《Hit or Miss》0.2


Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua were sitting beside their husbands in a meeting with minor demon rulers, the first one they would have with any demons about politics. Luo Binghe, of course, was at the head of the table with Mobei-Jun to his left (more specifically, the order was Shen Qingqiu, Shang Qinghua and then Mobei-Jun to his left, the ice demon purposefully putting his husband between himself and his Lord's husband, knowing that if it came down to it and someone tried to attack them, the other Peak Lord would be able to protect him while the demons protected them) and Sha Hualing to his right.

Neither of the immortal cultivators were paying attention to the discussion, at all, the millennials-turned-ancient-cultivators having found themselves more bored than normal. They accepted the offer to join in the meeting thinking it might be similar to their Sect meeting with the other Peak Lords. They were wrong. Shen Qingqiu was completely zoned out as he stared at the table, absentmindedly fanning himself, and Shang Qinghua looked to be in his 'sleeping with his eyes open' phase of boredom. If one was to ask either of them what the meeting was about afterwards, they would both try to change the topic in their equally as awkward ways.

The only warning the very unfocused Peak Lords had about the attack of the lowest ranking demon within the meeting, who had wanted revenge for some reason (a reason that not even Shang Qinghua had any idea about) was the sudden coldness in the room. Mobei-Jun had reacted as soon as he had realised the threat and instantly froze the demon where they had started to lunge towards Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua, killing intent radiating from the still demon in waves. The demon's claws had been outstretched and ready to tear either of the cultivators' throats out, whoever they'd reach first.


Luo Binghe tsked as he approached the demon. "This Lord spared you because you swore loyalty to me, so why would you attack the one most special to me?" His voice was filled with obvious venom. He paused for a moment, intending on letting the demon talk, but definitely not intending on letting the demon live. "It's just a human, what good will having it around do? They're both weak."

Shen Qingqiu held back an unsurprised scoff and side-eyed Shang Qinghua, who was looking at the scenario with wide eyes. Mobei-Jun and Sha Hualing had since moved to stand beside Luo Binghe. "Just a human? Weak? One of those oh so weak humans was this one's master. You dare call your Lord's master weak? It seems this one made the wrong choice in keeping you alive." He chuckled coldly. The demon would have paled, had their skin not been as white as a corpse. They realised that they had just insulted their Lord. Shen Qingqiu then thought of something that took his entire self-will not to gasp exaggeratedly at.

"It was at this moment that he knew, he fucked up." He hissed under his breath at the one next to him. Shang Qinghua gasped harshly, coughing quietly in order to mask that his throat had closed up suddenly in his shock of hearing those words, which had Mobei-Jun looking at him in concern, but he waved him off with a chuckle, which both reassured the demon he was fine, and allowed him to laugh a little at Shen Qingqiu's words.

"This Lord sees you do not have any words to defend your actions and asks his husband, Peak Lord Shen, do you wish to give punishment to this unworthy one?" Shen Qingqiu rose an eyebrow and from behind his fan, pouted thoughtfully. "Hm... this master feels that he would be... unable to punish the lowly one suitably. Maybe... Sha Hualing would like to take care of punishment on behalf of this master? He has heard that she enjoys punishing those who aren't... compliant." His eyes flashed dangerously, revealing that he very well could punish the demon, but was willing to give the duty to the ruthless demoness who liked to play with her food.


Hualing's mouth unfurled to form a Cheshire grin after the offer had been made. "Many thanks to Immortal Shen for this opportunity. This Ling'er will not make you regret it." As the demoness dragged the still immobile lower demon away, Qinghua leaned towards Qingqiu and lowly sung, "Mmm whatcha say." seeing the look on the demon's face as his future was secured. Qingqiu huffed a very quiet laugh at that and tapped his friend on the head with his fan.

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