《[COMPLETED] Blue Roses (EXO'S Chanyeol Oneshot)》||Alternate Ending #2||
Alternate Ending #2:
Chanyeol's POV:
It's been a week... since I told Ivory that I would be there when she needed me.. Even if she ingores me for the time being Ivory hasn't been eating or even getting out of the room of hers. Everyday I only see Jinha coming in and out of the room. I was starting to get worried, about Ivory..
I was currently sitting infront of the computer. Looking at the comments from fansites again. I looked at most of them... everyday I would check the news on the computer or on the tv, the news channel where noona works and nothing came up. About whats going on with Ivory.. 'So SM never said anything to anybody about what happened to Ivory?' I thought to myself.
More along the lines of 'whats happening to us..' Is something more right to say about whats going on between us. Between me and Ivory.
-Two months later..-
I looked to the desktop background I got and it was a picture of me and Ivory, at Growl's first win on MNet... When she surprised me by going on stage... And thats how the fans found out about her.. is because of that moment. Some awwed saying it was cute.. While some where grossed out.. Especially when they saw me Hug Ivory on stage.. So it was that moment.. that fans known about Ivory and my relationship...
She was the one that walked on stage to surprise me... Knowing that fans would found out about us.. Our relationship.. Knowing she was the one that made it public, by walking on the stage and surprising me, she could atleast talk to me about her feelings. I signed. When looking at the clock, I wanted to go on a walk.. And so I stood up, "Bye Ivory, I Love You!" I called. I signed when she didn't answer.. I put my shoes and jacket on.. and walked out.. Of the Dorm.. 'You could atleast say something back..' I thought.
The walk was good, it was sunny. And overall the walk made me less stress and less depressed, just by walking around outside... four minutes later I was sitting here at a park alone.. Staring at the sunset. Remembering the time I went here with Ivory... When I picked her up bridal style and threw her in the water, I indeed wasn't ready for her to splash water at me but she did and We both began to have a water fight... I was suddenly turned out of my day dream when... "Chanyeol..." I heard a voice said. I turned my back only for Ivory to appear next to me on my right side. "Your not going to avoid me anymore?" I asked. She probably realalized the tone in my voice.. Because she signed sadly, "Mianhe.." Ivory said. I for some reason without realizing it tears rolled down my cheeks. Ivory was showing no emotions.. Well wait... I spoke to soon.. Tears rolled down her cheeks also.. I was looking at her.. I reached over and whipped her tear away..when she didn't flinch away, I found myself smiling.. "I'm sorry Chanyeol.." Ivory said. I laid my head on her shoulder, "I should've listened to them.." Ivory said. "So you admit that people been telling you, you don't derserve to be with me." I said still laying on her shoulder. I felt something drop on my head, and I knew that was Ivory's tears that came from her eyes. " I already admited it.. I just didn't admit...." Ivory didn't finish the sentence the sentence trailed on.. "You just didn't admit that it was your anti fans." I said.
I could feel Ivory's eyes burn the top of the head, Not really but you get what I mean.. "You knew already?" Ivory said. I lefted my head off her shoulder and I sat up and looked at Ivory, "I found out the same day I went knocking at your door and told you that I won't leave you alone, and I will be here if you wanted to talk about our relationship.." I said. "You saw the sites?" Ivory said. I nodded. "You read all of the comments?" Ivory asked. "I read every single one of them." I said. Ivory had looked down and I saw the tears where falling on her lap.. "I-I'm sorry.." Ivory trailed on.. "Why are you apolozing?" I asked. "I let you down.." Ivory said. "No you didn't..." I said.. "Than why where you signing in frustation everyday.." Ivory said. I looked to her, "Because you wouldn't tell me whats wrong, You wouldn't come out of your room, and I was upset about it, because I told you I would be there for you but you didn't tell me anything.." I said.
