《The death ( Reapertale Fanfiction )》Chapter 3 - Little girl story


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" Huh ? time past so fast isn't it ? " i look at one of the clock that was glowing in red , reaping time huh ? I teleport to the one who was time up , it was a human little girl ... she is in a big hospital ? She has a long beautiful green hair and a pair of colorless gray eye , she is laying there . Looking at the window which is beside her .

" Kid , your time has up " i appear in front of her , she look at me . No surprise in her face , she smile and nodded slowly . I look at her , she calm .

" Mister Reaper , can i stay here for a while ? " she suddenly ask , i look at her time . Still got 1 hour . I nodded and said to her

" yes you can but only 1 hour left " she smile and look at the window again , the kids were playing football and cheer happily when they win . I look at the window with her , she look at me and start to talk in a weak sound tone .

" i-i am ready to death actually , i was waiting for you " i look at her , she turn her head to me and continue said

" I am blind actually , i always got sick when i was just a small baby . My mom and dad keep taking me to different hospital to cure my weird sickness but end up in a word ... fail . They stress because of me , i sad about it too . So , i always waiting for you to take me away from those pain . Now , i am glad that my time was up . Finally my parent were free from my sickness problem . Me too , i can reborn again in a brand new life ... with no sickness stick with me ... right Mister Reaper ? " i look at her , she still got 1 minute left . I sigh and stood up , held out my hand to her . She look at my hand and took it , we walk out . She blink and look at the alarm that was ringing in her room . A group of nurse and doctor rush in and check her up , her parents cry and shack her lifeless body hard . She grab her white dress and whisper somethings but stopped in sobbing sound . I look at her , said


" do you want to said the last goodbye word to your parents ? "

" can i ? " she look at me with puppy eye

" yes , but just 5 minutes ... is that okay ? " i offer her , she nodded and wait . Soon , she visible as a soul ( or ghost you prefer ) . Her parents gasp and hugged her tightly .

" ... bye mom , bye dad . I finally free from those pain ... forget me please ... " she sob and run out , i following her . She look at me and make out a silent laughing .

" I think it time , right ? " she whisper , i nodded and took her hand . Help her to walk to Toriel , which is God of life . The little girl look at Toriel and hug her .

" Die such a young age ... what a waste . " Toriel whisper and sigh , the little girl look at me and smile happily .

" I name you ... Cristina , you born in Japan in 2202 . A girl with a pretty purple hair and a pair of pink eye . Good luck on your journal kid " Toriel smile and kiss her forehead . The little girl vanish and turn as one of the bright star in the sky .

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