《Outta Her System》Chapter Nineteen - She Likes
I sat in the lobby of Lanae's building, scrolling through Instagram as I waited on her to come down. I got here about twenty minutes ago and she told me to just sit in the lobby since she was almost done.
What the hell is takin' this girl so long, I thought.
Like clockwork, I heard Lanae call my name causing me to look up at her.
"Damn, I thought you said you was ready," I said as I stood up from the chair I was sitting on.
"I was, but my dad start lecturin' me," she rolled her eyes, grinning.
I chuckled, "I bet his ass was. C'mon."
She followed me out of the building and to my car. I opened the door for her, letting her slide into her seat before shutting it and getting into the driver's seat. I quickly backed out of my parking space before heading home.
After a few minutes, I got stopped by a red light. I glanced over at Lanae and noticed she had in headphones. It looked like she was watching something, but I couldn't really tell because her brightness was all the way down. That sparked my curiosity even more, but before I could ask her what she was doing the light turned green.
My thoughts took over my mind as I began driving again. Tonight is about to be.. something. I don't really got anything planned, I'm just going with the flow right now. Yes, I brought her to the crib tonight so I could teach her ass a lesson, but I'm not going to force anything. If we do happen to go to the next level of our relationship, meaning have sex, then I'm going to let that shit happen on it's own.
I know I'm ready to go to the next level, I always been. I don't know about Lanae, though. We been together for five months, which is a short amount of time, but I known her since she was thirteen years old. We have history. So really it's all up to Lanae of when and how tonight ends.
When we finally reached my crib after a hour or so, Lanae turned off her phone and removed her headphones from her ears.
"What was you so into over there," I smirked at her as I took my key out the ignition.
She shrugged her shoulders as I leaned back against my seat, "This tutorial I saw on YouTube."
I hummed in response because I had a feeling she was lying. "Yeah aight."
We both exited the car before I locked my doors. I quickly unlocked my front door, letting Lanae enter the house first.
"I still can't get use to this house," Lanae looked around in awe, as if this was her first time being here.
"I see," I chuckled before my eyes landed on the bag she was holding, "you can go put yo' bag up, I'll be up there in ah minute."
"Okay," she mumbled before making her way upstairs.
I smirked as I watched her disappear from my view. I could tell she was nervous. She always get like this whenever I'm about to please her, but when I start all her shyness vanishes.
Tonight finna definitely be something..
After I settled in Omari's room, I removed my clothes that covered my black laced lingerie. I sat down on the edge of his bed letting my thoughts run wild.
I really don't know what I'm doing right now. I don't know what I'm expecting tonight. All I know is that I'm ready for whatever happens. I'm not going to stop nothing from happen, I'm going to just let tonight's events flow freely.
I brought this lingerie from Victoria Secret a few months ago. It caught my eye while me and Queen were walking around and she suggested I buy it. When I tried to decline, she forced me into the store and brought it for me herself. She told me it was an early birthday gift. It was very early since my birthday is in November.
I guess it did come in handy, after all. I wanted to look sexy for my man tonight. I know I've been acting up and I've realized I have to work on not picking fights with Omari. I didn't want our relationship based on arguments. I wanted us to make good memories with each other. So tonight I wanted to wear something sexy for him. That's the least I can do, right?
"Lanae," I heard Omari's deep voice say, causing me to snap back into reality.
I turned my head and watched him as he eyed my figure. I slowly stood up and faced his direction, giving him a more revealing view of my lingerie.
"Zut," he mumbled in French, biting his bottom lip.
"You like," I questioned nervously as I spun myself around one time.
"Do I like it," he asked out loud while looking me in my eyes. He began making his way over to me causing my breath to quicken. Once he was towering over me, he stared at me intensely.
I averted my eyes from his only for him to grab my chin and make me hold eye contact with him.
"Omari," I whispered, "you didn't answer my question." I had to point that out to him because I wanted an answer.
"I don't like it," he started, but before I could jump to conclusions he finished, "I love it, ma."
I beamed up at him as he cupped the side on my face with the palm of his hand. Closing my eyes, I leaned into his touch loving his gentle gesture. I swear he makes me feel so special just by doing simple shit like this.
"I'm curious baby," he admitted causing me to open my eyes and look up at him, "what's wit' the lingerie?"
I blushed lightly, "Well.. I know I've been actin' ah fool lately and I realized that you don't deserve to be stressed out, so...." I paused, "this is kinda my way of sayin' sorry."
"Mmm," Omari smirked down at me, "you have been actin' up. Don't think this outfit finna get you outta the trouble you already in."
I decided not to reply to him.