"But you already knew about my Anti fans?" Ivory said. "I wanted to hear it from you, Whats so wrong with that? Your my girlfriend, And you can't even tell me something like this?" I asked, I raised my voice alittle, which I didn't mean to do.. but I couldn't control it. "I was scared." Ivory asked. "Scared of what? That I was going to leave you because of it? I already told you I won't leave you behind, I already said I wasn't going to give up on you." I said. She didn't say anything. "When you walked on the stage to surprise me What exactly where you thinking would happen?" I asked. That one I knew got her attenion. "I- I don't know.. What does this have to do with the anti fans." Ivory said. "That was when The fans first saw you, When you walked on the stage, and I hugged you infront of the fans. I felt happy not only because it was growls first win, but that you where there with me." I said.
She gave me An Unreadable look.. "Yeah and Why are you telling me it?" Ivory said. 'What is really wrong with you?' I thought in my head. "What's wrong? Why are you acting like this? Are you perhaps shutting me out again?" I asked. "No.." Ivory said. "Than why are you acting like this?" I raised my voice at Ivory accidently.. But before I can answer she did, "I'm acting like what? A stupid idiot?" Ivory said. I felt my heart hurt more. "No! That's not what I was saying.." I said. "You were thinking it.." Ivory said. "No I wasn't! You heard exactly what I thought! But you refuse to care about it one bit!" I raised my voice. 'I didn't want our meeting to be like this.' I thought, blocking her thoughts away.. She didn't say anything. She was looking down. "You know I was happy you were even there.. I was happy you were there to see me and my members when for the first time, with Growl.. I thought you happy to see me, That you were even by a little happy that you got to stand on stage with me.. But I guess not. You regret it now don't you? Even though that was the happiest moment of my life. Actually all the moments I spend with you is the Happiest moments of my life, Because you were there, And I thought you felt the same. I thought you felt that when I'm around is the most happiest moments." I said, Without me realizing tears where rolling down my eyes. "Why won't you just tell me what's wrong? You've been acting like this for 4 months Ivory.." I said, tears kept rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop it. She still didn't look up at all. "Just stop avoiding me.. It hurts when you do that. Just tell me what's wrong please, Tell me why your acting like this. I want to help.. But you won't let me." I said. Tears rolled down more, Even though people where looking over here, I didn't care. I didn't care if people saw my tears, But these are the tears I've been hiding away for four months. "I'm not going anywhere.. I already told you I wasn't.. Just tell me.. Tell me please?" I said. She looked to me, than to the stars in the sky.. I can still see her face because of the street Lamp Shining Above us.
"I'm Not really good at saying my feeling's, I'm useless when it comes to that, I'm not the one that is good with goodbyes.. It has always been sad to me to see someone turn there backs from me, when they mean the world to me.. I mean, My friends, boyfriends before you always Ended up using me because of the necklace around my neck.. They always ended up trying to kill me, but they never got the Chance, because of my big Brother's. Thats why I'm bad with how to say my feelings outloud.. to everyone but my brothers and my cousins. Even when I want to, sometimes i can't, it would be like my mouth is glued when I try to talk about my feelings." Ivory said. I whipped away my tears slowly, when she was talking. Now this she never told me about it at all. "I'm more of someone that shows my feelings through actions. I never been the one to speak it loudly.. Thats why I thought you would agree with them. Because i can't seem to tell you my feelings. Even if I want to, everytime I wanted to tell you these four months it always gets stuck in my throat and doesn't come out. I wanted to tell you for four months I wanted to talk to you.. But nothing came out when I tried. I suck at words, I suck at speaking out. But it doesn't mean I don't love you with all my heart." Ivory said. Tears where rolling down Ivory's cheeks now, And it was making my heart break alittle. I don't like to see her cry, I never want to see her sad.
"I'm trying to get better at telling out my feelings, I'm trying to get better at speaking up on how I'm feeling. Because I know I'm not the best at it.. I'm trying but sometimes it's not good enough. I mean I always say something wrong. I always say something negative when I don't want to.. My heart says one thing, My mind says the other..I always go with whats on my mind. But it's not the truth, that I wanted to say. For example, When I told you 'Why won't you just give up on me. There is nothing I'm good in, Nothing I suscceed in And there will never be something I'm good in.' That didn't go the way I wanted." Ivory said. "What did you really want to say?" I asked. Ivory put her head on the railing of the bench.. "Don't Give up on me, There may not be something I'm good in, Nothing I suscced in.." Ivory paused, because tears rolled down her eyes. "B-but I just want you to stay.." Ivory finished, She put her head in her hands and she started sobbing. I found myself crying. "What about when you said 'I told you to give up on me.' What did you really want to say." I asked. "Thank you for not giving up on me." Ivory said. I understood everything now.. but why did she stay in her room the whole time.
