《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Splitting paths


Without a moments delay, Shen Qingqiu fled the scene. Luo Binghe's eyes never left Shen Qingqiu's back. Sadness poured from those pupils endlessly, as if searching for a reaffirmation. Those eyes chased the scene where Shen Qingqiu would turn back and realise it was him. Endless questions flooded his mind.

Why did Shizun appear so afraid?

Why did Shizun reject my presence so much, almost at the brink of hatred?

What happened during the time they were separated?

What happened to you, Shizun?

However, at this point, everything hinted at the fact must have done something, something that made his Shizun become so paranoid, to the point where fear was overtaking reason.

Luo Binghe swore to never, never forgive

Although fury was ignited within him, Luo Binghe couldn't help but admit a part of his heart died the moment Shen Qingqiu rejected him. Whether if it was because of unforeseen, difficult situations, the fact his Shizun couldn't recognise him - even though it was that b*stards fault, he felt disheartened and betrayed by Shen Qingqiu. This soured his mood even more.

He knew "Luo Binghe" did something to his Shizun. He knew that it wasn't Shen Qingqiu's fault. But, he didn't want to admit that his Shizun lumped him together with "Luo Binghe". Beyond blaming "Luo Binghe", his thoughts spiralled down the wrong path.

Why didn't you recognise me, Shizun?

Shizun, you're mine.... So why?

You're mine... right?

Luo Binghe's eyes fixed itself to where it last saw Shen Qingqiu, and never left.



Hearing the system, Shen Qingqiu finally managed to concentrate on where he was. He had sprinted so far that Xiangwei village was miles away and could be seen in its entirety. He let out a long sigh and breaths he didn't know he was holding.

His panic settled, albeit, turning into frustration.

'Where are you, always offline when you are meant to be useful...' Shen Qingqiu mumbled.


[Your incompetence appalls me]


[ ( ̄Д ̄)ノ ]

'Anyways, it seems we lost him. That's a real relief..... But it seems we can't stay in the village anymore.' Shen Qingqiu thought to himself. However, at the thought of leaving, the faces of everyone at the village appeared. He felt reluctant. Why was it that he had to leave, and not "Luo Binghe"?


What did he do to be served such injustices ~~~~!!!

Shen Qingqiu slumped down beneath a tree opposite him. Watching the villages rowdy and beaming, he had a thought - why was it that he couldn't be like everyone else, enjoying life so freely and nonchalant...


Horse hooves plundered the ground beneath, metal objects clinked. With each slash, blood splashed. It was as if painting the landscape with a new colour. The repainting continued until one dropped their oiled torch onto the ground.

Flames spread across a certain village.

Every house burnt, ravaged, stolen.

Murdered, massacred....

Those flames rose upward, engulfing everything. It reached out to its surroundings, greedily swallowing everything else.

Smoke rose into the air, painting the sky from a cloudy blue to an ash grey.

Laughter, splashing, screaming, pleading. It was endless.

"Next." The raspy voice of a squad leader echoed.

Loud roars answered his call.


Luo Binghe stood there for what seemed like an eternity until he finally closed his eyes and slowly turned his back, walking unsteadily to wherever his feet took him.

Under the same sky, the stars twinkled and the moon shone above these individuals; Shen Qingqiu, having fallen asleep from exhaustion, Luo Binghe, having realised his reality, shedding tears until he couldn't cry, and "Luo Binghe", emotionlessly leaning against his throne, glaring at the empty hall with boredom.

Staggering, Luo Binghe fell to his knees. He was panting in pain, both physically and emotionally. His injuries had not fully healed yet, however, what hurt more was Shizun being unable to recognise him. If he had been strong enough and never allowed Shizun to be kidnapped - or maybe if he had forced himself to use Xin Mo, even to the extent of losing control... perhaps that hurt less than not being able to stay by Shen Qingqiu's side.

~~Xiangwei village~~

The next target was here.

The raid occurred at nightfall.

Caught by surprise, men were slaughtered, women were captured, children separated from their families.

Screams, wails, desperate calls for help.

Hungry flames gobbled its next target to its fullest.


However, Xiangwei village didn't go down without a fight. They managed to reduce the raider's number down by half before being depleted. People who had fighting abilities bravely dragged at least one of their attackers down with them. It was only the presence of a cultivator who turned the sides over.

The raiders won.

Women, especially the young and beautiful, were tied up and grouped together to be taken to their boss. And within this group, was Yuanling, crying silently for her brother and father, caught amidst the battle and massacre. With the cloth in her mouth preventing her wails, and despair washing over her, only the figure of an elegant, beautiful man dressed in white robes, filled her mind.

Perhaps her admiration became a slight crush. She sincerely hoped he wouldn't come back. She had seen him this afternoon, running into the woods at great speeds. Although questioning the reason, she dared not to disturb him, especially after seeing his face filled with fear.

Please, don't come back...

Please, be safe...

My first crush..... dear elegant, warm gentleman.

Unfortunately her wishes weren't fulfilled. Shen Qingqiu realised the anomaly upon waking up. The flames and smoke surrounding the village attracted his immediate attention. Although he needed to leave that village, he didn't want anyone to be hurt. Those people were his salvation, his source of peace at mind. They healed him, him who had been overwhelmed by everything. He picked up an axe along the way back to the village, as his sword was stolen somewhere in "Luo Binghe's" castle.

By the time he arrived, the sight of everyone drenched in blood, lifeless, had washed his hopes away. It drained his face of colour. Walking across the village, he met the rest of the group dragging the female villagers inside wagons. A familiar face, stained in tears and surprise greeted him.


She shook her head furiously, tears involuntarily falling down her face. She hoped he would turn back, so that he wouldn't have to suffer the same fate as the other villagers. However contrary to her expectations, Shen Qingqiu swiftly dealt with the bandits standing before him. It wasn't until a stern voice echoed,

"Drop your weapon."

Lifting his bloodstained axe, Shen Qingqiu widened his eyes. The scheming cultivator held his blade across Yuanling's neck, a line of blood already forming. The scheming cultivator realised the difficulty of going against Shen Qingqiu, who had a formidable aura. However, he wasn't the leader of this squad for nothing. With great observation, he grabbed the girl who locked eyes and shook her head towards Shen Qingqiu and gambled that she was important to him.

It was Yuanling's mistake, reacting so harshly towards Shen Qingqiu's arrival.

"No, its my fault..." Yuanling sobbed.

She harshly struggled, trying not to be a burden to him. However, that only made her capturer more aggressive and knocked her out. The cultivator sneered and pushed the sword closer.

Shaking with fury, Shen Qingqiu grit his teeth and reluctantly dropped his weapon.

"If you don't want her to be killed, you better not do anything funny." The cultivator smirked.

Shen Qingqiu was chained and thrown into the wagon.

F*ck my life...

Shen Qingqiu had successfully left the village, albeit not in the best way.


To that one comment that guessed Shen Qingqiu being/becoming a victim to human trafficking(being sold) during the chapter 'lurking danger', you must be a genius XD how did you know XD

HoW dId YoU kNoW

I have now decided that i will write a very *coughs* smut- *coughs* smexy scene at the end of the story :)

It will most likely be the extras, but i will make sure to label r18+ scenes in the title. Thx for the patience ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thank you for continuing this journey of abusing- urm i meant tragic- i meant- happy-go-lucky story.

    people are reading<SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun>
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      To Be Continued...
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