《Cupid's Arrow ✔》Chapter 11


After I walked out of the class room, I removed my phone and texted Ashley to meet me at my car.

I can't believe what just happened. He was so close to me and when he said he won't forget, it was like someone had stabbed me. If he comes to what happened a year ago, he'll hate me.

As I reached my car, I waited for Ashley to come. I looked up and saw her coming towards me with a big grin. I raised an eyebrow at her. She didn't say anything and sat in the passenger seat. I got in and started the car. We left school and took a right to Ashley's house.

"What's going on between you and Jason?" I asked, looking at her for a split second and then back to the road.

"Nothing?" She gave a nervous laugh.



"Are you going to tell me? Because I know something is going on. You promised you'll tell me!" I exclaimed throwing my hands up, but then back at steering wheel.

She sighed, "Okay fine." She finally agreed. "We became friends at the cafe where everyone was present. I didn't notice him much. You know, as he doesn't talk much and all. But then when I was going home, my car broke down in the middle. It was already dark and I didn't know what to do. I got out of my car to see what was wrong, but as genius as I am, I couldn't find anything wrong. Just as his car stopped beside mine. He asked if everything was okay. So I told him my car broke down. He checked and said I have to give my car for service and that he doesn't mind dropping me off. I agreed and he gave me a lift. While we were going we talked, I came to know that he lives across my house. All that happened and we met again, and then again, and again in the school, many more times after that. And today..." She stopped talking.

"And today what?" I asked, cautiously.

"Nothing." she quickly said and looked away.

"Nothing? Come on. Tell me." I whined. This is like a story, a boy helps a girl and they become friends, like each other, marry each other and live happily ever after.

"You know..uh..he was running behind me. Well, uhh.. he caught me and then without a word he.." She trailed, blushing furiously.

"He?" I urged her to continue.

"Hekissedme." She said so fast that I couldn't pick up what she said. But when I realized what she said, I pressed the brakes which send us both flying forward almost hitting Ashley in process. Thank God for the seat belt.

"He what!?" I shouted, astonished. She rubbed her forehead and glared at me. "He kissed you?" She nodded. "Woah."

"Yeah, I know. But," She looked down, staring at her palm.

"But he didn't ask you out. And you are confused what to do." I stated, already knowing that's her problem. She looked at me surprised, but still nodded her head. She sighed and looked out of the window.

"I don't know what to do. Does he like me or is he just.."

"We don't know that. But give him some time to figure out. I don't know him, but I can tell that he is nothing like Jeff. Jeff was an idiot. You just have to give him time to think. I know he will ask you. You just have to be patient." I advised her. She looked at me with a smile and nodded her head.


"Thank you so much, Chloe. If it weren't you, I wouldn't have known what to do." She gave me hug.

"Oh! What can I say? I'm just so awesome." I fanned my hand in front of my face. She rolled her eyes and punched my arm lightly. I laughed and continued driving towards her house. Once, we reached, I said my goodbye and made my way home.

I unlocked the door and made my way towards the living room to go upstairs. I was walking, but stopped short when I saw a letter on the dining table which was addressed to me. I narrowed my eyebrow together in confusion.

A letter? For me? Who would write a letter to me?

I frowned and took the letter and made my way to the room. I read the letter and was shock to see from whom it was. Never in a million years, had I thought I will be holding a letter from him.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID to see it was from Liam. I picked up, but before I had chance to speak, he spoke, "I'm really sorry, Chloe. I don't like when you're angry at me. Please forgive, Inno." I could hear the pleading in his voice.

"I should be the one to say sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I really missed you." I said sadly.

"Hey, don't be. Now that we cleared that out. How are you?" He asked as if he was dying to ask this question.

"I'm good," I looked down at the letter. Should I tell him?

"That's good." There was a short silence. "Chloe?" He called.

"Yeah?" I answered a bit distracted.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" He asked as I looked down at the letter in my hand.

"Liam.." I told him about the letter and whom it was from. His reaction was exactly what I expected. Furious, furious would be an understatement. He was so angry that I could feel it through the phone. But luckily, I managed to calm him down and promised him not to do anything about it until he is here. He agreed and I told him to eat a bucket of ice cream to cool himself down.

We talked for few minutes, but then I had work so I told him that we'll talk later. He didn't agree, trying to convince me that I shouldn't work, but he lost the argument and I went to work with a happy grin.


"That would be $6, sir." I typed and gave him the bill. He thanked me and went outside. I looked up to see the other customer taking the place of the previous one.

"How may I help you?" I put on my polite smile only to receive a smirk.

"How about you come to my place and help me with some stuff." A guy around my age, maybe a year older asked.

"How about I call the manager and kick you out?" I smiled sweetly at him.

He chuckled, "Feisty, I like it. I like you."

"I hate you," I said. "Now, what may I get you?"

"One banana milkshake and one chocolate milkshake," he ordered. I typed on the cashier.

"That would be $8" I told him as he handed me 10$ note.

"Keep the change," he smirked and went back to his table.

After a little while, Adam, the manager of the cafe came out and called me in his office. I gave Alice a questioning glance to which she shrugged.


I went in and saw a guy sitting, his back to me. He seems familiar. I looked back at Adam, waiting for him to talk.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. Actually, we have a new co-worker. And because I trust you. I want you to make sure you teach him everything that happens here," he explained. Oh?

"Uh, okay. I don't have a problem," I said.

"Okay that's great. Chloe meet Chase." He said as the guy stood up and turned around. My eyes widened and mouth ajar. Chase? What the hell?

"You may leave now. As your time is already up, Chloe. You may leave as well. You can teach him from Monday." He said smiling and got back to his work. I stood there staring at Chase while he smirked at me.

