《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》23- Knuckle sandwich


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I want to thank she helped me get rid of my writer's block! :)

"Acey, wake up!" I groan when my little sister shakes my shoulder. I sit up checking my alarm clock. "It's three in the morning, Lola. Go back to sleep."

She crawls in my lap and whimpers. "But Brother....I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you?"

I turn on the lamp beside my bed on and look at Lola's teary face. My thumb swipes away her tears and pull her close. "Of course, lamb." She lays down beside me kissing my forehead. "Thank you, Aceyy."

Laughing I turn off the lamp and caress her hair until page falls asleep. Once I hear her quiet snores I fall in a deep sleep too.



"Lola!" I growl out as she jumps on my stomach. She giggles before running out the room. It's the morning and I'm tired as hell.

I get off my bed and take a quick shower. Today I get dressed in a black t-shirt and white jeans.

I walk downstairs to see my mom try to get Lola to clean up her mess. Barbie dolls are scattered across the living room floor. Most of them are missing heads from our dog using them as a chew toy.

"Hi, honey." Mom kisses my cheek and hands me a plate with pancakes, blueberries, bacon and eggs. "Would you mind telling Lola to pick her mess up?" I shake my head but my mom pouts her lip out, making me break.

Damnit, I'm becoming so weak!

"Fine." I mutter walking over to a energized Lola. She's hoping up and down with our dog, Pickles, in her arms.

"Lola clean up your mess....I'll buy you ice cream later today..." I trail off seeing Lola's eyes light up.

Lola loving ice cream reminds me of how much Harlow likes ice cream. I smile remembering when Har and I skipped school and got ice cream.

After Lola cleaned up her mess, I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to my mom. My dad was almost never home. He is the CEO of a shoe company. He travels a lot and comes home once a month.


I hop in my Maserati ready for stupid ass school. When I get to school I spot Daniel and Harlow under the bleachers.

God I hated, Daniel. There is something about him that makes me hate him. It definitely had something to do with his punchable face. Harlow pecks him on the cheek making my heart ache.

Damnit why the hell am I feeling this way.

With a huff I start walking towards Cal and Brody. "So me and David broke up, but now I'm dating a dude who's 6'7." Cal bounces on the balls of his feet with a smile.

"Is he....hot?" Brody trails off looking uncomfortable. I chuckle and he punches my shoulder.

"Who cares if he's hot!? He's 6'7!" Cal squeals and punches the air. "Man I can get all the tall guys I want. Just imagine his dick si-!"

"Okay! Jesus, Calix!" Brody cringes in disgust. Cal gives him a little smirk.

I need new friends.


Fourth period rolls around and this is my favorite period because lunch time is right after, and this class has Harlow in it.

Harlow walks in with a white crop top and skinny jeans. Her face lights up when she sees me. I return the smile back showing my perfect teeth.

Not to brag but my teeth are fucking awesome!

"Hey, pretty boy." She plops down on the chair, pulling off her backpack. I inhale, unintentionally breathing in her heavenly scent.


She smells like flowers and vanilla.

"Princess." I acknowledge her greet. She licks her pink, plump lips before speaking. "Last night was fucking crazy! Rena, Kaia and I almost got arrested!" She lets out a cute giggle.

She starts talking about her ludicrous night, but I can't seem to concentrate.

The way her right eyebrow raises and bites her lips when she's thinking. The way she waves her hands around, wafting her intoxicating scent, when she gestures an event.

Her chocolate brown eyes light up every time she smiles. And her adorable left dimple stands out.


I'm falling for Harlow.

"-They were crazy drunk....." She finishes telling her story while I'm horrified deep inside.

I never felt this way before. Sure I had short relationships just to fuck. But I never really felt this emotion. EVER!


I'll admit I'm a playboy. I'm know around the school as a rebel, a prankster, a bad boy, a fuck boy.

Shit....Some people at the school made up rumors that I killed my dad. Which obviously isn't true.

I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I like Harlow. And the sad truth is....She will never want me.

"So how was your night?" She tilts her chin up, to meet my eyes.

"Oh....Y'know......crazy...." I trail off not wanting to talk to her right now. I need to get my emotions in check.

I'm getting weak and soft.

I can't let this happen.

The teacher walks in with a bored look. Ms. Xanax, starts going over notes that I already know. Right when she starts going over the "Substitution Method", something solid hits my shoulder.

I look down and see Harlow fast asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. I can't help but smile at her innocent sleeping face.

An angel.

Her brown curls, frame her heart-shaped face. Her tan cheek squished against my bicep and her long black eyelashes made her look even more angelic.

Her touch sends chills through me that I try to ignore.

I'm a playboy and I need to stick to being one.

I go back to writing notes down trying not to wake her up.


Lunch time rolls in and I make sure I'm the first in line. There is no way I'm missing Nacho day!

I sit at our groups regular table and watch as Cal chirps about Ariana Grande being a queen. Harlow smiles agreeing with Cal.

Don't encourage him.

I happily munch on my cheesy nachos. I swipe the pea's aside.

Pea's are fucking disgraceful.

"I left my book in Calc class. I need to get it so I'm able to do my homework." Harlow jumps out her chair and grabs her bag.

"Need me to go?" I offer without even thinking.

Fuck.....I'm already whipped.

She smiles at my offer but shakes her head. "Nah I'll be fine." I nod not quite wanting to be without her presence.

Ugh....What am I thinking? I rub my temple trying to get her out of my mind. She's dating that stupid ass Daniel Kane. Whom I want to beat up but can't.

Lunch is almost over and Harlow is not back. A not so good gut feeling happens to me. Maybe I should go check on her?

I dismiss myself from the table. Cal offers to come with me too.

So I let him.

We walk to the Calc class while he tries to get me to admit I like Harlow. I deny every accusation he comes up with.

Out of nowhere, Harlow runs out with a tear-filled face. I run and see Daniel walk out, buttoning his shirt. Rena walks out too. Pulling her skirt up.


Cal sharply inhales next to me. "Poor baby," He whispers.

I bawl my fists trying to control my anger. How dare he! He cheated on Harlow with....Rena! Rena!?

He cheated on the perfect girl with a two-faced troll!?

I storm over to Daniel and so does Cal. Rena has tears running down her cheeks and I want to laugh. Fake ass bitch.

I swing my fist without thinking and punch Daniel on his nose. He doubles over but I'm not done. And Cal knows it.

Cal grabs Daniel's arms from behind, holding him still.

Cal may act feminine, but if you mess with one of his friends.....Your dead.

I take another aim at Daniel and enjoy watching him struggle. Blood oozes out of his nose. His eye is already swollen shut and bruises are forming.

Cal finally releases him and he immediately hits the floor. He groans, clutching his fucked up face.

"Asshole!" Cal growls, kicking him in the ribs before strutting off.

My knuckles are a bit bloody but I don't care.

I need to find Harlow.

I run out the school leaving the beaten Daniel on the floor, so everyone can see he's a pussy. I get in my car speeding off to find Harlow.

My Harlow.

Let me know when you did and I'll follow you back on this account!!!

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