《Reapertale: The Reaper Finds Love》The True Fight


I chanced a glance to Frisk. I knew they were in bad shape but when I saw their human soul turn from red, to white, to black, then finally landing on a human soul with a deep blood red color I finally fit in the pieces. Gaster helped them up hair covering their face. Toriel was out cold so it was just us. "Did you get to the soul before it shattered Chara?" He asked a look of desperation in his face.

"Yea, yeah, I got it G. No problems here, all we have to do now is get this skeleton out of the way and you can have it." The demon Chara looked up with Frisks face only I started to notice the changes that had already occurred. Their eyes were red instead of the beautiful brown, their cheeks rosier than normal. They were starting to look more twisted and corrupt.

"Chara, get out of Frisks body now, and you Dad what do you think your doing helping this demon!" I screamed with rage. I can't lose Frisk i just got them back. No we had actually said that we loved each other or started dating but that didn't matter to me.

"Really now Sans we both know I can't give you this lovely body of mine. I just got it and i need power. So I will kill of anyone that gets in my way. Including you and my mother. So get out of my way and stay out of my way. It's time for me to have some fun, and once ive secured this body as mine, Gaster gets Frisks soul so he can go back to his family."

I summoned my blaster scythes and shot them at both of the figures in front of me starting a new battle. I didnt care what Chara had to say I just wanted them out of Frisks body. I wanted to make sure my father didn't get Frisks soul because then they would be gone forever.


"Give Frisk Back, NOW." I shouted again as my scythes came back to their position besides me.


(Frisks POV)

It was dark, and seemed to be getting darker. I thought I heard Sans say my name and someone else replying. Then the area shook and seemed to open up below me. Dark, Darker, Yet Darker Still. The area around me grows only darker with each passing second.

Finally I seemed to stop falling and float. My eyes felt so heavy but i kept telling myself not to fall asleep and fight it but my eyes betray me and i drifted away into a dreamless abis. It was cold and heavy I was drowning in the thick air around me. Slowly suffocating in my sleep.

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