《Reapertale: The Reaper Finds Love》Remaking Dead Bonds and Gasters plan


"You what?" I asked in a quieter voice than I had intended.

"I love you Frisk."

"But I... You don't know me."

"I know you but it's that you don't remember me. So I thought that to get your memories back you could meet everyone again like you did the first time."

"Makes sense where do I start?"

"That's the thing I need to talk to the others first. So if you could wait here I will go tell them the pan and they will tell me how to set everything up."

"Alright, I can do that much." He got up and left the room.

"So your still here after all. I thought this might happen. I will need to speak with the king and tell him of this divelopment."

"Tell the king what you wish exreaper Gaster. I can't die remember. He already stole my soul once from what you've told me. You even told me that story which doesn't appear to have taken place in this Alternate Universe.

"You can't win. Just accept that and leave me alone. My soul this monster soul that occasionally twitches to a red human soul is keeping this body moving though I know not how it is done."

"My son can't keep you as his lover and you know that. One day he will have no choice but to reap your soul from this very plane of existence. You will die one way or another. By my hand it will happen."

"Is this why he confessed... claimed to me. To get close enough to me to steal my soul?"

"No that cool truly believes he loves you. Alas he doth not know why you are so interesting. It was because I created him to seak out that soul. The Red soul of determination so that I W. D. Gaster could return to my universe to kill my sons."

"I'll never let you do that. I will free him from your influence even if it kills me."

"Good then when he steals your soul it won't be a surprise to you. Good day Frisk. See you next time."

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