《Tsundere Much? (Afterdeath)》We Happy Few (not really)


Fire. More fire. The color red was all Geno could see.

Where was he? How did he get here? Then someone grabbed onto him, he looked over and saw Frisk.

"Sans!" Frisk chocked, Geno grabbed the small child and pulled them into a hug.

"Oh Frisk, I missed you so much." Geno cried, but they suddenly disappeared. "Frisk? Frisk! FRISK!"

Geno woke up, sweating, he held onto his chest and took a deep breath. Just a dream. He got up and rubbed his eyes, taking his scarf from the table next to his bed.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, putting the scarf on, he held onto it for comfort.

"Geno, I saw you having a bad dream, but I didn't want to be rude and appear in your room so I came in to pretend to check on you." Core Frisk had a hint of concern in their voice.

Geno almost laughed, the way the grey child said that was almost blunt. But he replied with a forced smile, "Yeah, it was just a nightmare, no biggie."

"Great, some special person is coming to visit so I expect you to not be tardy."


"You'll know when you see them." Core Frisk winked, but it looked like it took a lot of effort to do that. Not to mention it looked hella creepy, their eye didn't even close all the way.

But it was cute. In a way.

Geno's mind wandered, could it be Death? No, if it were him, Core Frisk would have already said so. He kept thinking. He walked out his little room and trudged forward to where a big crowd was.

"Aw, so cute!" "What brings you here?" "You look cuter up close." "Why the f[bleep] do I feel so happy?!"


Geno pushed his way through the crowd and saw a skeleton just as short as Blueberry (US! Sans) was but had a yellow crown thingy, an orange sleeveless vest and black pants with boots. There were other details but I'm literally too dumb to name them all.

The moment he was close to the skeleton, all his worries washed away and he felt so fluffy and happy and—

Wait, no, why was he feeling these now? Geno looked up at the skeleton again, when the skeleton smiled, Geno smiled along with him.

He mentally slapped himself, was this feeling love? No. He felt love before, this wasn't it. When the skeleton made eye contact with Geno, his smile dropped, Geno wasn't too particularly happy about this.

"Alright, you guys can leave me alone now thank you." The skeleton clapped his hands together and smiled again, everyone was disappointed but Core Frisk appeared and shooed them away.

"Frisk, I don't know this person but he makes me happy inside and I don't like that." Geno babbled on as the skeleton walked forward to him, he felt like he was in a cloud of joy.

"Of course you don't, I only said you'd know Dream so you would come." Core Frisk deadpanned, Geno rolled his eye.

"Hi, Geno, I'm Dream. I'm not a Sans like you even though I look like one." Dream held his hand out for Geno to shake, the bleeding Sans was too scared to even make physically contact. What if he dies from happiness? He shook his hand anyways.

The positive energy almost killed him and Geno let go almost immediately.

"Sorry about the crowd, Dream, people here don't have much to smile about these days." Core Frisk sighed, Dream giggled and replied, "It's fine."


Ah so cute. Geno thought to himself, Dream very much resembled the little blue Sans, which acts like Papyrus. Which is why it's cute. Oh, Papyrus, he misses him. He felt sad, but also happy because of Dream. Wait, where was he going with this train of thought?

"Geno, are you listening?" Core Frisk snapped their fingers in front of him.

"What?" Geno blurted.

Core Frisk sighed in frustration.

Dream laughed nervously, "It's okay, I'll repeat myself. Your AU, or Undertale, was attacked by an anomaly, Ink is investigating it because he realized there hasn't been a reset in ages. Which wasn't normal since it was Undertale."

"There's something in Undertale that's stopping Frisk from resetting. We were wondering if it's tied to you." Dream added.

"Me? Why me? I don't even belong in that AU." Geno asked.

"Because you're an anomaly." Core Frisk replied.

Geno clenched his fist, "Are you blaming me?"

Dream shook his head and laughed, Geno felt immediately better, "No no, we're not blaming you. We're just wondering if you know who did it."


"No, it's an anomaly remember?"

"Then I really don't know, sorry."

Dream sighed but shrugged, "It was worth a try anyways." Dream walked off but was stopped by Geno.

"Wait, before you go, can you update me on how Undertale is doing?"

Dream frowned, "It's apocalyptic, we haven't found Frisk yet, it's still as messy as ever. Though, at least we know Error didn't do it. The place would be poof if he did it."

"Oh." Geno looked down.

"Don't worry," Dream held onto Geno's hand with both of his own hands, like it was normal to do that, "we'll fix it."

Then Death appeared from a door.

He saw Dream holding onto Geno's hand and immediately ran forward to them.

"Wait, Death, it's not what you think—" Geno quickly shook Dream's hands off his.

"Oh I know what this means." Death said, glaring at Dream, "It means-" He suddenly softened and smiled.

Dream's aura must have gotten into him. Geno laughed as Death shook the feeling away. "What in the heck?" Death stuttered.

"I'll be going now." Dream smiled and opened a portal out of the area and left.

Death was left with a confused, happy and annoyed look. Geno only laughed at the sight and Death blushed with slight embarrassment.

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