《The Mandalorian x Reader》10)


Y/N's P.O.V.

I sat in the doorway of the ship, drink in one hand, my other arm wrapped around the child, who was fast asleep and leaning against my leg.

Mando was checking some wiring under the ship and a speeder, which had been slowly approaching since just after the child fell asleep, reached the ship and two men got out.

"Excuse me, sir?" One of them asked, clearly nervous.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Mando sighed, looking at me briefly.

"Uh- yeah. Raiders." The younger man spoke.

"We have money." The second held up a bag, which I presumed had credits in.

"So you think I'm some kind of mercenary?" Mando sounded tired and I couldn't help but feel a little bad. I wondered when the last time he got a decent amount of sleep was.

"You are a Mandalorian, right?" The second man asked.

"...Or at least wearing Mandalorian armour. That is Mandalorian armour, right?"

"They got you there." I muttered, carefully scooping up the child and going over.

"It is." Mando confirmed.

"See! I told him! Sir, I've read a lot about your people- uh- tribe. If half of what I read is true-"

"We have money." The first man pushed.

"How much?" I asked.

"It's everything we have. Our whole harvest was stolen." The second man sighed.

"Krill. We're krill farmers."

"Our whole village chipped in." The younger of the pair sounded so hopeful and Mando took one look at the bag, before turning away.

"It's not enough." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure? You don't even know what the job is!" The younger persisted.

"It's not enough. Good luck." Mando tried to walk away from them, but they followed.


"No. This is everything we have. We'll give you more after the next harvest!" The older tried and I frowned.

Mando didn't respond and the duo gave up.

"Come on." The first pushed his friend back towards the speeder.

"It took us a whole day to get here. Now we have to ride back with no protection, to the middle of nowhere." The second complained.

"Mando." He turned to look at me and I nodded towards them, making him sigh.

"Where do you live?" Mando asked and they both turned around.

"On a farm... weren't you listening?" The older of the pair asked, making me laugh a little.

"We're farmers."

"You have lodging?" Mando asked.

"Yes!" The second replied enthusiastically.


"Good. Come up and help." Mando went inside and it didn't take too long for the four of us to pack up everything we needed.

"I'm going to need one more thing. Give me those credits."

"What for?" I asked carefully.

Mando didn't respond, instead he walked off and I rolled my eyes.

"Where has he gone?" The younger asked and I shrugged, honestly not knowing. He was back before too long, however, the shocktrooper we met earlier in tow.

"Hey." She gave me a small smile and I did the same.

"Hi?" I responded, looking at Mando. I wasn't sure what he was planning, but there was no point in asking about it now. We were both tired and it wouldn't end well.

"So we're basically running off a band of raiders for lunch money?" Cara asked once we were in the speeder.

"They're quartering us in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked, it's a pretty square deal for somebody in your position. Worst case scenario; you tune up your blaster. Best case; we're a deterrent. I can't imagine there's anything in these trees that an ex shocktrooper can't handle." Mando sat back, stretching his arms along the back of the speeder and I watched as the child tried to copy him.



The speeder came to a stop as we reached the farm, the slight jolt waking both Mando and Cara.

Children cheered when they saw us and the child seemed curious at all the noise.

"Well, looks like they're happy to see us." Mando sighed and the children surrounded the child.

"Looks like." Cara smiled and we got off the speeder.

"This way." One of the men led us towards the houses and Mando moved next to me.

"You look tired. Did you sleep at all?" He asked as we picked up our things, following the farmers.

"No. I figured one of us needed to stay alert, just in case." I sighed.

"You haven't been sleeping on the Razor Crest either." He noted and I sighed.

"Don't worry about it."

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