《[COMPLETED] The Fox Demons (Chanyeol Exo Fanfic)》||Chapter #18: Setting Fire||


Ivory's POV:

I woke up to see I was in my fox form and since I could talk to Jinha I settled with getting off my bed and walking to Jinha I licked her face. She woke up and looked at me questionable. "You should've just turned to your human form Ivory?" she said I looked at her died on... Her eyes widened, "Could be you can't turn to your human form?" She asked. I nodded. She got off her bed really fast picking me up she walked out the door with me in my fox form getting sick cause she was running to fast. She dropped me carefully on the floor before picking up the home phone and called Yongguk Oppa. "We have a problem....." She paused for a second. I saw Chanyeol came walking down from the stairs all of exo following. "Ivory can't turn to her human form...." Jinha said. I could see Chanyeol's shocked face, and all of Exo was shocked. I looked back to Jinha, "Okay okay... I get it.." Jinha said than hanging up... I looked at her as if asking 'Well what did he say?'...

"They are coming.." Jinha said kneeling infront of my fox form. She petted my head and than walked to the bathroom. Chanyeol walked over to me and kneeled infront of me.... I so wanted to talk to him right now but I couldn't.... He hugged me, nuzzling his head to my fox fur. "I miss your voice already.." Chanyeol said... Saddly looking at me with his glossy eyes.

'Where is My brothers?' I thought...

I didn't know if Chanyeol could hear my thoughts. Chanyeol petted my head...

-Time Skip-

My brothers where here already, I laid on my stumach as a fox, bored.... Well it wasn't like I hated being a fox it was just I couldn't take it everyone was talking to me but I couldn't answer back....

Himchan Hyung was inexpecting me to see if anything happened to my fox form to make me change to my fox form when I was sleeping in my human form. "Why cant Ivory noona turn to her human form there is nothing wrong with her?" Daehyun asked. I was sitting here boredly and annoyed with the way I couldn't answer anybody... "I don't see anything wrong with her Yongguk Hyung... What could possibly be happening?" Himchan asked Yongguk Oppa. "For the first time, I don't know Himchan." Yongguk said.

Himchan signed in annoyance... "What could possibly wrong with Ivory? Nothing like this happened before." Himchan said. I laid my head down on the ground and whimppered...

'If My brother's doesn't know whats going on....I'm in trouble.' I thought.

I kept whimpering. Zelo looked at me saddly... "Noona it will be okay..... We will help you." Zelo said. Chanyeol walked close to my side and petted my fur...... All I could do was whimper. I felt wetness go down my eyes. Chanyeol must have caught it cause suddenly I felt his hand whip my tears away. Yeah even as a fox form I could still cry...

I laid my head on Chanyeol's lap... It felt so different to lay on his lap as a fox or as a human girl... Yongjae was looking over books... "Was the window open when you woke up? Maybe someone gave you something that affected your transfromation? You can't just turn from a human to a fox in your sleep... Usually you would have to think about that form to be able to turn into it..." Yongjae said. I lifted my head off Chanyeol's lap and shook my head, "Was it unlocked?" Yongjae asked. Much To Chanyeol's annoyance I took my head off his lap compeletly and looked at Yongjae with a fox style of the lifted eyebrow. "Opps.... I forgot you can't even check when you a fox...Hehehe" He said shyly chuckling to himself. To subside my annoyance. All I did was roll my eyes... Fox style and laid back down on Chanyeol's lap... He went back to petting my fox fur..


Yongjae sent poor Zelo to do his work to open the window to check if it was alocked since I was a fox form and couldn't open it at all. Zelo went in me and Jinha's room, only to hurriedly come out.. Jinha was looking at him with confusion. "Whats wrong Zelo?" Jinha asked. "I-It was unlocked!!" Zelo answered Jinha, throwing his hands in the air. Yonnguk cleanched his fist in anger... I wasn't surprised when his eyes turned to the color of his fox form.. Chanyeol's other members hid in the kitchen, behind the couch or ran upstairs. Chanyeol stayed on the couch with my head laid on his lap... He wasn't scared, with me on his lap. He didn't feel the need to get scared at what Yongguk oppa did. And plus Yongguk knew he couldn't hurt Chanyeol or else I would hunt him down..

