《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》19- Skipping Detention



I walk inside the detention room only to see it empty. Taking a seat in the back, I prop my legs up on my desk and text my cousin.

"What's up, fuckers!?" Brody waltzes in with a big grin on his face. He looks like a kid who's about to nuke the school.

"Young man, I'd advise you keep your voice down." An old man that I just now notice is laying on the floor with his phone horizontally in his hands.

"Oh sorry, Coach K, did I interrupt your porno time?" Brody winks as the man who mumbles "millennials" under his breath.

Brody ruffles my hair making me smack his arm. "Stop doing that every time you see me."

"You know you love me, Harley. Don't tell Kaia I said that though. She'll beat my ass...."

"No promises."

"What's up, bitches!?" I snicker as Ace walks in.

"Would you brats shut-up!" Coach K grumbles.

"Damn that must be some good porn if he's this grouchy." I mumble and shake my head. I look at Ace expecting to see Rena by his side. Ace seems to follow my gaze.

"Rena and I broke up." He states, with no emotion.


"Nope." Ace holds his hand up. "She was a bad lay anyways."

Coach K stands up and clears his throat. "This is detention, brats. So sit there like good little kids and twiddle your thumbs. I'll be in my car taking a nap." He walks out but makes sure to slam the door shut.

After a couple minutes of silence, Brody speaks up. "Who wants to set pranks up for tomorrow?"

I give Brody my best 'bitch face' look. He gives me the puppy dog eyes that makes me break. "Fine."


"You and Ace can get Mrs. Barnes. I'll get Coach K's gymnasium." Brody starts to walk away but turns back to us. "Are grenades illegal?"

"Oh my god."

"Brody I swear to all things holy if you-!"

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding.....Sorta'." Brody gives us a not so reassuring look.

Lord forgive Brody for his sins.

Ace and I goof off as we walk to Mrs. Barnes' room. I start to scatter her cat photos and steal some Starbucks coupons off her desk.

"Hey Ace!?"


"Look." I pull out a photo album from one of her file cabinets. I open it to the first page to see Mrs. Barnes and Coach K sharing a kiss.

"Oh gross." Ace grabs to book and starts taking pictures of all her pictures. "I'll send theses to Brody for him to print out. Instead of him blowing up the school, he can hang theses nasty pics instead."

"Good idea." I nod. I take a sharpie marker off her desk and walk to the White Board. Just because we already embarrassing her with PDA pictures doesn't mean I feel bad. I'm still going to prank her.

I draw the classic cat thats structure was made with a ding-a-ling. When Barnes erases this, she will be mad!

"Nice....Pranking me really made you good at pranks." A smile tugs at Ace's lips as he thinks back to the past. I agree and we walk off to find Brody.

I look at my watch and curse. "We really need to get back to the detention hall. We have five minutes before Coach K comes back."

"Hold up almost done." Brody tapes the last photo of Coach K and Mrs. Barnes. "Alright." He takes a step back looking at his job well done.


Coach K's office was covered in baby oil and sticky notes.

And of course the photos were posted all over the gym, locker room and bathroom walls. I wouldn't be surprised if Ace posted the two of them kissing on social media.

"All right lets dash." The three of us run back to the smelly detention room and wait patiently for the man-bitch people call Coach K.

He walks in with his glasses crooked and messy hair. "You sassy brats can leave now!" He waves us off with a grunt.

Brody walks out the door but stops. "Oh by the way Coach K, Your fly is down." He points to his zipper on his pants that's not zipped-up.

Oh gross.

I'm going to bleach my eyes when I get home.

"You little-!"

All three of us run out laughing, ignoring what Coach K was about to say.

"Whelp I'll probably have detention tomorrow too so see ya." Brody waves a farewell and starts walking.

"See you, Princess." Ace is next to leave. I give him a little side hug and hop in my Mercedes. I crank up the music to full blast and sing-a-long to DaBaby.

I quickly park my car and strut my short self to Asher's room. Today I am going to face Asher's wrath and see what the hell is the matter with him.

His door is closed but I don't care. I take out my Bobby pin and start to turn it. I frown when it does not work.

"It's unlocked dumbass." Asher's annoyed voice informs. I growl and push the door open.

"Hey Ashy."

"Hey." He says back calmly. He's sitting on his bed with papers on his lap. I shut the door and lay next to him.

I cut through the crap and get to the point. "Why have you been a dick lately? What did I do?" He sighs really loud letting me know he's annoyed.

"Huff and puff all you want....I'm getting an answer out of you one way or another."

"Your such bitch sometimes." He growls.

"Back at you, bro."

"Fine." He sits up and faces me. Crossing his arms he fixes me with a glare. "It's not you. Well....actually kind of you." I raise my eyebrow signaling for him to continue. "Before we moved to San Francisco, you always hanged out with me."

"Asher I-!"

"No Harlow. Let me finish." I sit patiently, waiting for him to speak again. "It's not just that. I miss LA and my old friends. I miss spending time with them. And most importantly I miss spending time with my ugly sister."

"Firstly, I'm not ugly. That's just your reflection your seeing." He smirks. "And secondly, I'm sorry." Asher looks taken aback by my apology.

I nod at him. "Yeah you heard me. I'm sorry my dear brother Asher. I will spend more time with you. Also...." I trail off with a fantastic idea in mind. "Maybe in the summer we can go back to LA and visit our old friends. It's better than going to Michigan every month to visit Grandpa."

Asher breaks out into a smile and hugs me. "Thank you, Sis." I try to hug him back but he pushes me away. "Fuckface."

"Asshole." I retort.




"I swear if I hear another word come out y'all's mouth, I will slap you all the way to New York!" Mom scolds us while passing by the door.

"So.....Truce?" I stick out my hand with hope. Asher matches my wide grin and shakes on it.



"I'm gonna' do a kick flip, bro!

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