《The Mandalorian x Reader》18)


Y/N's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you're feeling up to this?" Mando asked for what must have been the 10th time in the past hour.

"If you're not, I can take you and the kid somewhere and come and get you once I've done this job?"

"Mando, I've told you, several times already, I'm fine. My shoulder is fine and I'm ready for whatever weird ass job you've gotten us." He didn't respond and I let out a sigh.

"What do we know about this job?"

"Not a lot." He admitted.

"Don't trust anyone you meet doing this. They won't hesitate to kill you if it benefits them." I nodded in understanding as the Razor Crest came to a stop and Mando sighed.

"The kid?"

"I placed him in the sleeping chambers and he's not getting out unless someone lets him out." I explained.

"Good." He got out of his seat and I followed him out of the ship.

"Stay close." Mando muttered and I didn't question it, trusting him. The way he repeatedly asked me if I was sure I wanted to come along made me think he didn't want me or the kid here, which meant it was dangerous enough to spook him.

"Mando." An unfamiliar voice called and I noticed how my friend tensed up at the sound of the voice.

"Is that you under that bucket?"

"Ran." Mando nodded, shaking the man's hand.

"I didn't really know if I'd ever see you in these parts again." Ran smiled, he seemed friendly enough, but there was a look in his eyes that told me not to trust him.

"Good to see you. Who's your friend?"

"Y/N." I introduced, holding my hand out. He grinned at me, shaking it.

"I'm Ran." He nodded his head at me, before letting go of my hand.

"Y/N has been working jobs with me recently." Mando explained.


It wasn't a total lie, not that it mattered if it was.

"You know, to be honest, I was a little surprised when you reached out to me, Mando. You know, 'cause I... I hear things." Ran sighed.

"Like, maybe things between you and the Guild aren't working out. Now I think about it, there was a lady named Y/N mentioned in the story I heard about you..."

"I'll be fine." Mando replied monotonously.

"Okay, well, you know the policy. No questions." Ran's eyes hovered on me for a second, before he looked back to Mando.

"And you, you're welcome back here anytime."

"So, what's the job?" Mando asked as we walked around the facility.

"One of our associates fan afoul of some competitors and got himself caught. So I'm putting together a crew to spring him." Ram explained.

"It's a 6 person job, I got 4. All I need is the ride and you brought it."

"The ship wasn't part of the deal." Mando looked back at his ship.

"Well, the Crest is the only reason I let you back in here." Ran chuckled, making Mando look at him.

"What's the look? Is that gratitude?" Ran laughed when Mando didn't reply.

"Uh-huh. I think it is."

"I don't like this." Mando muttered, before turning to follow Ran.

"Hey, Mayfeld."

"Yeah?" A man, with an unnecessary anount of blasters strapped to him, replied, looking up.

"This is Mando, the guy I was telling you about. We used to jobs, way back when. And this is his buddy Y/N."

"This is the guy?" Mayfeld asked, not seeming impressed.

"Yeah. We were all young, trying to make a name for ourselves. But running with a Mandalorian, that was... That brought us some reputation." Ran laughed. This was making me uncomfortable, I could only imagine how difficult it was for Mando.

"Oh, yeah? What did he get out of it?" Mayfeld asked, smirking.


"I asked him that one time. You remember what you said, Mando?" Ran looked at Mando, before answering for him.

"Target practice." Ran and Mayfeld both started laughing, but Mando and I didn't find it funny.

"We did some crazy stuff, didn't we?"

"That was a long time ago." Mando's voice was slightly strained, as if he was trying to stop himself from doing something.

"Well, I don't go out anymore, you understand? So, uh, Mayfeld, he's gonna run point on this job. If he says it, it's like it's coming from me." Ran pointed at Mayfeld, who was clearly quite prideful of his role.

"You good with that?"

"You tell me." Mando replied, making Ran laugh more.

"You haven't changed one bit." Ran sighed.

"Yeah, well, things have changed around here." Mayfeld walked away.

"Mayfeld is one of the best triggermen I've ever seen. Former imperial sharptrooper." Ran put emphasis on Mayfeld's old title like it was supposed to mean something.

"That's not saying much." Mando replied, making me laugh. Mayfeld turned on his heel and glared at us.

"I wasn't a stormtrooper, wise ass!" He snapped.

"Don't take long, does it?" Ran laughed.

"He may be one of the best triggermen you've ever seen, but Y/N is the best triggerwoman I've ever seen." Mando countered, making Ran look at me.

"Which side were you? Imperial or Rebels?" He looked at me carefully.

"Neither." I replied dryly and he seemed amused by my answer.

"Razor Crest? I can't believe that thing can still fly." Mayfeld looked at Mando as we approached his ship.

"Looks like a Canto Bight slot machine." I rolled my eyes as Mayfeld stopped.

"Alright. The good-lookin' fellow there with the horns, that's Burg." Mayfeld pointed out a large Devaronian.

"This may surprise you, but he's our muscle." Burg came over and circled us both, looking down with a grunt.

"This is a Mandalorian? I thought they'd be bigger." Burg spoke, making Mayfeld laugh lightly.

"And what's with his little pet? I've been watching her follow him around since they got here."

"This is, uh, sorry, what was your name again, sweetheart?" Mayfeld looked at me with a small smirk and I honestly debated killing him where he stood.

"Y/N." I smiled sweetly. Mayfeld repeated my name a few times and my self control was wearing thin.

"Y/N. I like that. Such a pretty name." He smirked at me, before turning towards a pilot droid.

"The droid's name is Zero."

"I thought you said you had four?" Mando questioned.

"He does." A female voice spoke up, causing us all to turn towards the Twi'lek, who had a knife in her hand.

"Hello, Mando."

"Xi'an." Mando sighed heavily.

"Tell me why I shouldn't cut you down where you stand? Or maybe it would hurt you more to cut down your pretty friend, here." She moved fast, putting the blade in her hand towards his throat. My hand landed on my dagger, but Mando's hand went over mine, stopping me.

"Nice to see you, too." Mando muttered and she laughed, slowly lowering the knife.

"I missed you." She sighed, tapping his armour with the knife.

"This is shiny... you wear it well." The whispered and looking around at the others, it was good to know I wasn't the only one uncomfortable.

"Do we need to leave the room, or somethin'?" Mayfeld asked carefully.

"Well, Xi'an's been a little heartbroken since Mando left our group." Ran explained.

"Aww, are you going to be okay, sweetheart?" Mayfeld teased.

"Oh, I'm all business now." She pointed the knife at Mando once again.

"Learned from the best."

"Alright, love birds. Break it up until you get on the ship. Right now we don't have much time."

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