Once he figured I wasn't going to say anything, he leaned down and placed his lips onto mine. Not wanting to waste any time, I gave his tongue access and we began French kissing each other slowly. Things got heated fast as our loving kiss became aggressive and demanding.
He bit my bottom lip before taking it in his mouth and sucking on it. I moaned lowly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his curls. Soon, I felt his lips attach to my neck, sucking and biting all over my skin causing me to threw my head back a little. With small effort, Omari grabbed the back of my thighs and hoisted me up before he started walking towards his bed. Not once stopping his assault on my neck.
"Omari," I whispered and bit my lip, feeling his lips on my jawline now.
"Be quiet," he mumbled in a husky tone.
"But-" I stopped talking once I felt his hand smack my ass, hard.
"What did I say? Soyez silencieux," he said the last part in French with the accent and everything. I instantly felt my body heat up and my pussy began to throb.
Suddenly, I'm thrown into the air. My scary ass screams right before I land onto the soft king sized mattress. I groan in embarrassment as Omari gazes down at me with amusement all over his face. Afraid to speak, I roll my eyes at him before lifting myself up using my elbows.
"Roll 'em again, ma," he said in a warning tone, daring me to challenge him.
I bit my lip as I watched him take off his white T-shirt, displaying his tattooed chest and muscular abs to my hungry eyes.
Oh my gosh. He is a masterpiece and he's all mine. Thank you lord for takin' yo' time on my man, I silently prayed.
"You might wanna take that shit off 'cause I'll fuck around and rip it off," Omari told me.
I eyed his huge erection that's currently covered with the black briefs he left on. I gulped nervously as I asked myself how much is that shit gon' hurt? I stood up from the bed before reaching behind my head to unzip the lingerie. Once I got it all the way unzipped, it fell down to my feet revealing my nudity.
Omari's eyes scanned over my body, starting from my medium sized breast to my long thick legs. As his eyes slowly travel up my body, I shivered. Not because I was cold. I shivered because he has a huge effect on my body. His eyes were making me even more aroused.
Abruptly, he crashed his big lips on top of mine and pushed me down onto the bed. I moaned as his hands began rubbing all over my body. Caressing and skimming over my skin softly. All while doing this, I felt his erection poking my thigh through his briefs making my back arch. My core is dripping as my hard nipples rubbed against Omari's hard, yet soft, chest. It's something about skin to skin contact that's so appealing. There's nothing like it.
In a short amount of time, one of his hands made their way to my lower set of lips. Spreading them apart before smoothly inserting two fingers inside of my clenching wet walls. As he began thrusting his fingers in and out, my mouth falls open. Nothing, but a small gasp escapes out. I threw my head back as he increased his fingers' pace.
"Look at me," he demanded in a low tone.
"I-I.. ouuu," I whimpered before glancing into his eyes.
We held our eye contact as he continued giving me pleasure with just his fingers. He watched my face change into numerous expressions. Must showing my overwhelming pleasure and others displaying my love for him.
He pulled his fingers out completely before he tasted my juices that were dripping off of them. "Turn over."
I scrunched up my face in confusion, but the look he was giving me told me not to question him, so I turn over and lay flat on my stomach. Looking back at him, I watch him squat down leveling his face with my ass.
Hol' up, hol' up... I know Omari is a freak and all, but I hope he not finna do what I think he about to do. I'm not wit' that ass eatin' shit, I panicked inside of my head.
"Omari I kn-"
I hissed when he smacked my left asscheek hard, making it sting a little.
"Lanae, I ain't gon' tell you again," he said in a serious tone, "shut that shit up."
I bit down on my bottom lip to prevent myself from talking again. I observed him as he gripped my hips and pulled me closer to him before he separated my legs and placed my thighs on his shoulders.
Before I could blink twice, he began feasting on my pussy from the back provoking a moan to slip out of my mouth. I buried my face into his sheets as Omari's tongue twirled around my clit and started flicking rapidly against it. I was dripping wet now. I could feel my juices running down my inner thighs and on Omari's face. I was on cloud nine.
I cried out in bliss when I felt him gently bite down on my clit before he began sucking it to ease the jolt of pain.
I felt my walls clench around his tongue, letting me know that I was about to reach my climax. Seconds later I squirted inside of his mouth as I screamed out his name. He slurped every last drop, but he never stopped.
"Omari," my scream came out muffled since my head was still buried in the sheets. I gripped on them as I tried to hold on to the last bit of control I had.
After multiply orgasms, I finally lost the control I had. Tears poured out of my eyes as I tried to crawl away from Omari, but his hold on me was too tight.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I yelled out, repeatedly. Silently begging him to show me a little bit of mercy.
