《Outta Her System》Chapter Twenty One - My Main
Last night after Omari and I got back from the carnival, I decided to spend the night again. It was already late when we made it to his house, plus I wanted to spend more time with my man. If you know what I mean.
"What you gon' do today?" Omari asked as he pulled up to the front of my building and switched his gear to P.
He leaned his head again his seat and gazed my way.
"Chill wit' Queen and probably try and meet up wit' the rest of my friends from school."
"That's wassup." He nodded his head, "Imma have to chill wit' my niggas since you makin' moves."
I smiled at him. "You gon' miss me, Mar?"
"Yeah," he honestly said. "It's coo' tho' I gotta check up on the gang anyways. My ass been ah lil' distracted."
"With me?" I asked already knowing the answer. He nodded his head and licked his lips. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
He stared at me for a split second before speaking, "Both."
Even though I'm happy about having some type of effect on him, I don't know if I really like that answer. I needed him to be focus out here, especially since Brittany's sister went ghost.
"Hey," he uttered causing me to snap out of my trance, "don't worry 'bout shit, aight? Ain't shit happenin' no time soon."
"You sure about that?"
He paused before shrugging his shoulders. "I mean, you already know I got enemies out here that I don't even know, so I'm not gon' say I'm absolutely sure."
"Okay," I sighed taking off my seatbelt.
"Lanae." He called out my name causing me to look into his eyes. "Don't stress about it, aight? I got shit under control."
"Aight, you better." I smirked even though I was one hundred percent serious.
"Mhm," he hummed.
He sat up before gently grabbing the front of my neck and pulling me towards him. He wasted no time placing his lips on mine. I moaned instantly, granting his tongue entrance. He twirled his tongue around mine as we began fighting for dominance. Omari won like he always did and deepened the heated kiss causing my core to throb. Breaking away from it, he started kissing along my jawline since his hand was still gripping the front of my neck.
"Omari." I whined because he was getting me all worked up, knowing that I was about to leave. I don't want to be hot and bothered, but it's kind of too late.
He chuckled before pecking my lips again and letting go of me. "Go head."
"Go ahead? Omari, you just got me all hot and bothered for nothing." I huffed.
"Just from ah kiss?" He smirked.
I gave him a blank stare before reaching for the door. He put my door on child lock causing me to glare at him.
"Chill." He demanded.
"Let me out, please." I flashed a fake smile.
"I will after you gimme ah 'nother kiss and lose the attitude."
I rolled my eyes, mentally.
"How do you except me not to have an attitude, Omari? I'm about to walk outta this car unsatisfied."
He stared at me for awhile before nodding his head and switching his gear to D. He drove off from the building causing me to watch him with a lost expression.
I opened and closed my mouth not knowing what to say.
He drove with his left hand and played with his chin hairs with his right. Just when I was about to speak, he suddenly pulled into Grubs parking lot. It was empty since it is still early in the morning.
"Omari, what are we doin' here at your restaurant?"
He continued looking ahead and pulling on his chin hairs before suddenly speaking, "Take yo' pants off."
My eyes widened as I felt my vaginal walls tense up in excitement.
What is he planning to do? I wondered.
"Enlève ton pantalon, now." He ordered in mostly French, sending chills down my spine.
I slowly followed his commands, slipping out of my yoga pants. I didn't wear any panties, so now my bottom half is completely exposed to him. The cool air in the car caused my entire body to shiver as it hit my glistening warm pussy. I crossed my legs, but Omari shook his head and laid his eyes on me.
"Spread yo' legs." He said giving me a solemn look. As I uncrossed my legs and begin opening my legs he said, "Put yo' right foot on the dashboard."
I did as he said without any questions.
I watched as he slide closer to the arm rest that was in between both of our seats.
He glanced down at my leaking core and smirked. "You hella wet right now and I barely touched you, ma."
I bit down on my bottom lip as I became hornier than I already was.
His face became serious again as he looked me in my eyes. "You better keep these legs separated." I nodded my head as he continued staring at me. He brought two fingers up to my lips and I gladly opened my mouth and began sucking on them. Once I got them wet enough, he pulled them out of my mouth and moved them down to my lower set of lips.
He rubbed both of them against my clit causing a gasp to escape out of mouth. He slid one finger inside of me first before adding another one. I moaned as he pumped them in and out slowly.
"Omari." I moaned while rocking my hips against his fingers.
"This what you wanted, huh?" He added another finger making my mouth fall open. "Réponds-moi."
"O-ouuu," I whimpered as he started thrusting his fingers faster and harder. "Yessss."
I gripped his arm as he began making the c'mere gesture inside of me, constantly hitting my g spot.
"Oh shit!" I cried out as I tightened my grip on his arm and threw my head back against the head rest.
My tight walls clenched around his long fingers as they continued taking me to cloud nine. The familiar pressure in the pit of my stomach occurred, letting me know I was close.
"I'm b-bouta... Omariii!" I screamed as my hips jerked upward and my juices coated his fingers. "Shit." I moaned breathlessly.
