《Girls Like Me (BENNY RODRIGUEZ)》Chapter 9


Benny walks to school feeling horrible. He can't help but cry because he feel like his father was right on what he said before he left. That Benny would be just like him. That no matter what Benny does. He would have the blood of cheater in his blood.

"Hey Benny are you okay " Eliza walk up to him

Benny looked at Eliza and realize that he loved Eliza and only Eliza But it's kinda too late for that.

"Um yeah Eliza don't worry about it" Benny smile weakly

"Alright well if you need anything. I'm here " Eliza said kissing his cheek and walking away

"Benny just the guy I need to talk to" Riley walk up to Benny smirking

"Look Riley what happened yesterday in that class room was a huge mistake. I don't feel anything for you. I only love Eliza and only her. So please forget about. I will tell Eliza about what happened. Hopefully she doesn't hate me that much but please just forget it " Benny beg

"Can't do Benjamin I have pictures that shows that you were very willing kissing me and fucking me. Anyways the freak of the those twins invite us to their little lame ass camp out. Jenny got asked about to play true or dare. She got pick you and she got dare you to kiss the girl you are in love which will be me"Riley said full on smirking

"What if I don't do it"Benny cross his arms

"Right there and then we will show the pictures to your lovely Eliza " Riley smiling fake

"Black mail me all you want. I don't care because I'm always one step ahead of you"Benny said walking away

Benny walk up to the sandlot boys

"Guys. I need you to skip class today. I need help"Benny said to all the boys. The Boys never fail to back up Benny whenever he needs so they did what he told them


They went to Tommy and Timmy tree house

"Guys I need to tell you something" Benny said going in front of the group once every one was sitting

"What is it" Hamm asked

"I cheated on Eliza "Benny looked down

"WHAT" all the boys yell

"With Riley but I didn't mean to okay. Look Riley and her friend Jenny were invited here for the camp out. Jenny is got said to play truth or dare. When we all are sit she got asked me to kiss the girl I'm in love. I have two choices

One kiss Riley and hurt Eliza

Two kiss Eliza but Riley got show pictures of me cheating on her.

I'm got do the second one.

I need you guys to hold back Jenny and Riley so I can tell Eliza the truth before they can" Benny said losing his breath

"But are you got tell that you cheated on her" Yeah Yeah asked

"Yes I am and hopefully she won't hate as much." Benny said sadly

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