《Outta Her System》Chapter Fifteen - Million
I was in the middle of texting Omari good morning when I suddenly heard a familiar voice yell my name.
I glanced up from my phone and saw Queen making her way towards me.
"Bitch, who the hell you let dye yo' head blonde?"
"I had the shop do it. You like," I asked with a big grin on my face.
"Hell yeah, I like it. Matter fact I love it," she ran her fingers through my hair, "I'm just shook 'cause you then got yo' hair did, yo' nails did, you lookin' like ah whole snack, and your skin glowin'," suddenly she gasped and stepped back with her arms crossed, "Lanae what you do?"
"I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout Queen," I smirked and looked down at my phone.
As soon as I sent my text to Omari, Queen snatched my phone out of my hand.
"Oh, I see," she smiled while scanning my screen, "this new wave got something to do wit' Lucky, don't it?"
"Maybe," I smirked while avoiding eye contact.
"Bitch, spill the tea now!"
"We gon' be late to our next class girl," I pointed out.
"Well shit.. it looks like we're skippin'. C'mon," she ordered before grabbing my hand and literally dragging my ass to the nearest bathroom.
I gave her a confused look as I watched her look in each stall before she turned around and smiled at me.
"Spill the tea, bitch."
"Girlllll," I dragged before looking into the mirror and fixing my hair.
"I swear.... Lanae, if you don't get to yappin'. Imma get to tappin' in that ass, bitch."
"Damn aight," I laughed, "soooo... ah lot as changed since the weekend."
"Mmm," she hummed, "I see, keep goin'."
So I quickly summed up my talk with my dad and how he encouraged me to tell Omari about my feelings.
"Oh my gosh," Queen squeals, "don't leave shit out. Give me blow by blow."
"Okay," I laughed, "so after we got to his house, he showed me around, but shit got real when we got to his room. Bitch I was nervous as fuck. Shakin' and all. I told him how I felt from the beginning to now, the best way I could and when I was done.. I asked him where did I stand. H-"
"Lanae, you stand above all the bitches he ever fucked wit'," Queen commented.
"I know, but I ain't wanna force it. Plus I didn't even know if he seen me in that way," I pointed out.
"Shitttttt! Everybody knew, but you." I stared at her with blank face causing her to bust out laughing, "I'm sorry boo, continue the story."
I shook my head before I spoke again, "Yeah, so I asked him where I stood and he got quiet. You know me, I assumed the worst and just said never mind, but he wasn't havin' it. He sat down beside me and told me he knew I had feelings for him," I paused once Queen gasped.
"Bitchhhh, swear to god?!"
"Yassss," I nodded my head, "I was shook as fuck! He talkin' 'bout he start puttin' pieces together and shit, but that shit is just crazyyyy. Long story short he said he figured out my feelings at my party and when he went to France his mom basically opened his eyes up about his own feelings. Queen, when I say my heart stopped, my shit felt stuck in place when he said he was feeling me. I was so happy," I cheesed.
"Awwwww," she cooed, "I told you boo. All you had to do was keep it ah buck and everything would fall into place, but you was actin' all scaredddd."
"Hell yeah," I laughed, "these my feelings we dealin' wit'."
She rolled her eyes, smirking. "Of course," she paused, "So what happened after he told you about his feelings?"
I began blushing as I thought back to our steamy make out session, which quickly led to me getting devoured.
"Well," I started with a grin, "we start making out and things got real in a matter of seconds. When I started grindin' on him, he was tryna stop me so I said something that would make him want to prove me otherwise."
"What you say," Queen smirked.
"I asked him was I movin' too fast for him," as soon as I finished my sentence Queen start cracking up. I joined in with her as we high-fived each other.
"Had that nigga feelin' like ah lil' pussy probably," Queen said in between laughs, "you was tryna test his gangster Nae."
"Yeah," I admitted, "but he showed me just how gangster he was wit' his tongue."
"Ouuuuuuuu," Queen screamed, making me put my hand over her mouth.
"Do you want us to get caught?"
"Lucky ate you out," she blurted out under my hand, "and you tellin' me two days later. Imma whoop yo' ass.. you gotta be tellin' me shit PRONTO!"
"I will next time, Queen," I promised.
"You better," she sternly said before a big smile broke out onto her face, "I bet he had yo' ass screamin', huh?"
"The total opposite, girl. Had my ass stuttering and speechless."
"Damn, he got that leave you dysfunctional ass tongue. Lanae don't ever leave that nigga," Queen told me causing me to laugh.
"You crazy as hell," I said shaking my head.
For the rest of the school day, Queen kept bringing up the fact that I got head before her. Her exact words were Why haven't I got head yet? What the fuck? I would laugh each time and say Bean's name. She would side eye me before dismissing what I said.
"Why haven't I got head yet? I've been ah good girl," Queen whined as we walked outside of the school building.
