《[COMPLETED] The Fox Demons (Chanyeol Exo Fanfic)》||Chapter #5: Unbreakable Bond||


Ivory's POV:

I bit my lip and looked down, "Kwenchana?" Jinha asked. Everyone looked at me, Chanyeol was still crying. It made me cry to, "Stop C-Crying Chanyeol." I said. Chanyeol looked up, His eyes widened. There is a way for a human to see the mark in the light of the full moon and it's tonight. Chanyeol looked at me surprised when he saw I was crying too. I looked outside I need to contact my clan but they won't know who I am anymore. I need to try though I stood up and got my shoes, and everything. "Where are you going Unnie?" Jinha said. I looked at her, "Stay her don't follow me." I said. I knew the pain I went through Chanyeol will feel it, I ran through the forest. I heard noise around me it was to dark I couldn't see anything, I took out the flashlight from my pocket and looked around. Suddenly a fox jumped on me it was of my clan, probally not seeing the print on my shoulder that matched Chanyeol's. I was attacked until blood came through my stumach I felt blood, Than the Fox left leaving me behide. It was to dark only the moon was the only source of light.

Chanyeol's POV:

"We should go look for Ivory." Xiumin Hyung said. We nodded bringing flashlights and putting on jackets and shoes on Jinha stayed home along with Tao, Kai and Sehun who was told to stay here by Kris. We walked around, Xiumin Hyung, Luhan Hyung, Kris Hyung and Suho Hyung was holding a flashlight.

I saw Ivory her stumach was bleeding, Blood coming out of her mouth and her eyes was half way closed. I ran to her, Hyungs/Dongseangs following after me. She looked to me, 'Stay awake please.' I thought. I carried her bridal style and running infront because Xiumin told me just in case something happened. I ran to the hosptail while the others went to the dorm to get the others. I got there, "I'm sleeply" She said. "Don't close your eyes we're almost there." I said. I ran hosptail. The doctor put her on the bed, she was getting pale. I stood there even after they left, the other members came and I still was standing there. I had tears coming out, It hurts still. I sat down after Kris told me to, finally when it seemed like hours the doctor came out, "Family of Song Ah Vulpine." the doctor said. Song Ah was Ivory's Korean name, We stood up. "Is she okay?" I asked. "Song Ah ssi is fine she just has a deep cut that should heal in alittle bit, for now make she she doesn't move that much." the doctor said. "Can we see her?" Kris asked. The doctor nodded, "She can go home tonight just make sure she doesn't make any fast movement that could open the wound more." He said. We nodded, Xiumin and Luhan went to sign papers while the rest of us went inside the room I got in first. She was asleep She was wearing the same shirt but it was cut almost shredded so that you can her stumach that was covered by bandages.

My heart was beating really fast, I felt werid. I felt a slight pain in my stumach still and I don't have a stumach ache. 'It's to dark.' I heard thoughts that weren't mine. I remembered what Ivory said about about what happens when a fox bonds with a humans.



"it's uncontrollable, and only happens when two people feel both the same feelings, when they bond they would have the same mark that the other has but only foxes can see it." Ivory said.

"Once humans and Foxes bond, they can hear eachother's thoughts and know what eachother are feelings and the fox would protect the human no matter what even if the human only loves them as a sister/brother, even if they have to watch the one they love with someone else they will stay by the humans side forever even in the other life." Ivory said

"In every life for enterity. No matter who and were they are." Ivory said.

"When they Bond when the Human dies so does the fox even if the fox is human, If the fox turns into a Human for some unknown reason. When they die they turn back into a fox and still stay by the human's side for as long as the human lives." Ivory said.

(A/N: Yes some things Ivory said that Chanyeol remembers in this flash back is somethings I didn't include in the last chapter in Chanyeol's memory.)