"Daehyun.... go in the forest and see if anyone looks suspcious... Jungup go with him... Zelo see if you can see clues beside the window. Yongjae you search whats happening. " He ordered my brothers to do something... They nodded and went to do the things Yongguk oppa sent him to do.. Now he looked at Himchan, "Now Himchan you come with me Home to get that..... Whatever you call the dang thing." Yongguk Oppa said. He already knew what it was called, he just didn't want to say it infront of Chanyeol... Since it had something to do with shotting a fox with a needle like they have at a doctors, and since Himchan has X-ray he can see there is posion in my body but he can't right now cause I'm awake... Since it only works when someone's asleep that was the kick with X-ray powers.

Himchan Oppa nodded and they left too.. Jinha looked to me with a scared face. "Could it be that?" She asked me. I nodded, to lazy to get my head off Chanyeol's lap. Zelo Came walking down his eyes where changing color now to.. "So is there any clues outside of the window?" Kris asked, I couldn't warn him not to ask questions. I saw Zelo Showing a medicine bottle up, anger was shown in his eyes. "Someone posioned my Noona..." Zelo Growled... I could see the red in Zelo's eyes. Chanyeol eyes widened and he looked kind of angry to, but he looked more ashamed than angry.I think it was because he didn't notice anything, But I was gald he didn't wake up since he was a human.

Zelo used the Sibiling bond to call the others here... My brothers all came here, Himchan oppa and Yongguk oppa Coming with the doctor stuff in the backpack Yongguk oppa was carrying. "Whats wrong Zelo?" Asked Daehyun. Zelo angrily showed them the bottle. And My other brothers gasped in horror. Yongguk Oppa cleanched his fist, and said in a dark voice, "Who did it?"

Zelo didn't jump, because he to was angry, Zelo showed Yongguk the cover. "Devil lady..." Jungup growled. My eyes widened, I knew who that was I looked up at Chanyeol. Hooped off his lap. I Hooped on Yongguk Oppa's head much to his annoyance, I read the cover. I felt scared when I saw what it said. And I slipped off his head and sulked over to the corner of the living room, not looking at everyone... "Ivory...." Chanyeol said worriedly. I didn't look to Chanyeol cause I didn't want to worry him more, so I just looked to my brothers and barked at them...

They knew what I said, I basically told them to catch that person...that I was scared about what's going to happen to me and finally to get it out of me... They looked scared about what I said last. "I don't think we can take it out Unnie... I think the lady has to.." Jinha said. I signed, And faced the corner again... "Don't worry Noona we arent letting that devil lady get away with this..." Zelo said from behind me... "Yeah Noona, We promise we will catch that Lady.." Jungup said. I felt tears come through, Even my little brothers where starting to get protective over me... their Noona.


"Now face over here, Your worrying everyone... even Your boyfriend.." Himchan oppa said. I Signed, I knew they would notice what I'm feeling through my eyes... I was feeling scared with whats going to happen to me if We don't get this posion out of me, I mean we know it stops my transfarmation from fox to human.. But what else can it do... And they will also notice the glossy eyes... They where waiting for me to turn around and look at them. I turned around around and faced them... "She's scared..." Daehyun said softly. "Well it's understandable, we don't know exactly what this stupid thing does..." Himchan oppa said pointing to the bottle Zelo was holding. "Yongjae reasearch what that thing does..." Yongguk said. "Jungup, Zelo and Daehyun... You guys are coming with me to catch that devil lady.. and ask her the way to take it out of my sister..." Yongguk said. The one's that he said the name of nodded, "While Himchan and Jinha stays here just case something happens when we are gone to eiether exo or Ivory.." Yongguk said.

Himchan and Jinha nodded, Yongjae went home to research about the stuff in the bottle to see what it does, Jungup, Zelo and Daehyun went with Yongguk oppa to get the lady and Jinha and Himchan stayed here. Himchan took out the doctor stuff. Mostly the needle at doctors used for flu shots, So he can X-ray me... Chanyeol's eyes widened, Especially when he saw Himchan oppa put stuff within the object that makes foxes fall asleep... (Yes... it was spefically for foxes.)

Himchan Oppa now called me close to him after setting up the stuff on the floor. I could see Chanyeol look at the objects on the floor with Horror on his face.

