《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Lurking Danger


Though he set off, Luo Binghe had to face the dilemma that he couldn't solve the first time in his life. He had marched off in determination, yet he reached a sturdy, clean wall. His Shizun....... was no longer in his world. That day, when they parted - he had no idea why, but he had a hunch that his Shizun had been taken to a different space of time. The only possibility that he had was the sword - although despising to admit, that b*stard definitely used Xin Mo to slice the air, creating a portal of some sort.

To think that this sword would become the only connection he had left with his Shizun......

Creasing his brows, his grip on Xin Mo tightened.

Unfortunately, he didn't have control over his sword. Or rather, the sword had control over himself. Every time he closed his eyes, he was forced to remember that day - that irritating face of that b*stard and his chuckling voice, far more colder and bloodstained....... laughing in sarcasm, those eyes looked down upon him, claiming superiority..... it was extremely unpleasant.

These mocking words echoed across Luo Binghe's mind.

".....if u can, that is"

With a 'bang!', the tree beside him fell down. With its trunk butchered by a crater, it could only powerlessly break. The rage within Luo Binghe was being sustained to the limit on a very thin line. From the moment he woke up, he knew that his Shizun was being controlled by the heavenly demon blood. Even though it's HIS, HIS blood, it worked diligently, serving that b*stard. In the first place, from exactly where did that b*stard come from?

After managing to take control of the heavenly blood again, he forced himself to take command over the other. Perhaps due to the interference being unexpected, or perhaps because Bing-mei's will was stronger, the blood eventually obeyed its rightful owner. Of course, for the first few times of being called, the blood didn't listen. Suddenly having opposite orders from two different masters, of course it would doubt both itself and their masters.


Luo Binghe, finally managing to calm down, stood upright for a moment until he faltered. His condition was worse than expected......

Underneath a tree, he collapsed.

The large tree swayed its leaves as the winds blew lightly across the forest. It was a very beautiful, lush tree, yet it was alone, with no vegetations growing around it.


After spending several days of being treated with hospitality, Shen Qingqiu, although had his guard up, began to cease his early suspicions. Being inside this little room, surrounded by nature - his mind felt like it took a long break from any worries. It was peaceful.

He enjoyed this peacefulness. The girl Yuanling, she was also very sweet. She was similar to Ning YingYing, her liveliness reflected her youth and she always visited him, telling all sorts of stories with great enthusiasm. He was never bored here, and he enjoyed the free spirited atmosphere.


Under the Moonlight

In a rapid speed, a few shadows chased each other. On an edge, they speedily searched for the traces of a certain person. They finally reached the destination until the presence they were chasing disappeared.

They stood on top of a cliff, the large landscape of the forests blooming beneath. No matter how much they panicked, they were unable to believe themselves. As one of the most skilled within the group under the orders of their master, their abilities was always what allowed them to serve their lord.

With their senses telling them that their target has fallen off the cliff, their minds began scattering in overloaded amounts of possibilities, resulting in chaos. Their mission was to find their target and escort them back, with the precautions of the target being safe.

If their presumptions were correct, the target had jumped off - simply suicide!


Nodding to each other, the three leaped down.

The shadows were approaching.........

Silently, endangeringly.


The Main City of Cuifeng

It was a prospering city, with many tourists and travellers deeming this place as one of the most hospitable and fun locations to be in. The markets lined up against the roadsides, the lights giving a warm atmosphere with the clear blue sky above. Refreshing air, laughters and giggles, a perfect place - so perfect, on the outside. In contrast to its cheerful, bright and blooming scenery, its hierarchy system was harsh. The wealthy and the poor were strictly separated, with nothing but the so called 'royal blood' and status were cared for.

The nobility flaunted their status, wealth and position - and severely discriminated against the poor. Behind all of its reputation, they hid their secrets that were full of nastiness. Although - most citizens don't recognise the severity of degeneration their city has. The Black Market, of course, only with limited invitations to the most wealthy.....

There held one of the most darkest and dreadful auctions held in place...

The nobility..... such disgusting hobbies indeed.


It was a day where the silence overrode everything, the screams and desperate calls for help dying down as the time passed. The alleyways within the city of Cuifeng kept the hidden truth buried, and it did it very well.

The flame in the lamp flickered. Figures of fallen bodies lay on the floor.

There was a rustle of chains.

Her one last resistance.

But it was silenced with a kick to her abdomen.

Sighing, the muscular man ran his hand along his hair. Noticing a familiar presence, he rolled his eyes, tilted his head towards the sky and let out another sigh. A black cloaked individual emerged from further within the alleyway. Squatting down, he reached out to one of their capture goods. Examining her face, the cloaked man frowned in disappointment.

"Ah to be honest, we need a better product. One that is unique." The muscular man helplessly sighed. The night had engulfed them, with darkness reaching out to those who stepped inside.

"Yeah.... they're getting bored of the usual ones..... we need one that'll fetch a high price..." The cloaked man replied.

Hearing this comment, the other man scuffed, hinting at the absurdity in the other's words.

"As if."

The two leaders of a certain group contemplated as they grumbled about their business.

Their ramblings continued until they were called for a meeting.


Hope you enjoyed it!

I'm very happy that this fanfic was able to get this far, and it is all thanks to my lovely readers T^T

Thank you so much! 😊

Again, sorry for the slow updates...

Also, I don't know much of Chinese names (apologies!) - if i happen to have anything that is not appropriate etc, pls comment and i will fix it.... (because i have been using name generators.....)

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