《The Mandalorian x Reader》27)


It's been over a year since I posted anything for this fic, but I'm gonna try to complete it 😅😅

Mando's P.O.V.

I leaned on both IG11 and Y/N as I guided us through the sewers, realising it was probably not a great idea to send Cara and Greef down into the sewers with the child, considering they had no idea where they were going.

I was feeling a lot better than I had earlier and my main focus was on getting the child to safety and finding Y/N a doctor so she could have her sight restored.

We turned a corner and came face to face with Cara, Greef and the child, causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

"Y/N, Mando." Cara came forward and I let go of the droid as Cara handed him the child.

"I got you." She wrapped her arm around me and I kept my arm around Y/N as Cara led us forward.

"Are the two of you...?" Greef trailed off, following us.

"We're fine. I think." Y/N muttered and we began to make our way through the sewers.

"Do you know which way to go?" Greef asked and I looked at Y/N briefly.

She didn't look much different from when I took my helmet off, but I had meant what I had said. She was beautiful. I had always thought she was, but being in a relationship with her was unrealistic.

I was a Mandalorian and she was a bounty hunter. Y/N could never see me without my helmet on and with every job we did, we risked our lives.

I was just grateful she was willing to stay by my side.

"No." I admitted.

"I don't know these tunnels." Greef suggested following the smell of sulphur to make it up to the plains where the river flows.


"The imps will catch us before we make it to the ship." Y/N sighed and I hummed in agreement.

"We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety."

"This place is a maze!" Cara huffed in frustration.

"Stop." I ordered, feeling a little more stable.

"I can stand."

"The bacta infusion is working." IG11 spoke up as Cara let go of me.

I could sense Y/N's hesitation and I looked at her carefully. She moved as if she was going to step away, but I didn't let her. I needed her by my side.

"I'll try to find tracks. Stay close." I muttered the last part to Y/N. I couldn't let her out of my sight, not after she got poisoned and I didn't even notice.

I scanned the floor, immediately finding footprints leading into the next tunnel.

"Through here."

Y/N's P.O.V.

"I can stand." Mando spoke softly and I heard Cara step away from him.

It was weird, being blind. I had always relied on my other senses when working, sometimes jobs were done in the pitch black and I had no choice but to rely on them, but this was different. I couldn't just open my eyes and see. It was terrifying.

I wasn't sure if Mando wanted me to step away or not, like Cara had done. I was just slowing him down anyway and he needed to lead us to the Mandalorians.

I tried to step away, but his hold on my waist tightened and he pulled me closer into his side.

"The bacta infusion is working." I tried to push down the butterflies that exploded in my stomach and focus on the mission, but it was difficult, knowing he was so close.

I knew I had feelings towards Mando, but I couldn't think about that.


With the help of the Mandalorians, the child would be safe and Mando wouldn't need me anymore. That's why I had to leave.

"I'll try to find tracks." Mando spoke to the group, before lowering his voice.

"Stay close." Another wave of butterflies erupted and all I could think about was how I couldn't get any closer.

"Through here." He lead us down a different tunnel, before he stopped and I felt him tense up beside me.

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Mandalorian armour. Lots of it." Mando replied and I ducked in a breath. That couldn't be good.

His hand suddenly moved from my side, trailing almond my back as he pulled away and I reached out for his arm, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. My hand landed on his shoulder and I made the presumption he had knelt down.

"We should go." Cara muttered.

"You go. Take Y/N and the child. Take the ship. I can't leave it this way." He sounded defeated and it broke my heart.

"Y/N..." Cara muttered and touched my back, making me flinch slightly.

"Did you know about this?" Mando demanded to know.

"Is this the work of your bounty hunters?!"

"No!" Greef denied.

"When you two left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended! The hunters just melted away. You know how it is! They're mercenaries, not zealots!"

"Did you do this?!" Mando stood up quite suddenly and Cara pulled me back.

A part of me wanted to calm him down, but I knew he was right to be angry.

"Did you?!"


"It was not his fault." A new voice spoke up and Cara jumped, my hand landed on my blasts instinctively, but I didn't draw my weapon.

"We revealed ourselves, we knew what could happen if we left. Imperials arrived shortly thereafter. This is what resulted.

"Did any survive?" Mando asked hopefully.

"I hope so." The woman replied.

"Some may have escaped off world."

"Come with us." Mando asked, but she declined.

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