《The Mandalorian x Reader》15)


Prequel memers... I'm not sorry

Also the end of season 2 had me screaming like- DAMN

Y/N's P.O.V.

"Can you shake him?" I asked as Mando did his best to avoid the ship getting hit.

"Give me a moment..." He muttered and the com-link burst to life.

"Hand over the child, Mando." The bounty hunter ordered, making me roll my eyes.

"And I might let you and pretty little Y/N live." Alarms rang out as the ship got hit and the child whimpered slightly.

"Hold on." Mando spoke, before the Razor Crest tilted slightly.

"Come on..."

"I can bring you in warm... or I can bring you in cold." I scoffed at the stolen words- after hearing Mando say it half a dozen times, it sounded stupid coming from anyone else's mouth.

Mando stopped the ship suddenly, causing the other to fly right ahead of us.

"That's my line." Mando said dangerously, before blasting the bounty hunter's fighter ship out of existence.

The alarms continued to ring out and I got out of my chair, leaning forward.

"Nice piloting, but we're losing fuel." I muttered, flipping a switch or two, helping quieten the alarms.

"I noticed." Mando muttered before the power went out, making the child giggle.

Mando got out of his seat, activating the backup power.

"This should get us to the nearest planet until we can get repairs."

"What is the nearest planet?" I asked carefully.

"Tattooine." He replied and I immediately pulled a face.

"Have you been before?"

"I wish I hadn't." I sighed.

"Why? What's wrong with it?" He asked.

"The locals aren't exactly what you'd call friendly, not to mention that it's a desert planet. There's sand. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." I muttered bitterly.


"Arvala-7 was a desert planet. You weren't complaining then." Mando sassed and I scoffed.

"You don't like desert planets, you don't like forest planets... what do you like?"

"I like it when you shut up." I replied and the child giggled loudly.

"This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are tracking you. Head for bay 3-5, over." A voice over coms spoke.

"Copy that. Locked in for 3-5." Mando replied, before we began the descent into the planet.

The child had fallen asleep and Mando looked at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked.

"Should we leave him here or take him with us?" Mando asked.

"You know this planet better than I do. Which is safer?"

"I haven't been here in a long time, but if bay 3-5 is run by the same person, then he'll be safe if we leave him here." I had previously made several stops at the same repair facility and the woman who ran it was a little rough around the edges, but she had a good heart.

Mando nodded and after a shaky landing, he carefully picked up the child and placed him in the sleeping quarters. The Razor Crest was only really built for one person to be staying in it at the time, meaning there was one bed and it was being shared between the three of us.

Most of the time, Mando and I took shifts, one of us in the cockpit whilst the other slept, or sometimes we just made ourselves comfortable in the cockpit. The child slept wherever he felt comfortable and more often than not, it was cuddled up against one of us.

"Hey! Hey!" The familiar voice screamed as Mando shot at the pit droids, getting them to back off.


"You damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it."

"Just keep them away from my ship." Mando deadpanned.

"Yeah, you think that's a good idea, do ya?" She snapped.

"Peli Motto, it's been a long time." I smiled slightly at the short woman.

"Y/N L/N... what happened to your beautiful ship? Why are you in this heap of junk?" Peli asked, looking up at the Razor Crest.

"Hey-" Mando defended, but I put my hand on his arm.

"Long story. Think you can fix her up?" I asked as she walked up to the ship.

"Let's look at the ship." She knocked on the side.

"Ooh! Look at that! Ugh, you've got a lot of carbon scorin' building up top. Yeah. If I didn't know better, I'd think you've been in a shoot out... Special tool for that one." She sighed heavily, muttering to herself.

"You've got a fuel leak! Look at that, this is a mess. How did you even land? That's going to set you back."

"Here." I handed her the bag of credits Mando gave me. The bag of credits that was originally going towards my new ship. I had spent some of the credits on basic essentials such as food and drink, not to mention the 20 credits I lost to Cara after she beat me at an arm wrestle.

"That should cover at least some of it."

"I'll get you your money." Mando spoke.

"Yeah, I've heard that before." Peli sighed.

"Just remember-"

"Yeah. No droids. I heard ya. You don't need to say it twice." Mando turned to walk away and I did the same.

"Jeez. Wamp rat."

"Do you know anywhere around here that we might be able to find some work?" Mando asked.

"If we want the repairs done fast-"

"This way." I began walking towards a local bar. If there was any money we could make on this wasteland planet, we'd find about it there.

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