《Reapertale: The Reaper Finds Love》Christmas in the Land of Gods


(Alright back t being an undead zombie in time for Christmas. I had to be a human for a while because of work related stuffs. In any case, just a short update chapter. Will have a real chapter tomorrow, hopefully. Also sorry if this video causes nightmares to those who watch it...)

We had managed to make it to Christmas without any problems. We each watched Frisk and they never went anywhere without one of us. When they were with me Papyrus came with just in case worst case scenario happened. Only now we were all sitting at the Christmas tree opening presents. We hadn't gotten any before so it must have all been Frisk some how. Each got a T-Shirt with their own logo.

Paps said Cool Dude, Undyne had The Undying Cool Master, Alphis has Cool Science Wiz on it, Mettaton didn't get one. We all suspected it had been because Frisk still didn't like them. I got the best one though, Pun Master. They had even gone and looked at the other AUs' to get us gifts from those times. Paps a scarf red as blood, Alphis a lab coat, Undyne got Gold Flower Tea, Mettaton the only gift they got was Pink and it was a really nice looking bracelet to be honest. I got a Joke book within a Physics book within a joke book and so forth. I kinda had to laugh at that one.

Then we each gave Frisk something we thought was meaningful to us. no need to say all that boring stuff though. We hung out for a while longer. After everyone left Frisk and I went to my room. We kissed before Paps called us for our Christmas dinner.

That's when I saw him for the first time... or felt his presence more like. It felt like he was following me. I looked around but didn't see anything, then suddenly everything went dark.

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