"Queen that's because you can be ah lil' mean at times," I laughed.
"To who? I'm not mean to niggas. Name one I'm mean to."
"That's 'cause he irks me, so he doesn't count."
"Okay... Deon."
"I'm mean to him because he's ah goofy and ah flirt."
"True," I agreed and brought up Bean again, "but Bean treats you like royalty and you steady treat him like shit."
"That's just me and Bean's relationship. Plus... he really not serious about me."
"Who you tryna convince me or yourself?"
"The world," she answered dramatically as we made our ways to our cars.
As she unlocked her doors and hopped inside of her car an idea popped up inside of my mind.
"Queen," I called out right before she was getting ready to shut her door, "I dare you to ask Bean for head. I bet he'll give you some, no questions asked."
She groaned and laid her head against her steering wheel. Queen is always up for a dare, so I knew she wouldn't be able to resist asking him now.
"I swear, I hate you," she mumbled before shutting her door.
"I love you too," I smiled and got inside of my car, which was right next to hers.
I drove out of the parking lot a little later than Queen. On my way home, I decided to call Omari since I hardly spoken to him all day.
"Waddup," he answered shortly.
"Hey Mar, what you doin'?"
"Nothing, handlin' sum business wit' the gang. What you doin'?"
"On my way home," I mumbled knowing he was about to go off on me.
"Lanae... what the fuck I tell you 'bout talkin' on the phone and drivin'?"
"Omari it's not like I'm lookin' down at my phone or anything."
"I don't give ah fuck. Call me when you get home," he demanded before he hung up on me.
I scrunched my face up, "Did this nigga just hang up on me?"
I threw my phone in one of my cup holders and drove home in silence. He just pissed me off like how the fuck you going to hang up on me? That shit was highly disrespectful.
When I pulled up inside of our parking lot, I saw Queen getting out of her car. I swerved into my parking space beside her and quickly turned my car off. She look at me like I was retarded with her hand over her heart as I got out.
I threw her a confused look before I locked my car up, "What?"
"What the fuck is wrong wit' you? You could've ran me over?"
Usually I would've laughed, but I was in a pissy mood. Thanks to Omari.
"My bad."
"You okay," she questioned as we started making our way inside.
"Just.. Omari pissin' me off already," I sighed as we both entered the building.
"Uh, uh. What his bright ass do now?"
"Being mad disrespectful," I huffed as I clicked on the elevator button to go up, "he call his self hangin' up on me."
"The fuck? Why?"
"Over me drivin' while talkin' on the phone."
She burst out laughing before shaking her head as the elevator doors finally slid open. We stepped inside as some people were stepping out.
"Yo' nigga controllin, that's all," she shrugged.
"He not finna be controllin' me."
Queen pressed on her floor number, causing the doors to close. As we were going up, she kept laughing under her breath.
"What the fuck you laughin' at?"
She looked up at me with a sneaky grin. "Well," she paused, "since you wanna dare, I got one for you."
I groaned lowly because I knew she was about to dare me to do something I didn't want to do.
"What is it," I asked in a low tone.
We got off on her floor and headed towards her condo.
"I dare you to ignore Omari for the rest of the day until he finds you and-"
"Hold on, until he finds me?"
"Yes, we're not stayin' here. We finna go out and get litty," she said sticking her tongue out. When I opened my mouth to speak she said "oh yeah I wasn't done. You have to ignore him until he finds you and when he asks you what's wrong you have to tell him you been actin' up because you wanted some head."
"Nooooo," I whined, "you tryna get me in trouble."
"Yup, since you wanna dare something I don't wanna do. I'm returnin' the favor," she smirked.
"Let the drama begin," she clapped her hands like this was a game.
Omari was gonna be on my ass.
Somebody lmk where Lanae is at.
I sent that message to all my Slum Money gang members.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't pissed right now. Lanae didn't call me when she got home and when I did try to call her, she ignores my shit. I texted Rob to see if she was home and he told me she was with Queen. I tried calling and texting Queen to see what's up, but she's been ignoring me too.
After a few minutes of me riding around, someone finally texted me back with some info.
✊🏼got her ass😂 she up here at the mall with her cousin
Aight good lookin, make sure you keep an eye on em. I'm omw
I placed my phone in my lap before making an u-turn and speeding towards the mall. My phone began ringing and I quickly answered without looking.
"Nigga I'm on my way to the mall too 'cause I gotta see y'alls first argument as ah couple," Bean's geeking ass laughed.
I smacked my lips, "Bean shut yo' ass up."
"Aww nigga you mad?"
"You know I'm tight right now."
"Keep that energy my G," he told me causing me to hang up on his annoying ass.
That nigga play too much sometimes. Nah, fuck that.. all the time.
My phone began ringing again, but I ignored it for now. I was just tryna focus on driving to this damn mall.