My eyes widened when I found out that the reason why I can hear her thoughts even if shes asleep and feel her feelings is because we bonded, I Blushed. She said they have to have the same feelings even if it's as a sibiling. They would the same mark, that Ivory humans can see it underneath the full moon. It's a full moon today I rushed to window I told Kris to turn the light off. I saw a print on my shoulder and it was on Ivory the same print, all the members eyes widened. "You and Song Ah bonded!" Sehun said. The other members has a shocked face on, Tao walked to me and touched the mark on my shoulder.He did so much that I started getting annoyed "Tao gege stop." Jinha said. Jinha calls Tao, Luhan hyung, Lay Hyung and Kris Hyung. Gege which means the samething as Oppa/Hyung, but it's in chinese. "Why is Ivory shuttering all of a sudden?" Kai said. My stumach hurt, "Get the doctor." I said. It was hurting me too, Lay ran and got the doctor. The doctor came walking back inside with Lay hyung, we walked outside I stood by the door. "Does it still hurt Chanyeol?" Luhan asked me. I nodded "So you love Ivory and she loves you too." Xiumin said. I looked down blushing, I looked at Jinha "But she said Masaya virus?" I asked. Before Jongin laughed again, Jinha covered his mouth. "Masaya means happy. So she meant you." Jinha said.

"Chanyeol what about you do you love Unnie as a sister or like she loves you." Jinha said. 'I love Ivory More than a sister. I love her to the point that I can't live with out her.' I thought. "as a sister." I said but my head thought something else.The doctor came out, "Ivory is awake.She can go home now." The doctor said.

-Time Skip-

I was pushing her wheel chair, she kept looking back at me with those cute big deer eyes of hers. 'I can't push the wheel chair if there is two cute big Deer eyes looking at me.' I thought. She blushed, looking down. I can tell she wants to talk about something. Kris Hyung kept looking at us, actually all the members where instep Jinha wasn't looking at us with shocked faces. I overall felt incomfortable with the other members looking at us and watching our every move. "Stop staring at us it's Uncomformtable, If you have something to say than say it." I said, for the first time 'Happy Virus' Isn't happy because I'm irraited from all the stares from the members. I feel like they want to bite me and Ivory for some reason. They stopped staring at us, and just walked away from us. 'What's up with them?' Ivory thought. I signed I really didn't know, unless it's about the bond between me and Ivory than I got my answer. But it's weird ever since they saw the print on me and Ivory's shoulder they been staring at us for the whole time. 'What's the matter with them? I don't know.' I thought. She gave me a sign grin, I smiled back. I can feel something odd like Nervousness and shock, I looked up at the other members that was secretly staring us. I frowned, whats up with this moment everything I don't mind when Ivory looks at me with her cute big deer eyes, but when 11 pairs of eyes that have that weird aura coming from them. I feel like a dog without it's foot that people are just staring at without doing anything.


Seriously what's wrong with them? I would love to know what they are thinking, so I know why they keep staring over here. Me and Ivory arent aliens from another planet, or nothing like that. I don't have anything on my shirt, or Ivory. We finally arrived home after all the staring and akwardness from the other members, I carried Ivory to bed since she fell asleep laying on my shoulder on the ride home. I put her on her bed and covered her with the blankets, I kissed her forehead. And walked outside, Jinha was already asleep Kai carried her in earlier. When I sat on the couch more akwardness, I signed. 'Seriously, This Happy Virus can't take this anymore.' I thought. I seriously don't feel comfortable, especailly and 11 eyes staring at you with unreadable look. I don't know if they are angry, happy or what. And I can't read their minds so that is out of the question. I stood up and walked in mine and beakhyun's room going to my bed and laying with my back facing Beakhyun's bed, I stared at the wall. 'Ivory?' I thought. It took a few seconds before I heard her thoughts. 'Yes Chanyeol?' She thought. I smiled to myslef. 'I Love You.' I thought. I felt happiness and joy coming from Ivory, 'I love you too.' she thought. I smiled widely, 'Good night Yeobo.' I thought. I was smiling ear to ear now, 'Good night, My Happy Virus.' She thought. I chuckled what a nice ring to it 'My Happy Virus' I never knew I could be so happy just by hearing that.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face forgetting about the akwardness with the other members. I'm Ivory's Happy Virus! Listen world I'm her's.