Ivory looked to me, "I'm sorry Chanyeol." Ivory said. I reached over and whipped her tears away.. After whipping her tears with my thumbs I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I forgive you.." I said. Ivory cried, But she was smiling. So i knew it was happy tears.. But I still didn't like seeing her cry. I warpped my arms around her waist. She laid her forehead on my shoulder and hugged me back.. I looked to the moon, The full moon. I smiled, looking to the moon.
Ivory's POV:
It was a week later, Chanyeol had shown me the comments from the fans that like us togther, And I found out he had a secret account on 'beautifulFlame.com' Which is the fansite of me. I thought it was cute of Chanyeol, but also sweet that he kind of in a way stood up for me, without me knowing. Of course Chanyeol was blushing, A very tomato red, when I pointed out the user name 'YeolSonggie' It made me smile, He's so cute in his own way.. He compilaned to me saying "I'm not cute! I'm handsome!" Which just made me laugh at his cuteness. Chanyeol gave up that time, But that didn't stop him from pouting with his bottom lip stucking out. And his arms crossed infront of his chest. But you should've seen his face, when I kissed his cheek. Well enough of that... Lets talk about now..
So I did say it's been a week right.. So it's a week from our talk at the park.And I was at the front with the customer taking orders, so i can hand it to my brothers that was in the back. Until the front door opened, And a very happy and energetic Chanyeol came running in. With his guitar in his arms, 'What is he doing?' I thought to myself, Blocking his thoughts. He ran to where I was, "Chanyeol what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with the other members?" I asked. "We are done for today." Chanyeol said. I looked to him confused for alittle, before looking back to the customer in front of me. "I'm sorry Sir. What would you like?" I asked. "Ivory!" Chanyeol whinned. Which doesn't fit his deep voice. "I'm working Chanyeol, Can you come back later?" I said. "But if it's later we might not have time, to go to every place." Chanyeol whined, while pouting with his arms in front of his chest and his bottom lip jolting out. "I'm sorry Chanyeol.. But we can do it maybe tomorrow." I said. "But I have pratice till late tomorrow, this is my only early day in a long time." Chanyeol said. I looked to the clock, it read '12 in the afternoon.' I looked to Chanyeol's way again and he was giving me the puppy dog eyes. I was alittle taken aback when he suddenly used that on me.
My heart was beating hard with how cute he looked. 'Are you Puppy now? Can you please stop being so cute.' I thought to myself, again blocking chanyeol away.. I'm serious though this Happyvirus is supposed to be 21 years old, but he acts like a over growned puppy. Heck.. He is a Over growned puppy. I ignored him, going back to work. But I sent galances to Chanyeol to check what he is doing and I could see him sitting on a table, with the guitar in his arms. Looking like a kicked puppy, who's owner said he couldn't go run outside.'This guy is to much sometimes.' I thought to myself, again blocking Chanyeol away.
I finished with the customers in front of me, and it was 1:00 pm now. Chanyeol had fallen asleep with guitar still in his arms, sitting at the table right in front where I was working. I looked over to him, he looked so peaceful, no one can guess his deep voice. But also you wouldn't guess how sometimes he acts like a child. Or does he only act like to me? Nevermind with that.. Just know he is a like a little kid with cute Elf ears. Don't tell him I said that his ears where elf ears. But anyways. I was cleaning up, because it was our lunch break..