After a few minutes, I swerved into the big mall parking lot and quickly found a parking space. I dialed Chris' number as I hopped out of my car and walked towards the entrance.
"Nigga it's about time," Bean yelled once I stepped inside.
"How the fuck you get here before me," I questioned.
He shrugged, "I was probably closer, shit I don't know."
I shook my head, "Ah damn shame."
"Wassup Lucky. You here," Chris asked as soon as he picked up his phone.
"Yeah, where y'all at?"
"Food court."
"Aight coo'," I hung up and put my phone inside of my pocket.
"Where they asses at," Bean asked.
"Damn food court," I uttered as we both made our way there.
"She out here kickin' it, while you tryna reach her and shit," Bean chuckled.
"Yeah. She got me fucked up, B."
"Ohhh shit, she bringin' the thug outta Lucky. I gotta record this shit," Bean said patting his pockets for his phone. He cursed under his breath, "I left my shit in the whip."
"Nah, dawg. Let's go back," he suggested causing me to wave him off.
We finally made it to the food court and it wasn't crowded like it usually would be on the weekend. I mean it's a whole Monday. Nobody do shit on Monday, but work.
I watched Chris walk towards me and Bean.
"Where they at," I asked.
"They payin' for some pizza right now," Chris laughed before shaking hands with both of us.
"Wassup lil' nigga," Bean greeted.
"Yeah, wassup nigga. My bad I had to have yo' ass babysit for me," I apologized cause I probably fucked up his plans.
"Nah Lucky, you good. I was just shoppin' by my lonely, so you really gave me something to do."
"You need to getchu' sum hoes lil' nigga," Bean teased.
"Nigga I gots the hoes," Chris tried to flex.
"Stay ah lil' nigga, G. We don't need you gettin' heartbroken," Bean said before tapping his shoulder.
I busted out laughing as Chris mugged Bean before shrugging his hand off his shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up. I don't get hurt like yo' ass."
"Who be hurtin' me," Bean curiously asked.
"Queen," Chris smirked.
"Damnnn," I instigated with my fist over my mouth.
Bean stale faced him, "You sound goofy lil' nigga. Stay in school."
Me and Chris laughed at his salty as before I got back serious. I saw Lanae and Queen exit the little pizza section and head towards a nearby table. As they sat down, Bean told Chris to record.
"For what," Chris raised an eyebrow.
"Cause Lanae's ass is finna be grass, son."
I shook my head and started walking to the both of them. Queen's back was to me and Lanae was facing my direction, but she hasn't noticed me yet. I noticed a lot of shit when I was walking their way. One, Lanae's phone was on the damn table. Two, her ass was having a good time while I'm out here mad. Three, she dyed her hair blonde. I was pissed at her, but I couldn't lie. My baby was looking good.
As I got closer, I watched Lanae look up and make eye contact with me. Her eyes grew so wide, I would've laughed if I wasn't so mad.
"Omari," she said in a shocked tone.
"Yup. In the flesh," I pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, "You haven't been gettin' any of my calls?"
I didn't wait for her response, "How 'bout you Queen? You got my calls?"
Queen looked down at her pizza and mumbled, "Yeah."
"So wassup? We got beef or sum?"
"Omari shut up," Lanae said causing my nose to flare up a little.
"Nah, you shut yo' ass up. You got me tight as fuck Lanae," I said glaring at her.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have hung up on me," she leaned back in chair and crossed her arms.
I squinted my eyes at her, "You dead ass right now?
"Yeah, the fuck."
"Lanae," I paused closing my eyes, "I was fuckin' busy workin' plus I already told yo' hard headed ass not to be on the phone while drivin'."
"It's not that serious," she rolled her eyes.
"Fuck it. You wanna be smart... don't hit my line. 'Cause yo' attitude right now is pissin' me off, B."
She grabbed my arm when I moved to get up from the seat, "Wait.. Omari I'm sorry."
"Nah, man. Get off me."
"Nooo," she whined as she pulled me towards her.
"Lanae what the fuck you want from me? What's wrong wit' you?"
I heard Queen snicker under her breath causing me to look up at her with a lost expression.
Lanae continued holding me close to her with her head resting on my shoulder.
"What's wrong wit' her," I asked Queen as Chris and Bean slowly creeped up a little closer with the phone recording.
"She gon' have to tell you," she smirked at Lanae.
I gazed down at Lanae, "Wassup ma? I can't try and fix yo' lil' attitude if I don't know what's wrong."
Lanae sighed lowly, "I only got ah attitude because I've been wantin' sum head."
My eyes slightly grew as I heard Chris and Bean cracking up.
"Oh shit, we got that shit on camera," Bean said in between laughs.
"Oh god," Lanae mumbled as she buried her face in my chest.
"Y'all put that damn phone away," I sternly said.
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