《Masked Girls》14. BACKING


Hi Lisa, can you pLEASE finish your part by tonight. Thanks. 00:03 ✓✓

I clicked the on-off button of my phone, watching the screen fade to black.

Just the perfect thing to make my blood pressure rise in the morning, first thing after I wake up.

Perhaps, it truly was time to consider following those screenshots of self-care Twitter accounts that were posted on Instagram - some stuff about not using your phone until done with a morning routine. The only plus point was that the anger kept my previously-exhausted self awake on pure adrenaline, and that I managed to somehow restrain my snappy attitude from showing at the breakfast table, even though the bread was soggy from fried egg being dumped on it too soon. All was good, but my anger rose exponentially after one hour in the chem lab.

Turns out, she wasn't trying so hard to edit those Instagram posts to perfectly complement her feed like she constantly whined about through her stories (said whining was annoying, by the way), rather, she'd been working on her Chemistry personal reflection and pounded out a full one page of single-lined words. In comparison to mine, which only reached three-quarters of a page when double-spaced - which was the formatting stated in the worksheet, I was now hoping that she'd somehow get penalised for not following clear instructions - though that was unlikely. Oh, how I wanted to scratch that fake smile off her face as she deposited her printed reflection in the hands of Angeline, who was the Chemistry representative and in charge of all worksheet collection.

Ah, so she wasn't stupid - she was trying to make use of my possible stupidity to earn two sets of good grades at one go, wasn't she?

Someone had to set this girl straight. Schoolwork was a delicate matter, and petty drama related to schoolwork was something that teachers only settled if a full-on riot was occuring. I'd heard rumours that Reyna and two of the Leftovers got into some big dispute over schoolwork, only to end with them submitting reflections to Lorenzo, reflecting on their poor handling of their private beef.


I did not want that. I needed to settle this quietly; the less harm to me, the better.

But it couldn't hurt to try, right?

Taking in a deep breath, I pulled my backpack strap over one shoulder and knocked twice on the door to Ms Woods' classroom, then pushed the door open.

"Hi, Miss Woods. Do you have time for me to uh... ask you about something?"

Wide cerulean eyes looked into my own. "Sure, go ahead."

Ohmygod, please let my social skills thrive for today, please.

"Do you think Lisa and I could get an extension on the essay? It's just - "

"Oh? You still have chess competitions?"

"Oh, no," I waved my hands in refusal, albeit a little surprised that the woman actually knew what damn club I was in, "It's just, it's due tomorrow, and I texted Lisa to do it, but she hasn't read or replied and her part is still blank. I'm not sure, maybe she's busy?"

"I see. Why don't you remind her again, and you let me know if she still hasn't done it, okay? You gotta learn to communicate with others and rush people to do it; that's why we make you all do these projects - to teach you to work with others. Agreeable?"

Oh, wow, you think I don't want to?!

I forced a small, shy grin onto my face, "Yeah, thank you!"

"Okay, better go for your next class now, you don't want to be late."

With a final smile, I ducked out of the class and into the hallway, the tendrils of dissatisfaction pulling me deeper into its arms.

Communication? That was hardly half of the problem. The real deal was that Lisa was a sneaky bugger who thought she could do as she liked, and I was an isolated pawn with pieces aimed at me from all sides. It was always, always about backing.


But did I want backing? No, not from anyone in this school, from this cohort. Not on this treacherous chessboard, this masquerade ball of euphoria and glaring lights where no one was brave enough to break the chain and end the dance.

People could talk big about rebellion and great cause, but no one would actually do it for fear that the others would leave them hanging.

Alliances and all, but when it all came down it was every girl for herself -


I attempted to swerve last minute, but as usual, it was a rather delayed reaction. Avery Castle's pencil case and calculator slipped out of her stack of stuff and hit the floor as my shoulder slammed against the row of lockers.

"Ohmygosh, I'm sorry," the apology slipped out of my mouth, thankfully automatically as she returned with the harried default response of "Oh no, it's fine, it's fine!" Instantly, I saw it fit to help her get her things... only to bend down slightly and find that Avery had no problem doing it herself.

Awkward. Uh, time for some conversation, I guess!

"Sorry, my motor skills are just utter trash. I - By the way, have you and your partner completed the pairwork essay yet?" I managed to ask along with some nervous laughter.

"Yeah, we're almost done... I mean, it's due tomorrow. Why?"

"Lisa's my partner and she hasn't done her part yet," I groaned, letting the name slip on purpose. I mean, it was all tea, shade and facts. And this might cause some internal trouble... right?

"Oh... man, really?" Avery adjusted the things in her grip, "You should try and rush her. She's the kind of member who slacks off until the last minute. That's what I did."

Ok, disappointed but not surprised. Hoping for a moment of shared gossip is just too idealistic for me.

"Yeah, uh, I already did, but the document still has two paragraphs blank," I replied, giving her my best Hide the Pain Harold impression.

"Ooh, all the best - I'm sure she'll eventually do the work," Avery smiled back sheepishly, "See you around!"

Wow, much helpful. Such fake reassurance.

"Bye," I nodded as she began to proceed down the hallway.

And there, I decided that Avery Castle was potentially useful; a direct ticket into spilling the Populars' tea. More specifically, Lisa's. With Natalie's expulsion, it seemed that Addison and Gillian were closer as a chaotic duo, leaving Avery to Lisa's companionship.

And no, in case anyone was wondering, I hadn't forgotten that Lisa was a shady lady under the bimbo act, who was just another power-chaser that acted differently around those of varying social status. Of course, now minus the power-chaser part since she was the queen bee.

Now, all I had to do was figure out a way to break Avery Castle's subservience to the Populars and her sister, and ensure that the only way Lisa went was down. It wasn't going to be that easy, and I knew that. Natalie and Gillian were all discoveries by sheer luck - and it wasn't going to be possible much longer.

After all, luck would eventually run out. Now, I needed to rely on my smarts - hopefully, the same ones that got me into this school in the first place -

Ha, right. Me, manipulate a Popular? No, I shook my head with a silly grin. I wasn't about to trust my revenge plan with anyone around here.

I would rise alone - and fall alone, if I had to - for this dumbass over here had no more energy reserved to deal with betrayal.

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