Ivory's POV:

I was awake ever since Chanyeol kissed my forehead, it was so warm. His lips were so soft, I blushed at that statement. I heard his thoughts 'Seriously, This Happy Virus can't take this anymore.' I thought. I felt his feelings, Akwardness and confusion. I heard footsteps walking in to Beakhyuns and Chanyeol's room. I knew it was Chanyeol, and I was right when I heard his thoughts in my head. 'Ivory?' He thought. I took one second since I didn't know what to say. So I went with my first thought, 'Yes Chanyeol.' I thought. I was smiling and could feel him smile to. 'I Love You.' He thought. I was happy and full with Joy, I heard his thoughts before he came in the room when he told them he just loved me like a sister but in his mind he said he loved me more than a sister, to the point he live without me. I heard my heart beat thump loudly and quicken. 'I Love You too.' I thought. I knew he was smiling wildly and ear to ear, a smile that spilt his face in half. I love him so much, this Happy Virus is hard to ingore especailly when he smiles. Hard to believe his actually mine now, I love him so much. 'Good Night Yeobo.' He Thought. I smiled and I knew he was smiling to, That Happy virus. 'Goodnight, My Happy Virus.' I thought. I heard him chuckling because of my good hearing and it made me smile, That Happy Virus never fails to make me smile. I Heard him talk to himself before falling asleep, 'I'm Ivory's Happy Virus! Listen World I'm hers.' I couldn't help but smile, I knew for a fact Chanyeol fell asleep with a smile on his face.

-The next morning-

I woke up to see Chanyeol in the room in his pajiama's he smiled widely, I laughed. "Chanyeol? Your smiling this early in this morning." I said looking at the clock to see it was 7:00 AM. "You called me 'Your Happy Virus." He said. Chanyeol your so cute you know that? "Because You are." I said. He helped me sit up hugging me tightly, I hugged Chanyeol back. After we let go and he helped me walk downstairs. It still felt Akward around EXO for some reason, Jinha was the only one that wasn't akward. I looked to Chanyeol, 'Your members are starting to freak me out now.' I said. Chanyeol looked back at me and shurgged. 'I don't know.' Chanyeol thought. I looked to Jinha pleading her with my eyes to try changing the surrondings. She looked at the members. "What's wrong? Seriously your freaking me out with the strage acting." Jinha said. Kai looked at Jinha, Kai and Sehun wasn't staring at us like that it's the others. The Maknae Line, Tao, Kai and Sehun didn't stare at us for the times. "I agree with Jinha Ah, It's to akward." Kai said. Kris looked at me all of them instep for Suho, Kyungsoo and the Maknae Line that kinda felt weird right now. I hid behide Chanyeol, Which I can't tell My happy virus isn't really happy right now. Infact Chanyeol was alittle irraited, 'Maybe they don't like me.' I thought. Chanyeol stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me, "What Makes you think that?" Chanyeol said Not caring if the members hear He wanted to ask me.

"They keep staring at me, I feel uncomfortable. Maybe they don't like me." I said. Chanyeol looked at the other members, The same members I said that wasn't acting all akward I can see looked at me with looks that can be expalined of the look that means. 'We don't hate you.' Than Chanyeol Looked back at me, "It started after they saw the matching print on my shoulder that matched with you. Ever since they found out we bonded they been staring at us instep for Beakhyun Hyung,Xiumin Hyung, Suho Hyung, Kyungsoo Hyung, Sehun, Kai and Tao." Chanyeol said. I knew there was a possibly that maybe they didn't think I was right for Chanyeol or that I was ruining his life.

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