《[COMPLETED] The Fox Demons (Chanyeol Exo Fanfic)》||Chapter #13: Memories and Letting Go||


Chanyeol's POV:

Himchan finally finished with Jinha and Zelo was still upset about what he had to do, even if Kai had forgiven he havent forgiven himself. "Ivory let me see your shoulder." Himchan hyung asked. "I'm okay." Ivory said. Himchan gave Zelo the 'Punch her lightly' look. Zelo without looking up lightly punched Ivorys shoulder, and it wasnt that hard of a punch. But even so Ivory had this look of murder in her eyes her eyes had turned gold. She grabbed Zelo's wrist and you could see Zelo was in pain. "Noona let go!" Zelo cried. Yongguk stood up and pulled Ivory's hand off Zelo's wrist, it was red and there where nail marks on Zelo's wrist. "You lied." Yongguk hyung said in his deep voice.

Ivory was still trying to get Zelo, But Yongguk held her back and carried her in between Me and Himchan. "Remind me not to make Ivory Noona mad." Sehun said. Ivory was clenching her fist when Himchan Hyung looked at her shoulder. She was biting her lip and her eyes reverted down, "That looks like it hurts Noona." Jungup said. Ivory didn't say anything, or even move but when Himchan pulled out a spike out that was a big as his plam Ivory had tears coming out of her eyes cause thats how much it hurt. "See that's why you should be more care full." Yongguk Hyung scolded Ivory. "I throwned to the wall Oppa how was I supposed to stop that from happening!" Ivory agrued back. "Thats why I told you don't run directly at the creature." Yongguk scolded Ivory said still. "What was I supposed to do?! If I attacked him from the back side Jinha would've got hurt!" Ivory yelled at Yongguk Hyung. Yongguk Hyung looked at Ivory with a disappionted look. "Than what? Why didn't you get her out of the way before attacking the creature!? Do you even think? Did you forget everything I thought you! Or maybe you should've called us if you couldn't stop it by yourself!" Yongguk Hyung scolded her like any other brother would at this time.

"Yongguk Hyung." Himchan said in a soft voice, Yongguk sighed loudly and walked downstairs. Himchan looked over at him, before going back to what he was doing. "I-I'm sorry Oppa." Ivory said. She started crying, "Its fine, I know Yongguk Hyung went alittle overboard with yelling at you. But he only does that cause he cares for you." Himchan hyung said. I grabbed Ivorys hand, "He only scolds you because he worries about you and because your his little sister." Himchan Hyung said. "You should know that since Kai acts the same way as Yongguk." Himchan added. "Instep for Kai is dealing with a human teenage girl, while Yongguk is dealing with six other people, because he is the oldest and our parents died, he has the reponsabilty to watch all six of us." Himchan hyung said.

"Well there is six more in Exo." Jungup said. "Yongguk doesn't watch Exo now does he." Himchan hyung said. Kris hyung started laughing when Jungup ah pouted. "Someone carry Jinha to her room." Himchan Hyumg said. Jongin looked at Zelo. "Me?" Zelo asked pointing at himself. "Yes who else?" Jongin asked. "You." Zelo said. "Just go. Watch Jinha okay."Jongin said. Zelo looked at Jongin like Jongin lost a head. But carried Jinha up anyways. Ivory was shocked looking at Jongin the same way. But she was mostly looking next to Jongin I followed her line of vision and looked over to the porch. Yongguk Hyung was staring out in the distance outside. But that's not what she was looking, she was mostly looking at the smoke from the distance.


Something hurt her and it wasn't her shoulder Something was glowing underneath her shirt through the back. Himchan Hyung who was confused about what was glowing lifted her shirt to see her back. His shocked face told me everything. I got up and looked from Himchan Hyungs backside to see him looking at

I was shocked trying to remember where she got it or better yet how she got it. I was worried since I didn't know what it even was. Ivory smiled I couldn't smile back. I just kept staring at her thinking of what to say or do. Ivory looked at me confused since I wasn't smiling back I mean why would I when I didn't know if this would harm her not. "Would this harm Ivory?" I said.

Himchan Hyung looked at the star print on his sisters back and looked at Yongguk Hyung who was coming up the stairs, he didn't answer my question instead Himchan hyung was telling Yongguk Hyung to come here. Yongguk Hyung came walking over, "What?" Yongguk was clamed down now, Himchan Hyung pointed to Ivorys back. Yongguk hyung looked at Himchan hyung confusedly and came walking infront of me, I knew if he cursed loudly or punched the wall than it was a bad thing but all he did was say "And?" Yongguk Oppa said. "And!? I don't know about you but I don't want a tatoo on My baby girls back!" Himchan Hyung compilaned. Yongguk Hyung gave him the 'Seriously You babo.' look. "What are you? Ivory's mother? It's not a tattoo you Idiot , it's a symbol." Yongguk said while lifting up Ivorys hair, and right on Ivory's neck was...

