《The Mandalorian x Reader》22)


Y/N's P.O.V.

Greef Karga seemed shocked to see us on Blurrg back, but then again, I supposed he was shocked to see that Mando hadn't come alone.

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando. But things have gotten... complicated since you were last here." He chucked.

"Y/N, it's good to see you alive and well."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked carefully.

"Well, last I heard, you were shot dead by a wannabe Guild member on Tatooine." Greef smiled and I silently wondered how he knew about Tatooine. I supposed he had spies all across the galaxy.

"But thankfully that's not true."

"Thankfully." I repeated.

"I believe introductions are in order?" Greef asked.

"It seems we've both provided a security detail. I recommend the shocktrooper guards the ship. These lava fields, they're lousy with Jawas."

"She's coming with me." Mando spoke up.

"But the town is now run by ex empire. If a rebel dropped is with us, they'll all get their hackles up." Greef tried.

"She's coming." I repeated Mando's words.

"Fine!" Greef sighed, holding his hands up.

"Fine, but at least cover your tattoo. No need to flaunt it." He gestured towards her stripes.

"Now! Where is the little one?" Mando sent the pod forward, opening it and my hand landed on my blaster, ready to fight if necessary.

"So this little podwing is what all the fuss was about." Greef picked him up and looked at him closely.

"What a precious little creature. I can see why you didn't want to harm a hair on its little wrinkled head." He placed the child back down and I released my blaster.

"Well, I'm glad this matter will be put to rest once and for all." Mando brought the pod back, it settling between our Blurrgs.


"The sun sets fast on Naverro. We can camp at the river banks and make our way into town at first light?"

"Let's go." Mando nodded and the men on foot went ahead as we trailed behind.

The journey was long, but when nightfall came, we all sat around a fire, relaxing slightly. The child was stood on my shoulder, one hand on my head for balance as Kuiil fed him bits of the meat that was being cooked.

"I guess the little buggers are carnivore. I've never seen anything like it." Greef spoke, almost mesmerised.

"They were ready to pay a kings's ransom for that thing."

"Let's go over the plan again." Mando insisted.

"Me, you and Y/N enter the common house, we show the client the bait, we join him at the table and one of you kill him. I don't care which one."

"What about his reinforcements?" I asked carefully.

"They're all ex empire. As soon as they lose their pay check, they'll all scatter." Greef chuckled.

"And what if they don't?" Mando asked.

"They will."

"That's not good enough." I narrowed my eyes at the man.

"If, for arguments sake, a few of them don't realise that I'm their best path to alternative employment then these..." He gestured towards his backup.

"These three fine guild hunters along with that battle-hardened shock trooper will cut down anyone who bucks."

"How many will there be?" Mando asked.

"No more than 4. He travels with, at most, a fire team. Trust me. Nothing can go wrong." Greef stood up, before there was a shrill screech and something snatched the food from his hands.

Everyone grabbed their blasters, but I was more focused on getting the baby into his carrier. As soon as he was in, it closed and Mando took my wrist, pulling me back slightly. I grabbed my blaster, trying to fight off the winged creatures, but it seemed useless. One of them managed to get ahold of one of the Blurrg, snatching it up into the air, despite Kuiil's blaster fire and protests.


"Move." Mando pushed me out of the way suddenly, just as one of the things grabbed onto him. Cara and I both turned out fire onto the thing, but Mando managed to scare it off with his flamethrower.

They all seemed to back off and Mando immediately ran towards the child, whereas I kept my eyes up, just in case they came back.

There was a slight burning pain in my upper arm. I looked to see a cut on my arm, but it was nothing serious. Probably from when Mando pushed me away.

After a few minutes, it seemed like they were gone and I moved to see the fuss everyone was making over Greef.

"How bad?" Mando asked as Cara did her best to stop the poison.

"Bad." She sighed in response.

"The poison is spreading fast."

"So this is how it happens, huh?" Greef asked and I glanced up at his bounty hunters.

"Don't be so dramatic. I need another med pack. Got any other med packs? Anyone?"

"I'm guessing that's a no." Greef laughed weakly.

"It's still spreading. This isn't working." Cara sighed.

"Get this thing out of here." She muttered, looking at the kid, who had somehow made it to her side.

"Wait." Kuiil insisted and the child placed his hands on Greef's arm.

"He's trying to eat me!" Greef cried out dramatically.

"Shut up a minute." I instructed as the kid closed his eyes and we all watched in amazement as the child healed him. He fell back, sitting down, before looking at us all expectantly.

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