I turned on my heels and left the room to take my bag. Damn, why does it always has to be him. Now he is going work here as well. What am I going to do? I'm already falling for him and he being around will make it worse than it already is.

I came out, bid my goodbye and made my way towards the car. While I was walking to my car, Chase came from behind.

"Did you bring your car?" He asked.

"Yes. I did. Why?" I asked, reaching my car and turning towards him. He stood in front of me and smiled.

"Can you give a ride? Earlier, Alec dropped me off." He asked, crossing his arms.

"Call him again to pick you up," I said, tilting my head. He chuckled and walked towards the passenger door.

"Why would I do that if I have you," he said and was about to open the door, but I pressed the lock button on my car keys. He tried to open, but it didn't. He looked at me, questioning.

I smirk at him, "If you want me to give you a ride, you have to say the magic word."

"Please?" he asked, pouting at me.

"One condition."

"That would be?"

"I'll control the radio and you can't complain about it. Deal?"

He thought for a second, but I knew he would agree eventually, because he doesn't have any other option.


I unlocked the door and sat inside. I looked at him while he was putting on his seat belt. I smirked and switch on the radio. I change the station to where Justin Bieber's song 'Baby' started playing. He groaned. Take that, you as-elephant. I let out an evil smile and started singing on top of my voice.

He groaned again and covered his hears, "Stop singing."

"No complain." I laughed.

"But that's not fair," he whined, stomping his foot. I started laughing hard because of his childish behavior.

"Everything is fair in love and war."

I continued singing until we reached my place. I stopped the car and my singing on the side road and turned to him with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Thanks," he said, sarcastically and was about to get out of the car when I said,

"You're welcome, Chase-mase." I said, using his old nickname that I teased him with in New York. He turned around and stared at me. I smiled at him which he returned with his own big grin. He got out and walked towards his door, not before giving me a wave. I smiled again and parked my car in the garage and went inside. For some odd reason, I was happy today.

"Why are you smiling so much? You seem happy?" Mom asked, smiling.

"Yeah. Chase is crazy." I said and went upstairs towards my room. When I opened the door I heard mom say,

"John, she was smiling today. A big smile. A genuine smile. Oh my God! I'm so happy that I might just start crying."

Don't I smile?


Next morning was Saturday. Saturday means weekend. My parents don't wake me up as it was weekend. So, when I woke up, it was already 11 o'clock. I checked my phone to see, I had two messages. One from Leah.

Other was Aoron.

I quickly checked the time to see it was already 11:10.

Oh my God! How am I going to get ready? I'll be late.

I sprinted to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and stripped my clothes and jumped into the shower. The water was cold first, so goosebumps rose on my entire arms. I quickly changed it to warm and relaxed. After a quick shower, I covered my body with my towel and walked out. I change to some sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a high ponytail. After I was ready, I went downstairs into the kitchen.

On the refrigerator, there was a yellow note with mom's handwriting on it.

Dad and I are at work, order food from outside. We'll be late.

Love Mom.

Okay, so now Mom and Dad are not home and if the girls come, we can have fun. We can even think about the next prank. I took the orange juice out of the refrigerator and poured it into the glass and skipped breakfast as I wasn't that hungry. I drank it quickly and placed it in the sink and washed my hand.

Just then the doorbell rang. I dried my hands and made my way towards the door. I opened it and saw Aoron standing there with a cute smile on his face.

"Hey. Come in," I opened the door wider and invited him in. "Sorry that we have to complete it on the weekend instead on week days." I apologized.

"Hey. Don't sweat it. We have completed most of it already, so it won't be a problem." He said, giving me a reassuring smile. "Anyway, I have to leave by 2. Have to go on a family outing."

"Oh! That's fine. I think we should start now." I said and we went up to my room. We started with our work, occasionally, talking about the questions related to math or Chase.

Suddenly, there was noise coming from the room opposite mine. Aoron hadn't noticed it yet. I looked up to see Chase standing near his door with wide eyes staring at Aoron. I bit my lips from laughing. In a quick motion, Chase ran behind his curtains hiding from Aoron. I bit my lips harder, so that I won't laugh. Damn, this is interesting.

Later at 2, Aoron had to go and we had completed most of the work by then. When he left, I took out my phone and called Pizza Parlor, ordered my food and decided to watch some TV. My pizza came in no time and I devoured it while waiting for the girls to come. They were due any minute now. Just then the bell rang. I hopped from the couch and opened the door.

"Hey," Laura greeted.

"Hey girl," Leah said, smiling at me.

"Hey chica," Ashley grinned.

"Hi guys. So... Why are you guys here?" I asked, casually.

"Oh! Nothing. Just wanted to hang out. But this time Beth won't be able to come." Leah informed. I frowned. I missed that girl.

"No worries. She'll be there next time." Ashley said and took the remote from the side table and changed the channel to check some movies. We talked and watched movie for almost one hour when we heard some noise coming from my back door where there is a beautiful garden that mom had grown.

Tap. Tap.

"Did you hear that?" Leah asked, sitting straight.

"Yeah," I answered, slowly getting up.

"Where are you going?" Ashley whispered. Why is she whispering?

"Why are you whispering?"

"Oh! You see, in movies when they hear voices like this, it's usually thrilling that's why I thought, why not try?" She said, shrugging. I rolled my eyes as we made our way towards the back door.

"Can that be a burglar?" Laura asked. Oh my god!

"Yeah, maybe," Ashley whispered again. Why is she whispering again? Oh right, to make it thrilling.

I opened the door and we stepped outside. I seriously, really, chocolately wished that we hadn't. Because just as we stepped outside we were.....


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