《Tsundere Much? (Afterdeath)》Ending Pt 1


This was it.

Geno stood on the dirty old path on the surface in Undertale, he stared straight ahead at the empty buildings and streets, waiting for a certain someone to come by.

He was about to find them and end it all, make it all back to normal, like it was before.

He turned around, nodding at Ink, who was hiding in a corner, then nodded at Error who was hiding behind a building. They were all set for the ambush.

"Frisk! I know you're here!" Geno yelled. Silence. "It's me! Your old buddy! Geno!"

If Geno had skin, he would have goosebumps right about now, the atmosphere was eerie and tense. It was suffocating him at this point. He just wanted to get it over and done with.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps. A teenager with short brown hair and closed eyes walked forward to Geno, their hands gripping on an ever so familiar knife.

He shivered, glancing at how robotic they seemed. He recognized those movements. He had seen them in action before and he was hoping he wouldn't be seeing it again.

But alas, his luck had run out. Geno knew they wouldn't allow to be captured without putting up a fight.

Geno took in a breath of air. "Miss me bud? C'mon, bet you're bone-tired from all that...stuff you've been doing." He held his hand out. "Don't you know how to greet an old pal?"

Frisk took a few more steady steps towards Geno. They were so devoid of emotion it actually made him sick.

That's right, a little closer...

"GO!" Ink yelled. Right on cue, blue strings shot towards Frisk. Unfortunately that had activated a battle and Frisk managed to dodge them effortlessly.

"What's their LV?" Ink asked.

Error grinned widely, pulling out more blue strings from his "tears" (ew?). "20!"


"Oh my Toby..." Ink sighed, he sounded more frustrated than terrified. "Just grab them and take their soul. Remember, no killing or we'll have to go through this again."

"I hear ya, you rainbow prick." Error grunted, shooting more strings at Frisk. They excellently dodged every single one of them. He frowned. They just glance back at him with a monotonous look.

Geno grabbed his scarf nervously and stood by Ink. "Can't you help him?"

Ink stared at Geno for a minute. He gently fisted his palm in realization. "Oh yeah. I can do that!"

Geno face palmed as Ink quickly joined Error in battle, much to Error's disappointment. They fought with much effort together, Frisk slashed their sharp knife at them, scratching Ink a few times then aiming their attacks at Error. Then back at Ink.

Frisk tilted their head at Ink's status and attempted to slice him up again.

"Aw, disappointed that I don't have a soul?" Ink cooed. "Well, guess you have to deal with it. Now, do you like pink?" Then he splashed pink paint on them, which they couldn't dodge for some odd reason.

Error stared at Ink, wanting answers as to why that happened. Ink shrugged and stuck his tongue out cheekily. "Grab their soul!" Ink yelled, he snapped his fingers and Frisk's arms were bounded together from the pink paint.

Error directed his blue strings towards Frisk, the teen quickly hopped out of the way. "HOLD STILL!" Error yelled, firing even more strings.

Thankfully, one caught and wrapped itself around Frisk's red gleaming soul. He pulled on the string and tugged it towards him. "FINALLY!"

Ink grinned and wheezed. "Jeeeeeez, finally. I was about to call quits."

Error rolled his eyes as Frisk laid immobilized on the ground. The soul floating right above his palm. "As if you'd actually do that." Error scoffed.


Geno rushed towards Frisk's body but was quickly stopped by Core Frisk. "Leave them, you can go see your boyfriend now. I'm sure he would be glad to see you."

Geno's face heated up at the mention of the word "boyfriend" then mentally slapped himself for feeling like that.

He nodded at the monochromatic Frisk and quickly rushed to the underground, since there wasn't any use to arguing with them, giving one last glance at Frisk, Error and Ink he disappeared into the woods.


"Cool." MK stared at the dead flower in Death's hand. It's healthy and colorful look quickly wilted into a pale color.

"Thanks for helping out, Reaps, it means a lot." Sans said, eating a hot dog.

Death had helped unload supplies into the underground, which was a rare thing to do since usually helping AUs out were a big no no. But Undertale was having a weird situation so there was an exception.

The kids were all consuming gallons worth of jelly beans and other candies, Death chuckled as all of them went sugar happy. "Don't worry Classic me, I'm always happy to help."

"Yeah, if you hadn't come along. I might have ended up heading into a dead end." Sans joked, shooting Death a wink.

"Dead right." Death joked and winked back.

MK left the conversation.

"DEATH!" Geno waved, running towards him, a big smile plastered onto his face.

Death spread open his arms for a hug but Geno immediately skidded to a stop right in front of him. He blew a kiss to Death. "I can't touch you, remember?"

"Right." Death caught the air kiss and petted it onto his mouth. He was disappointed though.

"They caught the kid?" Sans asked wearily. Geno nodded.

Sans heaved a sigh of relief, swallowing the last bit of his hot dog. "Things can finally go back to normal."

"Yeah except...we're gonna have to reset. So everything that has ever happened so far will be erased." Geno said carefully, hoping that Sans wouldn't get worked up. "Don't worry though, the reset will only go back to when you guys first exited the mountain."

Sans nodded in understanding. "Not too bad I guess, could be worse."

"So mommy and daddy will come back?" A little girl asked, she gave off a weird dangerous vibe but Geno shook it off.

"Yeah...they'll come back." Geno smiled.

The little girl cheered, along with the other children, they threw candy all around to celebrate. It made Death's heart all warm to see so much happiness radiate in such a bleak room.

"Well, don't mind us now. We'll be heading back." Geno smirked, gesturing for Death to follow.

Death felt his face heat up, he didn't know why but he felt that Geno was suggesting something. Something that he had thought of for a while but decided to lock it away in the back of his mind. He started to get excited for almost no reason

The two left through a door and went back home.

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