《Tsundere Much? (Afterdeath)》Death Visits The Void


A lot of convincing was needed to make the little grey Frisk let him pass into the void. Although Death had already went to the void on his own once, it was because Geno had asked for permission from literally every dominant figure in the multiverse.

But Death managed.

"No." Core Frisk firmly refused his request, crossing their arms and tapping their foot impatiently.

"Pleaaaaaase?" Death begged. He most likely looked insane to the other residents of the Omega Timeline. But he didn't care, he just wanted to see Geno again.

Core Frisk pinched the bridge of their nose and sighed angrily. They dropped their arms back to their sides. "Fine. But promise you won't do anything stupid, being in a timeline that isn't yours can bear much consequences."

"Yeah yeah, got it." Death bounced with excitement, he was ready to see his beloved again.

Core Frisk stood by a door and turned the knob, pushing it open.

And there he was, Geno, sitting in the void by himself while folding the rim of his scarf. He looked so peaceful yet so...lonely.

Death felt his heartbeat quickened as he walked closer to the other skeleton, giving him a surprise by tapping his shoulder. Geno yelped and fell forward, tripping over himself.

"Aw, are you already falling head over heels for me." Death teased. Geno felt his face burned up as he stared at Death.

He glanced at the monochromatic child. "Frisk...why?"

Core Frisk shrugged and closed the door, leaving the two in peace.

Death took a seat next to Geno on the ground, Geno's face was still red so he refused to face him. He didn't want to give Death the satisfaction of flustering him.

"So, how are you not bored to me in this bleak and boring void?" Death questioned since it was getting too quiet for his liking.


"Bored to you?...Oh!" Geno tilted his head then realized the pun Death had made. "Well, time words weirdly in the void so I don't know how long it's been since the party but my Frisk managed to find a way out for me."

"Even though I don't really like this place, I usually come back to just...be alone for a while. It's nice." Geno managed to face Death and smiled.

Death's face heated up as he stared at Geno, mumbling a soft "Oh." in response, which made him sound a little stupid. Geno chuckled from the reply and went back to staring off into nothing.

It felt really comforting, the two of them just staring into the void with silence. But as time passed, it started to get a little uncomfortable for them. Death had a solution to this.

"What's that?" Geno asked as Death pulled something out from his pocket. A mistletoe. Geno's eyes widened. "Dude no, it's waaaay past Christmas already."

"Aw c'mon Geno, just one little peck." Death hummed, dangling the plant above them. Geno shifted away but Death scooted closer.

Geno began leaning back as he got tired from dragging himself across the floor. Death only leaned forward. Geno's back felt the ground and Death had lost his balance from leaning too far in.

Death's hand slammed the ground right next to Geno face to stop himself from falling on top of him. Their faces were only inches away as Death towered over Geno. 

Geno felt so small as his face reddened again, his one eye stared right at Death. The glitches on his other eye flickered slightly.

He couldn't help himself, with the way their positioned, who wouldn't have done it? Death's face dropped and pressed against Geno's.

Geno was surprised that Death had actually pecked his nose only. His face turned as crimson as his scarf as he pushed Death off.

Death fell onto his back and groaned. "Ow."

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