《Tsundere Much? (Afterdeath)》The worst unsuccessful date


Some people just wouldn't learn would they? Not only Reapertale Frisk was involved in this, even Papyrus joined in. Undyne would have joined if she wasn't busy with her own date cough with Alphys cough.

But of course, the date was another disaster, fortunately, Death and Geno had enjoyed themselves for the first few minutes. They hung out in Grillby's second bar, which was run by Fuku (Grillby's niece).

Because it was her first time seeing Geno, she was confused and slightly shocked when she saw him.

"D-Death? Double death? What did I do? Am I suppose to be dead?" Fuku stuttered, backing away to the back of the bar counter.

Death chuckled, while Geno smiled nervously, "Nah, we're just here to hang around and have our third date."

Fuku's breathing immediately returned back to normal, she arched an eyebrow, "Third...date?"

"Long story!" Geno cut in, he didn't want to bring it up, too embarrassing for him. Death nodded, although he did want to explain their whole story.

Frisk and Papyrus were wearing disguises and sitting in one of the booths, they were pretending to order something by holding up a menu, despite the restaurant being one of those types that didn't give any menus, they were watching the date progress from afar.

"Remember, Human, this date has to succeed. Or my brother will surely be crushed!" Papyrus whispered behind the menu, Frisk nodded and gave a thumbs up. "You can count on my Paps, I am the flirt champion!"

Papyrus laughed nervously and nodded slowly.

The date was going wonderfully at first, laughing, joking, a bit of flirting. Then Geno decided to get off his chair and do something.

"I'll be back reaaaal quick, 'kay?" Geno said, Death nodded and Geno walked off.


Later, Geno came back, but something made him trip over. Upon instinct, Death rushed in to catch Geno.

Papyrus and Frisk wasn't responsible for Geno's fall but Frisk was loving it.

"Reaper catching Geno would be absolutely cute and romantic!" Frisk whispered to Papyrus, who nodded before shaking his head quickly.

"No no! My brother can't catch him-" Papyrus slammed his menu down onto the table and rushed over to stop Death, but it was too late.

Geno was crumbling into dust on Death's hands. Geno's hand held onto Death's hand tightly, which stopped his fall, Death's eyes widened as Geno coughed more blood.

"No no no wait! You can't- I can't- I can fix this!" Death released Geno's hand as he stumbled back, "Just stay with me Geno!"

Geno dropped to the ground as bits of him crumbled away into dust. "Is Reaper-"


Geno bursted into dust, the red scarf lying on it, Death screened, Fuku screamed, Papyrus, Frisk and everyone else in the bar screamed. It was total chaos.

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