Yongguk oppa came walking out side from the kitchen door, He looked to the empty place, but than his eyes landed on Chanyeol. "He fell asleep waiting for you?" Yongguk oppa asked. i nodded, "Maybe you should just go and hang out with him, he seemed so excited when he ran through the door." Himchan Oppa said, also coming out from the kitchen. "But he is asleep now." Zelo dongseang said. Suddenly appearing next to me.. I got scared and held my heart. "Zelo dongseang you scared the heck out of me." I said. "Sorry noona." Zelo said. "Than wake him up, I just feel bad that he came all the way here to see Ivory and he even waited an hour.. we should atleast let Ivory out early so that his actions don't go as waste. We get out at 7:00 and that won't be till awhile." Himchan said. I looked to the empty tables."If I go, will you guys be okay, by yourselfs?" I asked. "There is five of us of course.." Yongguk said. "Go on Noona, He waited long enough just go and hang out with you. Why don't you just take a break the rest of the day.. You've been working hard the whole week since you came back after four months." Zelo said. "But I'm in my work clothes." I said. I looked to what he was wearing and he was wearing a plaid shirt, with skinny jeans and beanie. "If your worried about clothes I have clothes here.." Himchan said, He went to the back room where we keep our stuff during work..
When I tried it on, It fit me nicely.. I especailly liked the blue jean jacket, the shirt, the leggings and the boots went perfectly well, all and all.. I need to thank my brother for his fashion sense. I smiled at the mirror and fixed my hair.. When I took out my hair from the messy bun that I had put it in.. My hair was tangled. My hair had got alot longer.. And it already reached up to my butt.. "I really need a hair cut.." I said. Looking at my hair. I sighed. Before, styling my hair the way I want it.. And when I was done.. I checked my hair and put alitle of eyeliner and mascura, If I put to much it will be like last time where Chanyeol compilaned that I was wearing to much even though i had only put one more thing than I usually put and that was the last time i added my Eye shadow and Chanyeol thought it was to much.. So to avoid Chanyeol overreacting about it.. I choose to not put the eyeshadow.
I got out of the Bathroom and it seemed to only take me 20 minutes, when most of the time I would take one to two hours and by that time Chanyeol is knocking on the bathroom door, compilaning that "I'm taking to long." I laughed lightly at that memory.. "What would have happened If i never met this Over grown puppy?" I asked myself. I smiled, before sitting infront of him and poking his cheek.. And said "wakey wakey sleepy head. Im done with work now, sorry it took so long".
When he didn't budge, I pouted.. But than I had a plan... I leaned in and Kissed his lips.. But before he can notice I kissed him.. I let go... Chanyeol woke up, he blinked at me.. I smiled at him, "Was that a dream or did you really kiss me?" Chanyeol asked. I chuckled.. "It was real.. I really kissed you.." I said. Chanyeol went close to me, letting his guitar go on the floor lightly, he leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, And we stayed there until we could breathe, than he let go.. He kissed my forehead, Before sitting down on the chair.
"So are you on break or something?" Chanyeol asked. He looked around the empty place, before looking to me. "We open again, at 4:00 pm. "Thats in 4 hours.. That isn't that long to go the places I wanted to take you.." Chanyeol said. He didn't notice that I'm not in my work clothes anymore.. I smiled. "Why are you smiling." Chanyeol said. "Chanyeol... Do you see anything different with what I'm wearing?" I asked. He looked at it, finally.. Chanyeol looked at what I was wearing.
"Your not wearing your work uniform." Chanyeol said with a confused voice. I smiled, at his confusion, I tried telling him that earlier when I poked his cheek, but he was still in deep sleep and wouldn't budge and open his eyes until I kissed his lips and he asked me if it was a dream, or If I really kissed his lips. "I'm letting her out early." Himchan said. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere. I looked behide at him and he was standing behide me. Chanyeol looked shocked, "Your letting her out early?" Chanyeol asked, But I can see the big smile on his face. I shaked my head, but a smile formed on my face. "You waited for her, for an hour.. If she still works, it would be 7:00 pm when this place closes." Himchan answered Chanyeol's question. Chanyeol looked to the clock, It was 1:40 pm.. "You better go now.. Before You have no time to take her to all of the places that you want to take her to." Yongguk oppa said to Chanyeol. Chanyeol stood up and grabbed the guitar, I sat here on the chair. Chanyeol hugged my Big brothers with a smile on his face. "Now go you big overgrown puppy." Himchan oppa said. "Come on Ivory lets go!" Chanyeol said excitedly.. I was smiling, With how excited he was. Hard to believe that a week ago he was crying.. Because I made a mistake, as to avoid him for 4 months.
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