《SVSSS fanfic: Bing-ge and his new Shizun》Stolen


Turning his head around, Shen Qingqiu met the crimson eyes of "Luo Binghe". Without being given the time to react, he was confined with a strong arm circling around his waist. With his hands bound behind him, Shen Qingqiu could only struggle in "Luo Binghe's" hold.

Attempting to use spiritual power to draw out his sword but failing, Shen Qingqiu realised the sudden blockage in using his spiritual power. Widening his eyes in shock, he gritted his teeth. This damn chain! Wasn't this the Immortal Binding Cable that made me vulnerable against the skinner ghost? Some déjà vu here! Shen Qingqiu could already see the amused face of the person behind him.

Coughing up blood, the Luo Binghe that was slashed by Xin Mo stood back up only to see his Shizun in the arms of that bastard! Eyes turning cold and fierce, it lit up to a bright red in response to his anger.

"Give. Him. Back!" Growling like a beast, Luo Binghe leaped over to Shen Qingqiu.

"Hahahahahaha, of course, if you can, that is." Grasping Xin Mo, "Luo Binghe" released a wave of dark energy whilst swinging his sword to face the other's fists. With the advantage of being in full control of the 'Protagonist's golden halo' sword(aka Xin Mo), "Luo Binghe" inflicted more freshly made cuts onto the other Luo Binghe who had to fight without the sword.

Smirking at the difference of their strengths, "Luo Binghe" chuckled. As if showing off who was in his arms, "Luo Binghe" brought Shen Qingqiu closer to himself. The display of seeing his Shizun in the hands of another only increased Luo Binghe's rage tenfold. Especially that arm! No one was allowed to touch him! Finally placing his hands on the hilt of the Xin Mo wrapped up in talismans, Luo Binghe was ready to slice the 'bastard' to pieces.


To stop his disciple from going back into the road of chaos, Shen Qingqiu commanded, "LUO BINGHE DON'T YOU DARE!"

Hearing his Shizun's voice, Luo Binghe immediately stopped and could only make a puppy dog face pleading to get permission. With the master and disciple duo staring at each other's eyes lovingly as if the time had stopped, the "Luo Binghe" that was completely forgotten twitched his brows in response.

With uprising anger, or perhaps jealousy, "Luo Binghe", in one swift movement turned Shen Qingqiu's face towards him and sealed his lips. Although starting with a soft and swift kiss, "Luo Binghe" was able to slowly make his way into the other's mouth. Unable to move, Shen Qingqiu could only try to break off the kiss again through forcefully biting down on the other's tongue.

Not allowing to be bitten again, "Luo Binghe" placed his hand on the other's jaw to prevent the other's mouth from closing. With the fierce and experienced (....from bedding about 3000 women) techniques of intwining tongues together, Shen Qingqiu could only gasp for air as a string saliva escaped his mouth.

Without a second thought, Luo Binghe ripped out his sword and let the dark powers take over. Being enhanced by his extreme hatred towards this bastard, he clashed swords with the other. Laughing in delight for seeing the other's reaction, "Luo Binghe" answered the upcoming attacks with his own demonic energy.

Shen Qingqiu, feeling the slight relaxation from the hand that was constricting him, used the chance to fling his body away. From the vast explosions of power, the air pressure released from every clash of the two swords almost blew everything away. It was a miracle that no one noticed the tremendous vibrations and destruction that was taking place on Qing Jing Peak.


The situation was not looking good. Slowly being corroded by Xin Mo's influence, Luo Binghe's movements became more simple and restricted. Meanwhile, the other "Luo Binghe" seemed to be playing around whilst tossing the other from side to side. Seeing the mark on Luo Binghe's forehead starting to spread across his face, Shen Qingqiu made his way to the battlefield.

Suddenly appearing between the moment where two swords aimed for each other, Shen Qingqiu felt a piercing pain on his left shoulder. Of course, "Luo Binghe" was able to change the trajectory of his sword, but the other couldn't. Brilliant red soaked the white robes of Shen Qingqiu.

"Don't make me do this again." A stern voice scolded Luo Binghe, although one could tell the worry and anxiousness from it.

Remembering the time he lost his Shizun when being berserk whilst using Xin Mo, Luo Binghe widened his eyes in fear. Returning to his senses, he dropped his sword, trembling from seeing the wound he inflicted on his lover.

"No......." A sob made its way out of Luo Binghe's mouth.

A swift swing of the blade from "Luo Binghe" made its way to stab Luo Binghe's chest. As if teasing the other's weakness, only the sharp tip of the blade grazed into the skin. But that was enough to make Luo Binghe cough up blood and experience a very vulnerable state from the backlash for using his demonic sword.

"Luo Binghe" grabbed Shen Qingqiu and softly warned, "If you agree to come with me, I'll let your beloved 'disciple' off."

Hearing no response, "Luo Binghe" increased the amount of force applied to the sword, making it plunge deeper into the flesh, just about to reach the other's heart. Fearing what was coming next, Shen Qingqiu screamed "STOP!"

Stopping the blade in place, "Luo Binghe" answered. "Have you made up your mind, Shizun?"

"...." After a small silence, a short but sharp whisper made its way out of Shen Qingqiu's mouth.

"I'll go."

"I knew Shizun would make the right choice."

"I've agreed, so withdraw your sword."

"Hmm..... maybe if Shizun pleads me, I will,"

Pursing his lips after seeing the pale face of his heavily injured disciple, Shen Qingqiu sighed.


"It's not sincere enough." Came the irritable response from "Luo Binghe".

Th-This scoundrel....

Clenching his fists, Shen Qingqiu moved closer to "Luo Binghe" and murmured into his ear. "Please, I beg of you. Let him go."

Feeling the warm breath fan his ear, "Luo Binghe" smirked and moved his sword away to swing and remove the blood on it. Slicing the air, he created a portal that connected the two parallel worlds.

Leading Shen Qingqiu away, the two people made their way to the portal. Luo Binghe could only watch as his Shizun slowly walked away, his face unwillingly turning away from him and looking forwards in order to not see his broken hearted expression.


*Sighs* Poor SSQ....

I will try to update every week, so please stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!

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