《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》17- Art Gallery


Wooo touch down!" Fans jump up and cheer around me. I was watching one of Daniel's football games. It is very cold and windy out. My tits are going to freeze off.

And I wanted to go home.

Our team was losing badly, 2-15. Rena was beside me, playing Minecraft on her phone. Kaia was on the other side of me snuggling with Brody. And I was shivering like a cold wet dog.

"Thirty seconds left!" The announcer screams. People stand, cussing, yelling, crying....I sit there knowing we got our asses Jackie Chan kicked!

"Yo Princess!" Someone screams over the noises. I turn to see Ace waving his hand towards me.

'What?' I mouth back. It was useless for me to try to scream over the crowd.

He waves his hand in the air for me to come over. I sigh getting up.

I weave through the crowds on the bleachers. "What is so important that you made me miss the end of the game?" I ask, gesturing to the football players leaving the field.

"Like you were entertained by that boring ass game." Ace rolls his eyes. "I wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting lately. I've been distant and-!"

"It's fine Ace. Stop acting like your off of a girlie LifeTime movie." I wink when he gives me a annoyed face.

Before Ace can think of a comeback, I'm enveloped from behind. I turn around in their arm to see Daniel.

"Hey babe. Did you see me score? Twice!?" The boyish smile on Danny's face makes me giggle.

"Of course I did! You were so good." I peck him on the lips. He deepens are kiss, but I pull away. "Not in public." I whisper as he sighs.

"So what if everyone sees. Then people will know your mine." Daniel pulls me close to him. I turn around to continue my discussion with Ace only to find him gone.

I wiggle out Daniel's grip. I do a full turn trying to find out where Ace went. Danny pulls me back to him and starts kissing me.




"Daniel!" I finally manage to pull out his grip. "I said not in public. I'm not comfortable with-!" He cuts me off with a huff. He mumbles something under his breath that makes me see red.

"Speak up, Daniel Kane." I spit out.

"I just feel like you always pull away. Your obviously not as into me as I am to you."

I stare blankly at him.

Did he hit his head during the game?

"Danny I am into you. I like you so much and I just ask that you don't full on tongue-fuck me in public." I plead reaching out to hold his hand.

He sighs and goes quiet for a few seconds. "Besides......Your all sweaty." I add jokingly.

He cracks a itty bitty smile that makes me melt. "Fine. Let's go out to eat." I walk with his hand and mine, with a smile on my face.


It's been three days since Daniel and I had our petty mini fight. So far the rest my week has be alright.

Im sitting on the couch with my Mom, Dad, Asher, Aunt Betty and my Uncle Charlie.

"So how old is she?" My mom grins ear to ear holding Auntie and Uncle's newborn.

"2 months." Uncle answers with a warm smile. "Our little Jasmine Emilia Smith."

Mom passes the baby to me. "Hi Jasmine. I'm your cousin Harlow." I poke her tummy. "Can you say Harlow?"

"She can't speak stupid. Not at least until she's around six months." Asher says slowly like I'm dumb. He takes Jasmine right out my hands.

"You baby snatcher!" I smack the back of his head and hear him grunt.

"Alright enough you two. Let me see my little niece." Dad takes the baby gently out Asher's fat hands and smiles down. "Man I miss a little one around." I hear him mumble and Mom gives him a crazy look.

"What? I'm kidding. Harlow and Asher being pains in my ass are enough."

"That cold."

"Freezing cold." I agree with Asher.


The doorbell rings and everyone stops. Looks are shared around the room. "Really guys? Man y'all are lazy." I huff getting off the couch as they mumble thank you. I open the door only to be shocked by who I see.


"Hey Princess.....We agreed to meet up today to work on the English project." He raises his eyebrow.

Shit I totally forgot. "O-Of course....I totally didn't forget!"

"Mhmm." He gives me a knowing look that makes me roll my eyes. "Come on in, Asshole."


"Ugh.....I need a break......And food!"

It's been three hours since we've been working on that stupid project. Turns out it's harder than it looks.

"Yeah I agree. There's a new Art Gallery open that's serving steak and ribs. Are you down?" Ace asks getting off my bed and running a hand through his curly black hair.

My mouth practically waters just thinking about BBQ ribs with a side of Macaroni and a dinner roll.

Mmmm a buttery, warm, soft dinner roll.

"Heck yeah! We taking your car or mine?"


I explain to my parents where we're going. My mom was cool with it as long as I was back before 11:00 pm. Dad on the other hand was skeptical about me going out with a boy. Good thing Mom promised him fish tacos for lunch.

We make it to the gallery quickly. "Jesus....Did you have to drive like a drunk? I'm surprised we didn't get pulled over."

"Oh don't be a wimp, Har. It wasn't THAT fast." Ace counters.

Ace pays for my ticket. I didn't even complain. If someone wants to pay for anything, I let them.

"Was Picasso blind?" Ace scrunches up his face with distaste. His sour face was directed toward a abstract painting on canvas.

"Nope. I actually like this piece." I look at all the colors the painting has to offer.

"You have bad taste then. Welp let's go eat."

The food was great! It was pricy but my stomach is happy so you don't hear me complaining. "Ooh look at that one." I point to the 'Starry Night' piece. This was probably my absolute favorite! I have a big picture of this over my bed.

"Wow." Ace agrees. I take my phone out to snap a picture. The doors open bringing in more people. "Stay close by me. You might get lost." He nudges my arm and I nod.

Next was the famous painting called 'The girl with pearl earrings.' Ace keeps walking by it like it's nothing. "Ace." I stop in my tracks and call out. He keeps walking, obviously not hearing me.

There is no way I'm leaving without snapping a picture. I whip out my phone quickly and snap two or three photos.....Maybe ten....! Smiling now that I'm satisfied I turn around to find Ace missing.

Aww damn.

Why the hell does he always disappear. I wouldn't be surprised if the dude could teleport. I weave in and out of crowds trying to find him. Finally I think I see the back of his head entering an exit door. I push it open only to find nobody in sight.


No answer.

Something taps my shoulder making me jump and squeal. I turn to see a man who looks to be a few year older than me. He smiles. "Hey there, sugar. What's a pretty little lady like you doing out here alone." His voice puts shivers down my spine. Something's off about him.

"I-I lost my friend. I think I'm going to go find him now." I try to go around him but he pulls me into an ally.

"Please. I need to fi-!" He covers my mouth not letting me finish.

"You chatter too much. Let's fix that." He leans down, still holding me against my will, tightly. My eyes widen realizing what he's about to do.

"Stop!" I cringe away, hot tears start falling down my cheeks.

"Shut up. I haven't even kissed your cute ass yet. Soon enough you'll be begging for me."

I whimpered. This wasn't supposed to happen.


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