《[COMPLETED] The Fox Demons (Chanyeol Exo Fanfic)》||Chapter #7: Regrets and Pain||


Xiumin's POV:

3 weeks passed and Chanyeol's smiles disappered, His laughs and everything Chanyeol is disappred, He was no longer Happy virus anymore. He wasn't happy, EXO's manger was worried about him. Everyone was, Everyone in the company was. Chanyeol acts happy infront of the fans, i don't know if the fans notice his fake smiles when he is on stage. If they notice the emptiness in Chanyeols eyes. The reason why she left was because she didn't want to be reason why Chanyeol fights with his members, she didn't want Chanyeol to get hurt because of her, She didn't want Chanyeol to be in pain just so she can stay with him. But it seems like to me, That Chanyeol was happier with Ivory than without her. The print that was on Chanyeol's right shoulder is gone, how do I know there was a full moon yasterday and it wasn't there anymore. Ivory had took it off so that Chanyeol wouldn't find her, so Chanyeol would forget. But it wasn't doing any good, she left the night Chanyeol came home after him and Kris got into a fight. Because the night before Kris say them kiss and he didn't like it.

I looked to Chanyeol who was sitting next to Sehun, Sehun was trying to cheer him up but it didn't work. Chanyeol got up and walked to him and Beakhyun's room, exo's Manger was here he looked to Kris, Exo's manger had found out from one of the stylist that Kris and Chanyeol got into a fight because Chanyeol kissed a gril and kris didn't like it, And the same night Ivory left Chanyeol, bringing more than the back pack of clothes and her cell phone that me and Suho tried calling so many times with her, She took Chanyeol's heart with her. "Do you seriously not feel any emotions Kris Gege." Jinha said.

We looked to Jinha she didn't talk at all for the past week. "Don't you realize what's happening to Chanyeol Oppa, She took more than just a clothes and shoes, she took Chanyeol with her. The Chanyeol with us isn't Chanyeol at all, Don't you regret anything. When it's kinda your fault she left in the first place Kris Gege." Jinha said. "You Don't feel anything, You regret nothing? "Jinha Said. "Jinha!" Kai said. "No....it's fine." Kris said. "Don't you get it Kris Gege?" Jinha said. "I get it." Kris said. We were surprised we looked over to Kris, "I regret everything." Kris said. The others instep for me, Suho, Tao, Kai and Sehun looked down.

Exo's manger looked to me and Suho, "Do you know where Ivory even is?" Exo's Manger said. "She doesn't answer the phone calls at all." I said. "Well there is someone else that has her phone number to." Suho said. "Who?" Exo's Manger said. "Jinha." Suho answered. We all looked at Jinha who was sitting next to Kai, Chanyeol doesn't have her phone number because he doesn't know that Ivory even had a phone. "Jinha you try calling her." Exo's Manger said. Jinha looked at the manger with a 'it's useless if it didn't work for them, than why me.' I know her face tell alot. "Just try, Everything is my fault I want to fix it." Kris said. Jinha signed, Jinha took her phone out and dailed Ivory's number.

We watched her to see what her reaction is, Her eyes widened after 1 second. "She didn't pick up." Jinha said. We looked down, suddenly Jinha's phone rang she picked it up.


Jinha's POV:

It was Kyungmi unnie, "Hello." I said. "Jinhang." I heard Kyungmi said. "Yes." I said. "You said that Ivory had Orange hair right." kyungmi said. "Yeah and?" I asked. "I found her." Kyungmi said. My eyes widened I stood up, "Where are you at?" I asked. "In london, I saw her when I passed by a store she was staring at the sky." Kyungmi said. I was shocked. I hanged up after telling her bye. "Well?" Exo's Manger said. "Kyungmi Unnie found her." I said. I told Global Love about what she looked like they been looking for her and Kyungmi found her. "Where?" Kris asked. "She's in London." I said.

All of Exo looked at eachother, "We have a concert tomorrow even if we want to go there to bring her back we can't." Beakhyun said. Exo's Manger said he would take about care of it. We went to bed.

-Next day-

It was Exo's concert, Chanyeol looked out of it. He didn't look happy or any emotion at all, It's almost going to be 4 weeks soon since she's been gone soon. We came to the the concert hall, when we got there one of Exo's mangers weren't there. It wasnt the main Manger it was the manger for Exo- K when the groups are spilt apart, I found out later from the main manger that Exo K's manger went to try and bring Ivory back.

Ivory's POV:


2 days earlier .... I was at work, doing my job until Exo K's manger walked in. "What's wrong? Don't Exo have a concert today?" I asked. "It's about Chanyeol." Exo K's Manger said. "What's wrong with Chanyeol?" I asked worried, He asked me to follow me to the back of the store. "The Happy virus isn't happy. He isn't smiling, he isn't laughing anymore and his eyes are empty no happiness. He isn't happy, that the CEO is starting to get worried about him." Exo K's manger said. I was shocked, "But I don't want him getting hurt, inorder for me to be on his side he gets hurt." I said. "His happier with you than without you, you took more than just clothes and your cell phone. You took his heart with you, you took alittle of Chanyeol with you. Your his other half, without you he cant be happy." Exo's manger said. "Please come back in to his life." Exo K's manger said. I was shocked when he partically begged me to come back. "What about Exotics." I said. "Let us handle the fans."

" But If you truly love Chanyeol, which I know you do you would come back to his side. When he needs you most. We will protect Chanyeol from anything that can harm him, we just ask you to do something we can't do. Make him happy, Bring the old Chanyeol back. Please just bring him back." Exo K's manger said.

-End of Flashback.-

So Here I am sitting by myself in a sit than having to share, Exo K's Manger left back to korea like the day after he came to talk to me.

