《Reapertale: The Reaper Finds Love》Angel vs Darkness


"I wont let you destroy this world, I wont let you destroy the people in this world. Why Gaster would side with you to do that I dont know, but I will stop you." I looked at my oposite and was filled with the determination to fight for what I trusted and wanted to protect. I stepped out from behind Sans and Toriel, Papyrus just looked at me with somber eyes. Sans tried to grab my arm but I shook him off.

"Frisk what are you doing? You cant fight Chara by yourself, its crazy. I cant see you get hurt anymore." I looked back at Sans for just a moment, a tear tried to escape but i turned away before it fell. He didnt understand what I was doing this for, that I am the only one who can face her.

"I'm sorry Sans, I have to do this. For your sake and for the other Gods." I closed my eyes and looked into my soul. Serching for my weapon, then I saw it. I reached out for my scythe, it was pure whit with a wooden handle. It felt cool to the touch and didnt burn like the cursed one Chara carried. A ribbon bound iteslf around my eyes and I felt my wings gain strength. When my eyes opened the cloth was over my eyes and i could feel the cool wood in my hand.

"My child what is going on? Where did you get that scythe?" I just turned to Sans and the others rasing my scythe and cutting the ground open with it. I didn't reply to Toriels question as they fell through the portal I opened up below them. They yelled in suprise as i sent them back to the upper relm where the king stayed.


"I'm sorry.. mom, Sans, Pappy but I need to do this alone. I cant have you getting in my way." I slammed the staf into the ground closing the portal I had opened, then turned back around to face my adversary. "Its jsut you and me Chara, and I will win this battle. Even if I dissapear from this world after i will not fail to defeat you. I will take back that crused sward of yours and purify it. Then i will find a way to bring Gaster back and return him to his family. I just need to get you out of the way."

"Oh Frisk, dont you know you will lose this-" I cut her off as i charged straight for her. I felt her movements with my wings so my eyes didnt need to see where she was. I wouldnt have been able to keep up that way. She just bearly dodged my blow as i trimmed her hair just ever so slightly with my attack. "You almost hit me. How did you do that? You cant see through that ribbon around your eyes. What is going on here?"

"Its simple Chara. Light always wins agains darkness. As long as I have my determination you are no match for me. I will not lose to you ever again. Now fight me and end this Chara, there is no where you can escape to escape from me." I once again brought my scythe down upon her but she blocked it with her scythe and sent a bolt through it that sent me flying back. I caught myself with my wings and flew straight for her again.

I felt stronger as we exchanged blows and her cursed scythe with each hit of mine started to lose power. With each cut she made on my body my scythe healed it. I could tell she was seeing it as well. Soon she just dodged my attacks like she was waiting for something, I didn't see it until it was to late. I sent a blow to her but she side stepped me sending her scythe into my wing. I called out in pain.


I felt warm liquid come out of my right eye as my scythe worked to fix my wing as I plummeted to the ground. When I hit the ground I cried out again, and picked myself up slowly and just narrowly dodging her next attack. Witch sent me into Gasters grasp, he held me by the arms my wings pressed against him so that I couldn't fly away.

I could see Chara coming for me as I tried to escape Gasters grasp. I heard something I hadn't been expecting and Gasters hands fell away from me, and just before Charas scythe could hit me I fell back just missing it. "Hey Frisk thought you could use a hand. You didn't really think I would let you do this on your own did you?" It was Sans, I should have guessed. "Tell you what though. I'll keep Gaster off of you so you only have to focus on Chara. I will stay out of the way alright?"

"Sans I don't want you here. I love you to much to see you get hurt." I pushed him away from me just as Chara swung down her scythe narrowly missing the both of us. I stood back up readying myself to send Sans back.

"That's precisely why I'm here, I just got you back do you think-" He dodges a swing from Charas scythe. "I would let you go now. Please just let me do this one thing." I dodged more swings from Charas scythe trying to shake it off. I wanted to yell at him for being foolish but there was no way I could fight both Gaster and Chara. She knew it too.

"Fine but if I feel like you cant handle this I will send you back to the upper realm again. Don't kill Gaster just keep him busy while I finish what I started." I blocked Charas next attack and Sans just nodded his head in agreement and tackled Gaster who had found his way back behind me. All my attention now focused on Chara I sent more strikes her way. I was going to take her soul and banish it to a place she couldn't escape.

No I had a better idea. If I could just drain the rest of the curse from her scythe I could get her back to the way she was before she died and became cursed herself. I needed to be fast though. I stopped dead in my tracks and stood still. She stopped moving for a moment before deciding to go after me anyway. I just blocked her scythe. I blocked each blow she took at me, then I felt it.

I felt her scythe go back to the way it had been before she stole it. I snapped my head to her and ran. I dropped my scythe to the side and it dissipated along with the ribbon around my eyes. Her next hit cut into my wing but I kept going, my arms wrapping around her so that she couldn't move. The scythe fell to the ground and a bright light enveloped us. I could see the past, I could see her and Asriel before they disappeared.

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