Himchan hyung regardless of the moment frowned at Yonggyuk hyung, Yongguk Hyung gave him a frown to, "Infact I have one on my wrist, Zelo has one on his chest, Daehyun has one on his right arm, Yongjae has his on his back, Jungup has his on his hand and you have one on your stumach. It's in our origin it's not tattoo's we just couldn't see it as foxes. "What meaning is that symbol on her neck and her back!?" Himchan Hyung said. "The first one she got means life and the second doesn't have a meaning, it's just a regular star." Yongguk hyung said. Himchan Hyung was freaking out while Yongguk Hyung was just answering every question without freaking out himself. Ivory looked up at bickering 'Mother' Himchan Hyung and irriated 'Big brother' Yongguk hyung. "Mother?!" Ivory said. in the modest of her saying that Himchan looked to Ivory with a frown on his face and smoke coming out of his ears.

"What did you call me?" Himchan Hyung said. "M-O-T-H-E-R!" Ivory spelled out for her second oldest brother. Himcham hyung was clenching his fist. Blush visual on his face, "I'm your brother! Not your mother!" Himchan hyung compilaned. "Well your not acting like my dear brother Himchan." Ivory said. I was shell shocked, who did Ivory learn this from. Yongguk Hyung chuckled when Himchan stomped away to the porch door, looking out to the forest pouting. "Who did you learn that from Ivory?" Yongguk Hyung said. Ivory looked to the door of her and Jinha's bedroom. "Jinha." Ivory said. "Really I don't hear Jinha do that?"Daehyun said. "Because she does it secretly, She compilans mostly about Kris Gege." Ivory said. That's sounds about right actually, Jinha gets enough bossing around from her big brother jongin but then kris Hyung comes and bosses her around more.


"She doesn't say anything nice about me?" Kris Hyung said. "Well mostly the nice things would direct mostly to Yeolie or the other members." Ivory said. I looked away blushing, Ivory never called me 'Yeolie' before. I felt Yongguk looking at me, sometimes I wonder what he thinks about mostly about Ivory and I.

Yongguk's POV:

"Well mostly to Yeolie or the other members." Ivory said. I felt my big brother instincts tingling when Ivory when Chanyeol 'Yeolie.' I looked over to the Happy Virus of Exo, he was looking away but I could visually see Chanyeol was blushing a bright red. It took everything to force it off his cheeks but I knew there was nothing I could do, Ivory loved Chanyeol I can't do anything. Because Ivory warned me that if I touched him she hunt me down, I knew she was serious she wouldn't go back on her word. And trust me it's not that I don't like them together it's just I'm alittle jumpy about how fast everything happened, Almost one year ago she used to stuck to me like glue using the excuse that 'She was scared of everything' when she really wasn't, almost a year ago she was a teenage fox that kept asking me stupid questions just for the fun of it and almost a year ago she was my little girl. But now she fell in love with the Happy virus of Exo, but now she had fallen in love with a human, but now I might be her brother but I mean nothing to her now, but now she is a growned Adult and finally she doesn't ask stupid questions just for the fun anymore.

Just to sum it all up 'Yongguk Oppa's little girl' isn't so little anymore, I looked at Ivory who was now smiling looking at Chanyeol. It took everything I had not turn back time when she was still a kid, but I know she will never be the same. I clenched my fist and walked to the big hole in the wall that used to be a window at the end of the hall way I sat at the ledge looking up at the stars up in the sky. I knew as her big brother, I have to let her grow up; As her big brother I couldn't protect her from everything and finally as her brother I couldn't see the toothy smile she gave me when ever I got irriated at her when she would push me in the river when we were close to it. Because her smiles weren't directed at 'Gukkie Oppa' Anymore 'That was a nickname Ivory gave me.' I thought. I chuckled seliently when I remembered how I got that nick name.


I was laying staring at the wall of the cave, Ivory was 2 years old and so at that time there was only me, Himchan and Ivory. Ivory being a baby in fox years she couldn't talk, not even in to other foxes. Thats until the same day....

She came crawling to me, tapping my right ear lightly. "Yoguk." She tried saying my name, but instead she said 'Yoguk' instead of Yongguk. I looked at her, her big puppy eyes looking at me. I saw Himchan ah looking over here with Jealsouly since obivously she said my name first. "It's Yongguk Oppa. Kid." I said. "Yoggukie." She said in her cute baby voice. "Close. It's Y-o-n-g-g-u-k." I said. "Gukkie Oppa." she said. I looked to Himchan who was looking at me with flames in his eyes, he was jeaslous of me now because I had a nick name and not him.

And from that point on she called me that since than, even when she learned it was really Yongguk she still called me Guekkie and I answered her. But when the others called me that I didn't answer and when they asked me why I didn't answer I said "Because it's Ivory's Nickname for me. I'll only answer her."

-End of flashback-

I saw all the times I would get irraited at her because she had pushed me in the river, all the times she said "I'm scared of everything oppa." just to get close to me and finally when she would ask stupid questions for the fun of it and as soon as I look at her with a angry expression she would run and hide. I knew someday I would have to let her grow up, someday I would have to give up on Ivory and give her up to Chanyeol and finally to let her grow up even if I for sure didn't want to happen. I didn't realize tears where coming from my eyes until right at the that time Himchan ah chose to come back inside after the surprise Ivory gave him. He as if he can see through my soul said "Yongguk Hyung could you possbily be crying?" Himchan said

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