I felt his chuckle vibrate through my core causing my legs to shake uncontrollably, once again. I arched my back as I released once more before collapsing onto the bed, completely exhausted. If he continued devouring me like this I might pass out, but thank god he finally lifted up and removed my thighs from his shoulders.
He picked up his shirt from the floor and wiped his wet face with it. He dropped it back onto the ground before flipping me onto my back. He smirked down at me as he watched me try and catch my breath.
"Had that ass scared of the tongue huh," he licked his lips before smiling.
"Yo-you had me runnin'," I admitted, "I couldn't take it after awhile."
He chuckled, "Like dead ass you not ready for my dick."
I stared up at him and raised an eyebrow, "Who says I ain't?"
"Me. I had yo' ass runnin' from my tongue. Clearly, you not gon' be able to handle this wood."
As he continued laughing, I grabbed his large erection through his briefs making him shut up real quick.
"Now babe, you know you just gave me my punishment, so of course imma run from it. But don't you think I deserve ah reward tonight?"
"Reward for what," he asked through gritted teeth.
"Mmm," I hummed as I gently squeezed his thick shaft causing him to groan, "maybe because I brought that lingerie just for you or... maybe because I graduated today."
I gazed up at him innocently as he stared at me with lust and passion in his hooded eyes.
"You dead ass," he questioned, making sure I was serious.
I nodded my head and used my feet to push his underwear down. Once he was completely naked, I glanced down at his dick, only for my mouth to fall ajar and my eyes to grow twice their size. His shit was so big, like why is it that big? Don't get me wrong I'm happy he is blessed, but dammit his length and thickness combined was out of this world. It had me shook already.
"You good," he smirked a little as I looked up at him.
"Yeah, yeah," I cleared my throat, "I'm just shocked."
"Mmm," he hummed before chuckling a little.
His face got serious again as he stared into my eyes. His gaze had my box leaking once again as he just hovered over me, observing me. Not being able to take it anymore, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down, kissing him passionately.
He placed both of his forearms on either side of my head, holding himself up so all his weight wouldn't be on me. He tilted his head to the side, deepening our kiss even more. I moaned and wrapped my long legs around his waist, pulling him closer to my body. Now his dick was literally poking at my wet entrance, building up anticipation.
"Fuck," Omari suddenly mumbled under his breath.
"What, what's wrong," I questioned softly.
"I don't got no magnums," he mumbled, frustrated.
I glanced up at him and seen the disappointment written all over his face. I was disappointed also, but I trusted him more than anything in this world. Plus, I heard raw sex is the best sex. Right?
I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled a little bit, "I trust you."
He immediately shook his head, "Nah, Lanae. I'm not tryna get you pregnant or force nothing, ai-"
I interrupted him by saying, "You're not. I trust you, Omari okay? I wanna do this now. You can pull out."
"That shit don't always work," he sighed.
"I'll get a plan b tomorrow."
"I don't know, Nae."
"Please, Mar. Please," I begged as I begin leaving kisses on his neck, "I want this, I want you."
I felt his hard on still at my entrance, so I began grinding my hips against him creating so much friction and pleasure, for the both of us. I paid attention to how he tried to control his self by biting his lip, but I was determined to lose my virginity to him tonight. One way or another.
Right as I was about to take matters into my own hands, he grabbed my wrists and pinned my arms above my head before kissing me senselessly. I moaned against his lips as I felt Omari rub his tip up and down my clit. He pulled back and stared into my eyes as he slowly pushed his tip in, stretching my walls in the process. He stopped once it was in and begin showering my neck with kisses to distract me from the slight pain.
"I'm finna put it all in, just tell me if you want me to stop," he told me with a serious expression.
I nodded my head and tried to prepare myself for the pain I was about to experience. But I realized I can't prepare for something I never experienced.
Omari kept eye contact with me as he began pushing the rest of his dick inside of me. He did it gently and slowly, but it didn't lessen the pain I was going through. I bit my lip trying my hardest not to scream.
Omari noticed this and stopped, but I shook my head no.
"Keep going," I encouraged, giving him a reassuring smile.
He continued and soon popped my cherry causing me to gasp. The pain was almost unbearable, but I knew it was going to be worth it in the future. I mean, why else do women have sex after their first time. It has to bring some type of pleasure, right?
Just as I adjusted to his large size, he began thrusting in and out slowly. At first it hurt, but the more strokes he gave me the more pleasure I felt.
He finally let go of my arms, giving me access to explore his body. Immediately running my hands up and down his bare back, I wrapped my legs tighter around Omari's waist.
"Faster," I whimpered.
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