"It's not going to hurt Ivory.... It's just to make her fall asleep... So I can use my X-ray powers to see if it's affecting her viral organs or anything that affects her human form or her fox form." Himchan oppa said. "It just hurts alittle..." Jinha added. Chanyeol widened his eyes in horror, while I just sat here looking at the needle scared, cause I DID not like shots even if it was to help attack the flu... So hearing it hurt... made it wrose. I glared at jinha.... "I'm just kidding Unnie..." Jinha said. Regardless if she said she was kidding... I gulped spit, scared seeing the needle that was about to poke in my fox body... "It's not going to hurt Ivory.." Himchan oppa said. I still whimpered "It's okay..." Himchan oppa kept saying, he poked the needle in my fox stumach... I didn't feel any pain it just felt like a pinch and he pushed the lquid in my body. I felt sleeply. Falling asleep after putting my head down..

Jinha's POV:

I saw Chanyeol oppa watched with horror on his face even when I admitted I was kidding the first time, when I said it hurt... And that shows right there.... that Chanyeol oppa loves Ivory unnie... If he worries about her alot... So the minute Ivory fell asleep after the liqud with inside of her... Chanyeol oppa stood up and ran to her, even when himchan protested with him not to... Himchan Oppa in the end let Chanyel Oppa sit by Ivory. Himchan used his power and his eyes widened when he saw something... "Jinha Call Yongjae..." Himchan said. "Whats wrong with Ivory unnie..." I asked.

Himchan Oppa smiled and said, "It's not that Strong, we can take out easily... So while your calling Yongguk and tell him to ask where the other bottle is at the one that reverse it..." Himchan Oppa said. I nodded and did what he said, "Yongjae oppa is coming... and Yongguk Oppa said 'I will.' I thought.

Himchan oppa nodded, Chanyeol was happy there was a way to take out of her body. But scared what was going to happen while we are waiting for Jungup,Zelo and Yongguk Oppa to come back.

A few minutes laer Yongjae came and Himchan told him the more compilicated version of what he told me.. Yongjae was happy that there was a way to take it out.

-Time Skip-

Nothing happened to Ivory, during the time... and Yongguk oppa, Zelo Oppa and Jungup hyung came back with the bottle to fix it, but before giving it to Ivory Yongguk Oppa looked at it.. "It won't affect her right?" Himchan Oppa asked. "No. If it does though I'll go back to the lady and kill her." Yongguk oppa said. Himchan took the bottle reading just in case, when he found nothing on it he gave it to Ivory.... Ivory drank the liqud... "Do you feel weird?" Himchan oppa asked to make sure it didn't affect her more...

"First off see if you can turn to a human..... And just in case Himchan check if she has anything." Yongguk said. Himchan oppa nodded. Himchan checked first... "Nothing..." Himchan oppa said. When Ivory woke up Yongguk oppa told her to try turning to her human form. And she turned to human form, and she turned to her human form... wearing Her pajiamas. Ivory's brothers all cheered. "It worked..." Himchan said. And nothing was a affected, The mark on her back, Neck and the one on the shoulder that Chanyeol also had was still there. Her hair was back to it's orignal color though... "Ivory unnie!" I said happy. "What?" Ivory asked. Her voice still sounded the same... "Your hair is back to it's original color..." I said happy. Yongguk oppa noticed and he was smiling to. "Is your power still working?" I asked.

She nodded, I saw her eyes where the same color it was also... The door opened and exo walked in, The first one to come in was Jonginnie Oppa. And than Kris... They where surprised and happy. "Hyung.... Ivory is back to normal!" Said Jongin to Chanyeol who was behind the whole group... Chanyeol came walking by his members to see what Jongin was talking about. Chanyeol's eyes widened, "Ivory noona Your hair is the orignal color!" Sehun cheered. Chanyeol didn't say anything but there was a smile on his face, he came walking over and warpped his arms around Ivory... Spinning her around. Yongguk oppa or any of Ivory's brothers weren't stopping him.

I Smiled, to myself... when Chanyeol after spinning her for alittle Carried her alitttle and hugged Ivory tightly, Ivory laid her head on Chanyeol's right shoulder.

Ryan's POV:

I smiled bitterly when I saw that giving Ivory that substance didn't work and that it was a waste of time cause Himchan found out there was drink to make it better... I walked to my clan and Seans clans...

"meeting!" I announced they came walking over... I told them the stages...

Someones POV:

Me and my wolf clan was watching but than we saw Sean's clans and black pearl having a meeting so I told my clan to stop and watch for alittle...

"So the first stage is we lure Chanyeol to the forest when he is alone and no one is with him... which you distract Ivory her brothers and that brat named Jinha..... And Make sure Exo busy during that time... And only attack him until he is badly injured do NOT kill him... we still need Ivory and since they are bonded we kill the human we kill Ivory..." Ryan said..

