
I still can't believe it. I'm assigned to manage a witch. She seemed so kind with her fans but when it's just us, she turns into a monster. I asked dad to re-assign me but it was no use. I have to endure it all. I can do this. I have to conquer her and in order to do so, I have to know my enemy well.

So I searched for some facts about Jennie Kim on the internet and the information that came out were all mesmerizing. It was said that she is the only daughter of the chairman of JK Group, the most well-known company here. I guess it best explains why she has a trashy attitude. Jennie is also a great cook and she is a graduate from a prestigious school in New Zealand, and now, she is a top idol in our company, the number one entertainment company in Korea, LM Ent.

I guess I'm already fighting a losing battle. She's way too perfect, but nobody is perfect right? She must have a weakness too and that's what I'm going to find out because it will make the tables turn.

"Why are you looking at me as if you're going to kill me?" Jennie said coldly.

Aish! I didn't know that I was staring at her for a long time. I immediately turn away from her.

"I was really killing you in my mind" I mumbled.

"Yah! What are you whispering now?!"

"What? I didn't say anything!"

"Act nicely if you don't want to get fired. What's next on my schedule?"

"You're all done for today."

"Really? Check it again. You might missed something since you're just new."

Now she's doubting me? She's really getting on my nerves. Hold it in Lisa. Conceal. Don't feel. Don't let it show. Be the good girl----WAIT. Why am I singing this song? I'm not Elsa. I'M LISA.

"Yah! Does staring at me becoming your habit?!"

"What? Staring at you?! You're unbelievable!"

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing" I smiled awkwardly, "you can go home now...Oh, I almost forgot. Your company driver had taken a day off, his wife had been rushed to the hospital this afternoon while you were shooting."

"Then you can drive me home"

"I can't do that, I'm going to attend a family dinner"


"You can't?" her eyebrows furrowed "then should I fire you?" I swallowed hard. There she goes again with her temper!

I slowly held her hand then I placed the key on her hand.

"You know how to drive, right?" I said plainly then I turned my back from her. I was already a meter away from her when my phone rang. It was Jennie's driver.

"Hello, Miss Lisa? You're Miss Jennie's manager right?"


"Can you please do me a favor? Please drive Miss Jennie home. She had a bad experience when it comes to driving and it's hard for her to let a stranger drive her home. You know what she's like right? Please do me this favor, just this one."

I paused for a second, "Okay, I'll do that."

I looked at Jennie's direction. She was still there, looking at the car key on her hand. She was startled when I snatched the key from her hand.

"Hop in, I'll drive you home."

Silence reigns as I was driving her home. I kept on taking stolen glances at her on the rear view mirror. She was just there, staring blankly through the window. I examined her face, I realized that she was really beautiful. If there is one thing that is good about her, that would be her looks. And aside from that....there's nothing else. It's just her looks that makes her human. She is 90% witch and 10% human, all thanks to her angelic face.

"I know I'm dead gorgeous but you shouldn't glue your eyes on me when you're holding the steering wheel" she paused then she met my eyes "you're putting my life at risk so get your eyes on the road or else I'll take it out myself!"

Does she have a sixth sense? How did she notice that I was studying her face? She must really be a witch! She even knows how to spit out gruesome curses! And what did she just say? I'm putting her life at risk? Woah. How cunning! If there is a person who's in danger here, that would be ME! I'm the only human in this car anyway, I'm with a 90% witch and 10% human. Urghhh. I wish days could go faster!

"Yah! Why aren't you saying anything?! Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want to die?!"


'I'm cursing you in my mind just so you know!' I wish I can say that aloud.

"I'm not looking at you. I'm looking at the rear view mirror. I think someone's following us."

"And who's following us?"

"The moon?"

I laughed at my own joke. She just rolled her eyes on me.

"You're crazy!" She was pissed. And I kinda love that! Good job Lisa, keep it up!

"We're here" she gets out of the car as if I wasn't there. I get out too and I followed her.

"Why are you still here?" she asked.

"Your car keys"

"You can use my car to go home. It's hard to take a taxi here."

"Are you worried about me?" I said teasingly. I saw how her calm face turns sour.

"You wish!"

"You can't take a joke, can you?"

"Shut up and give me the keys if you don't want my help."

"Here..did you order something online?" I asked as I spotted a parcel near her front door.

"I didn't"

She reached for the parcel and she picked it up. She even shakes it to guess what's inside. Maybe it's a gift from a fan? Did she disclose her address? There's no way that she'll do that, right? It would be insane. Then maybe it came from someone close to her.

"Why don't you open it?"

Her hands move to take the tapes off.

"AHHHHHHHHH! It's a dead....."

"RAT" I said annoyingly as she panicked and accidentally throw the dead rat to me. Now I'm good as garbage. THIS IS SO GROSS!

I sat on her sofa as I was drying my hair with a towel. Yes, you're right. I haven't went home yet and there's no way that I can still catch our family dinner. I took a bath here at Jennie's house because I can't stand the smell of that rotten rat! I still can't believe that it landed on me. Did she perhaps did it on purpose?!

"You're looking at me again...Wait where did you get that towel?! That's my favorite one. You can't use it!" she rushed toward me but I raised my hand so that she won't be able to get her towel. It's payback time, you know.

"No way" I said playfully. She was tiptoeing and so I am. I'm taller than her that's why it's kinda hard for her to reach the towel. How can she get so worked up with just a towel? It's just a towel for pete's sake!

"I said give it to me"

"Get it if you can" she was already jumping just to get the towel from my hands. I took a step back but I accidently stride over a vacuum cleaner which made me lose my balance. The next thing I knew was that I was already on the ground and Jennie was on top of me. She is just an inch closer to me! I can almost smell her breath!

What's that sound? Why is it so loud? Was it my heart? Or was it hers?

"You're pretty" I said unconsciously.

THE HECK?! What did I say? I must be out of my mind! I'm definitely doomed!

Her eyes got wider as if she was taken aback by what I just said. She just looked at me with her surprised face.



We got back to our senses when the doorbell rang. She immediately grabbed the towel from my hands then she stood up.

"Sorry about-"

"Don't talk about it. Get the door for me"

I just walked toward the door but nobody was there when I opened it. What was left was another box. I picked it up and brought it to Jennie.

"What's this?" Jennie asked as if she didn't expect this coming.

"You didn't order this?"

"Nope. Why would I?"

"I'll open it. It might be another dead rat" I carefully opened the box. There was an envelope inside. I picked the envelope and show it to Jennie. I saw how her eyes widened. It's as if she had seen this kind of thing before.

"What's this?" I opened the envelope when Jennie can't seem to speak. From the look on her face, I can tell that she's....scared? From the outside look, the envelope seems pretty decent so why would she fear this?

I was surprised to see what's inside. It was a letter written with blood and it's not a normal one. It's not a love letter...it's a threat. A DEATH THREAT!

that's what was written on the letter.

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