When I arrived in Korea looking at the land I thought I would never reaturn to, The CEO of SM Entertainment bought me a car for some reason. How do I know it was him you ask? I see a Black BMW right infront of the enterance with a note that read 'To Ivory, From CEO.' I remember the Manger of Exo K gave me a key I didn't know at frist what it was for, maybe that was the car keys. I opened the trunk and put my backpack in it, I closed the trunk and unlocked the drivers seat (I have a licinse) I started driving to the company, when I got to the company. EXO just got done with dance pratice and since this car is very tinted to the point where you can see inside but I can see inside. I saw the manger of Exo K was right, he wasn't happy, he wasn't laughing, his eyes are emputy and it's my fault I caused this. I didn't want him getting hurt when being with me, when I'm the one that hurt him when I left him without a goodbye. Knowing I caused this I felt bad, even if you can't forgive me I'm saying sorry. When I passed by them I put the window down, Chanyeol stopped in his tracks when I stopped the car and rolled the window down. The other members where surprised, I thought I was going to be hated by Kris Oppa, Chen, Luhan Oppa, Lay oppa, Beakhyun Oppa and Chen. But instead Kris was sliently smiling. Chanyeol sat there wide eyed, "I-Ivory?" he said. I parked the car taking out the key and putting it in my pocket after locking the car.


He stared at me with the big eyes of his, "I'm sorry Chanyeol. I didn't want you getting hurt but I ended up hurting you more when I left you behide." I said. He looked down tears coming from his eyes he ran and hugged me, I was shocked especalliy when I felt tears fall on my head. 'I really hurt him that much.' I thought. He was hugging me tightly for along time tears kept dropping on my head, knowing I caused this it hurt. I sliently cried not like him when he was sobbing but I was crying sliently. He finally let go, Tears were slipping down his cheeks. "You don't know how much I hate you, for leaving me behide." He said. I know he doesn't hate me, but since I left him he wants to hate me for leaving him alone without anyway to get hold of me, without anyway to found me. "I-I want to hate you B-but I C-can't" Chanyeol said. He cried tears coming from his eyes and down his cheeks. I let him talk since bisacly he probably wants to say alot of stuff to me. The other members left, leaving us alone so we can talk amongs ourselfs.

As soon as the members left, leaving to the dorm already. He sank down to his knees, "I hate you so much, For leaving me behide with out anyway to talk to you, without knowing where you are. I hate you for putting me in so pain, Leaving when I needed you most." He said. He was crying, "You can't even call me? You can't even text me? I would've been happy atleast hearing your voice! Even if I can't see you again I would be happy to atleast hear your voice! " He yelled. He sat down on the ground with his head in his arms and his arms on his leg. I kneeled down infront of him, "I'm sorry Chanyeol. I didn't want to see you get hurt, but I ended up hurting you more by leaving you behide." I said. He was crying not looking up at all, still sitting in the same postion on the ground. I warpped my arms around him, "I'm sorry Chanyeol, I'm so sorry." I said. I regret everything, I should've left in the first place. I should've just stayed by his side. He warpped his arms around her, I was in between his legs sitting with my legs to the floor. We stayed like that for awhile before he let go, He had tears still briming his eyes. I whipped his tears away, "Where is my Happy virus? I missed him so much" I said. Looking in his eyes like I found him in there. Chanyeol big eyes stared back at me, his eyes didn't have the full of happiness look.

Knowing this is all my doing, I felt bad. Without much attention to my surroundings I felt his warm lips lightly crash to mine, His eyes were closed he kissed my lips passiontaly. I was taken aback espically when he warpped his arms around my lower back pulling me closer. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back. We pulled back after 6 seconds, The sunset was very pretty where were sitting. He didn't smile but his eyes was full of happiness and love, I saw something on his right shoulder and on mine. "What the?" I was surprised, usally when a fox does that spell to take away the bond it's not suppose to come back. "What's wrong?" He asked. I smiled, tears coming through my eyes. "Jagiya?" Chanyeol said. 'What's wrong with her?' He thought. "I thought it would be gone forever." I said. "What?" Chanyeol said. It was another full moon tonight. Both of the birthmarks were glowing under the moon, Chanyeol's eyes widened. "We're bonded again?" Chanyeol said. "Usaully when a fox does a spell to take the bond away it will never come back, but it came back." I said. He looked at me, "I can't believe you!" He scolded. "What?" I asked. "You took the bond away when you knew it might not come back." He said. "I thought I might not see you again." I said. Tears coming out my eyes, He was surprised."Babo." He said. He ruffled my hair and hugged me tightly, "I would go to were ever you are and found you even if you are 10,00000 miles away from me." Chanyeol said smiling. "There he is?!" He was taken aback when I said that He looked behide him, "Thats my Happy virus." I said. He looked back at me with a surprised Look, "I missed your smiles Chanyeol." I said. "Well it will never leave if you promise me this one thing?" He said. "Promise what?" I asked. "That you will never leave me again." Chanyeol said. "I promise." I said.

Chanyeol smiled widely and hugged me tightly, "I love you so much!" Chanyeol said. I chuckled, "I love you so much to Yeobo." I said. He pecked my lips than finally standing up since it was getting cold, he put his arm over my shoulder since I wasn't wearing a jacket. I tried going to the drivers seat first but he beat me to it. "Chanyeol!" I compilaned. But he opened the passager door. "Let me drive." Chanyeol said. He drove to the dorm and the other members where asleep already, there was left over food in the fridge that Kyungsoo left for us we eat than walked to the couch watching TV, Chanyeol had his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him. We I was laying on his chest, We fell asleep in eachothers embrace. I will never leave you, I promise. With you is where I belong, by your side is where I need to be.

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