"They are planning on hurting Chanyeol... Ivory Noona's Soulmate..." one of my omegas said...

"Second stage......When Chanyeol is already at home within three nights... we sneak into his room and give him a substance that makes him slowly forget Ivory.... and that the only thing to get the memories back is for Ivory to go to the past... which I would change.... and she has to fix all the things I did which is from the time Chanyeol eightenth birthday to now..." Ryan said. I saw all of his clans smile... I wanted to growl but I wanted to stay hidden for now...

"Stage four.. When Ivory is in the past..... We attack Ivory's brothers.. and Kidnap the maknae.." Ryan said this while smirking alot.....

While I seliently gave him a look that could kill him, if Looks could kill. And I told my clan to follow me to warn Yongguk and His Sibilings about this...

In no time we got to Exo's dorm which I knew they where at for now... We walked up the tree that was close to the porch and walked on the branch that went down to the porch railing... the thick one of course...

And when we got infront of the porch, I mean all seven of us.. I knocked on the door with my paw... They looked over Chanyeol put Ivory down and Ivory looked over to me and all seven of us...

Ivory's POV:

As soon as we all heard knocking Chanyeol put me down and I looked at him and than to the one that knocked and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.... It was our cousins... who were Wolfs.... All Seven of them where here..... I Saw the Alpha which is the same age as Me. He had this look in his eyes that told me he wanted to tell us something...

I walked to the door... And opened the door... My brothers went next to my side... I opened the door. "Zico?" I said....

(A/N: You probably weren't expecting the wolf clan that is related to Ivory and BAP would be Block b Didn't you? Well surprise!- Zeldamato12)

He walked in followed by Taeil Oppa and B-Bomb oppa which are the two oldest but Taeil didn't want to be the Alpha so they made Zico The Alpha... After Taeil Oppa and B-Bomb came Jae Hyo Oppa , than it was U-kwon Oppa, than Kyung oppa and Finally P.O ah went.. P.O was the same age as Tao and Daehyun...

"What's wrong Zico?" Yongguk oppa asked. I realized Zico kept looking to Jinha... I looked to Jinha than At Zico "Who's the girl? And why do I smell that she is half human and Half Fox?" Zico asked... He Changed into his human form... actually they all Changed to there Human form after Zico... "Zelo bit her to take posion out...A big fox the size of the our old cave came in here and attacked us.." I explained to Zico.. "So she is Zelo's Soulmate?" Zico asked. "Not quite anymore... But we haven't explained it to her so don't say anything." I said. P.O Looked to her... than to me.. "Ivory we have something to tell you and your brothers." B-bomb Oppa said. I nodded, "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Well Ivory you where right when you told me that you think something is wrong..." Zico started.. "When we were coming here, we ran into Black pearl and Midnight Sean's Clans.... We found out somethings... And Lets say Chanyeol is in Danger.." Zico said. I was the closer to Zico since we are the same age.. But I'm close to all of them... Even my brothers. I looked to Chanyeol and than to Zico and his brothers...

"What did you hear?" Yongguk asked. Zico looked to Chanyeol than said... "They are planning on leading Chanyeol to the forest and when he is there they are planning on attacking him until he is badly injured... three days later give him a drink that has the forget spell in... which you know what that does... Than Ryan will Ruin the past of Chanyeol by doing who knows what.... When Your busy in the past Ivory.... They are planning on attacking your brothers and Kidnapping Zelo and that is the stages for now." Jae hyo said. I looked at Zelo...Zelo was the youngest in the whole family... "So they aren't hurting Jinha at all?" I asked. "They left out stages so far though Zelo's soulmate is okay... But We have to worry about Your soulmate and than Our youngest." Zico said. I looked at Chanyeol than Zelo.... "What could they do to me?" Zelo asked. "Kill you." P.O said. "They won't kill Chanyeol cause Ivory would die also.... But if they Kill Zelo...." Zico couldn't finish cause Zelo interuppted. "If they kill me would Jinha die to?" He asked. I heard something from Kai behind us... I looked behind at Kai before saying.. "No. She wouldn't.... Remember she is half Human Zelo if You die Jinha would stay alive... Its only when Your soulmate dies first than you die also. So if Ivory dies it will just be Ivory, Chanyeol won't die." Jaehyo answered... Before any of the rest of us can.

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