He pulled his fingers out of me and stuck them inside of his mouth. Keeping his eyes on mine as he licked his fingers clean, he hummed in satisfaction. He smirked before removing his fingers from his mouth and opening the glove department. I watched him grab a few napkins out of it before closing it back up. As he began wiping me off, along with the seat, I panted still trying to catch my breath.
Once he was done, he got out of the car and threw away the used napkins in a trashcan near the restaurant. I looked down at my yoga pants and picked them up. As I slid them back on, Omari hopped back into the car and drove off.
Did that really just happen? Why is his ass acting like nothing happened?
It didn't take long for us to make it back to my building. Omari pulled up to the front before looking at me. As I stared back at him, I tried to guess what was going through his head. I laughed nervously when he stayed silent.
I went to grab my bag from the back seat, but Omari stopped me and grabbed it himself. Handing it over to me, I thanked him before opening the car door. Well I tried, but my door was still on child lock.
"Lanae." Omari called out, causing me to give him my undivided attention. "You better not try and leave this car without sayin' something."
I slightly blushed because I couldn't understand why I was acting so shy with him right now. It's not like I didn't just give this man my virginity, so why am I acting this way? Maybe because I just did something freaky in the car, rather than in private like I usually do. I mean nobody saw or heard me, I'm hoping.
"My bad." I apologized before leaning closer to him and kissing his lips. "I'll see you later?"
"Probably," he spoke before pecking my lips multiple times, "I'll let you know by tonight."
I hummed in agreement before pulling away from him. I looked him in his eyes and said, "I love you."
"I love you too, baby."
I smiled and got out of the car with my bag in my hand, when he finally unlocked my door. Just as I was about to close the door, Omari said my name.
I gazed at him noticing how serious his face was looking.
"Don't ever think I'll ever leave you unsatisfied 'cause I'm not that type of man. You my woman now and my job will always be to take care of yo' every need. No lie."
I looked at him with wide eyes because he just said that so casually. He flashed a smile at me showing me his bottom gold grills, making my insides melt.
"Go head and get inside. Text me when you in the crib." He told me.
I slowly nod my head before closing the car door and heading inside of the building.
I had to ask myself, What else is today going to bring?
"Lanae!" I heard Queen yell my name, making me realize that I had just got done spacing out.
I glanced up at her and smiled, "Sorry girl this weather got me spacin' out and shit."
It was so hot outside. It felt like ninety degrees, making me regret putting on this outfit. It was hell of cute, but just too much for today's weather.
"Mhm," Queen hummed. She sat down on the bench I was sitting on before turning her body in my direction. "Bitch start talkin' I know you got the juice."
"Nah, I feel like you got sum juice for me." I raised my eyebrow at her.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "I do, but I wanna hear yours first." I start cheesing hard causing Queen to clap her hands, "You got that graduation dick, didn't you?"
"Oh my gosh." I blushed until I was red in the face.
"Ha! I knew it!" Queen hopped up from the bench before she began running back and forth in front of me.
"Girl sit down!" I laughed uncontrollably.
"Hell nah, I ain't sittin' down! Girl you then got sum dick. Tell me everything." Queen demanded, standing in front of me.
"Okay, okay." I smiled before sighing, "When we were on the way to his house I had ah feeling that we were gonna have sex, so on the way there I watched ah video on different sex positions."
"Only you." Queen smirked, shaking her head.
"What? I had to be prepared," I laughed. "But yeah when we got inside, I started actin' all shy 'cause I was nervous. He told me to take my bag upstairs so when I got to his room I took off all my clothes and sat on the bed with my lingerie on."
"The one I brought for you?" Queen grinned.
"Yeah, it came in handy after all."
"Mhm, continue the story girl."
I laughed, "Long story short, when he saw me in it he couldn't take his eyes off of me. I already told you how I've been givin' him ah hard time so he punished me by eatin' me out until I was literally cryin'. Queen.. I swear, I had fat ass tears fallin' down my face when I was tryna get away from him," she sat down, cracking up beside me.
"Damn, Lucky had yo' ass beggin' for mercy. Bitch, I'm dead!" Queen laughed while holding her stomach.
"He did." I admitted. "After I calmed down, I basically told him I was ready to lose my virginity. We almost didn't do anything because he didn't have any magnums."
"Ouuu, that nigga must have ah monster. I know that's right Nae 'cause I ain't fuckin' wit' no nigga who isn't wearin' magnums. Sorry not sorry."
"I feel you."
"Hold up, hold up! Pause," Queen gazed over at me, "Y'all had sex without condoms?"
I laughed nervously, "Yes."
"I should beat yo' grown ass, Lanae. Are you tryna get pregnant?"
"No," I said honestly, "I told him I was gonna get ah plan b, but I sorta forgot."
"Well, we gettin' one right now. Let's go."
We both got up and made our way to her car. We put our seat belts on before she turned on her car and drove away from the park.
