quickly.

I sighed heavier, fully defeated now that he's actually sleeping. I turn my back to him and close my eyes letting my own sleep take hold of me.

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