"So.." she quickly glanced at me before concentrating on the road, "you guys decided to get ah plan b and then y'all fucked like rabbits?"
"You can say that. It hurt so bad at first Queen, I wanted to scream my lungs out. After I got use to his size after he popped my cherry, it started feeling so good. I felt like my whole body was in another dimension."
"Ew. Okay, freaky ass," she laughed, "I don't needa know all the nasty shit y'all then did. I just wanna know if that video came in handy and did he beat that pussy up?"
"Queen." I blushed.
"I'm dead ass, girl."
"Well, the video was helpful. It showed me how to you know," I paused before sighing, "it showed me how to ride his dick and how to make it less painful for me."
Queen gasped before busting out laughing, "Oh my gosh. Lucky has turned yo' ass into a freak."
"I know." I admitted.
"So did he beat it up?"
"Yeah," I felt my cheeks heat up, "he was hittin' ah lot of my g spots. Had me speechless and everything, I swear I could barely get most of my words out."
"Damnnnn!" Queen cheesed, "I'm proud of my nigga. I swear he needed to give you sum act right 'cause you been wildin' on him."
I playfully rolled my eyes. "Well he sure did gimme sum act right after he moaned ah little."
Queen quickly hit the brakes and made the car stop completely. Numerous drivers beeped their horns at us before driving around us.
"What the fuck!" One driver yelled out their window.
"Shut yo' ass up!" Queen screamed back before looking at me. "Now you said what? He moaned?"
"Yeah. I was, um, ridin' him kinda f-"
"Okay, okay. That's enough, Lanae." She laughed while shaking her head. "So you made that nigga moan while you were in control?"
"Bitch, you then snatched that nigga's soul. You own that nigga."
I giggled while blushing. Before I could say anything, a car behind us beeped their horn.
"Aight dammit!" Queen hollered as she resumed driving. "That's so crazy! I'm so happy for you, cousin."
"Thanks boo," I smiled.
"We gon' get this plan b tho' 'cause I'm not tryna have nieces and nephews just yet. We still gotta go party and travel."
"Yeah, I agree."
Minutes later we pulled up in front of a pharmacy and got out of the car. After grabbing our purses, Queen locked her doors.
"So.." I started, "Let me know what kinda juice you got."
She began grinning. "Well... you're gonna love it."
"Ouuu, now I really want to know. What's goin' on?"
We both walked inside of the store and made our way to the pregnancy isle.
"Well.. me and Bean started talkin' the other day. It's not official, but we're not actually single either. It's more like a you're mine thing."
I began squealing and pulled her into a hug, "Finally!"
"Oh god," she laughed while patting my back.
"I'm so happy for the two of you! Y'all are perfect for each other." I pulled away from her, smiling.
"Thanks love." She grinned. "He makes me laugh. He's real down to earth, you know?"
"Mhm," I hummed while looking for plan b pills, "I know."
"Yeah, so we'll see where this goes."
"Yeah. It's gon' go straight to the altar watch."
"Only you would say some mushy shit like that."
"Watch. I'm tellin' you," I said.
I spotted the pills and grabbed a box, but froze when Queen grabbed two more.
"Girl, you gon' need more than one box. Imma let you know this now, you gon' have to get on birth control 'cause you and Lucky aren't gonna wanna use condoms ever. Remember? Raw sex is the best sex," she reminded me before handing me the extra boxes, "these should help you until you actually make ah appointment and everything."
"You're right," I sighed, "thanks Queen."
"No problem boo. That's what I'm here for. Now let's go buy yo' self a water bottle because you needa swallow 'em pills as soon as possible."
I laughed and nodded my head in agreement.
Queen is truly my main. I could count on her all the time and vice versa. Nothing could come between us, EVER.
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မောင့်ကိုချစ်ဖို့ မွေးဖွားလာပါသည်။
ယခု (မောင့်ကိုချစ်ဖို့ မွေးဖွားလာပါသည်။) ဇာတ်လမ်းတွင် ပါဝင်သော ဇာတ်လမ်း ဇာတ် ကောင်များသည် ကိုယ်တိုင်ဖန်တီးထားသော အရေးအသား အကြောင်းရာများသာ ဖြစ်သည်။ တိုက်ဆိုင်မှုရှိသော် သတိပေးနိုင်သည်။စတင်သည့်နေ့ =(16.6.2021-11.7.2021)ယခု (ေမာင့္ကိုခ်စ္ဖို႔ ေမြးဖြားလာပါသည္။) ဇာတ္လမ္းတြင္ ပါဝင္ေသာ ဇာတ္လမ္း ဇာတ္ ေကာင္မ်ားသည္ ကိုယ္တိုင္ဖန္တီးထားေသာ အေရးအသား အေၾကာင္းရာမ်ားသာ ျဖစ္သည္။ တိုက္ဆိုင္မႈရွိေသာ္ သတိေပးႏိုင္သည္။စတင္သည့္ေန႔ =(16.6.2021-11.7.2021)
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