《Pranking the Prankster ✔︎》1- King of the school



"Harlow! Harlow! It's the first day of school!" I groan as my little brother Asher yells, jumping on my bed.

"Ash leave me alone!" I grab a pink pillow and hit him right in the head.

"MOM! HARLOW HIT ME!" Asher runs out my room to tattle. What a baby!

I get up taking a shower and packing my backpack. I put on a pink romper and walk out my room to the smell of bacon.

"Good Morning Sweetie!" My mom turns her head to greet me. She grabs a plate and puts bacon, waffles and oranges. "Eat up sweet pea, you have a big day ahead of you!"

I start scarfing my food down when Asher starts snorting like a pig. "Harley's a pig! Harley's a pig!" He sings over and over again.

I grab an orange and throw it at his big head. "Shut up stupid!"

"I'm not stupid! Your stupid!" He growls.

"No you!"

"No you!"

"Noooo youuuu!"

"Noooooo y-!"

"Enough!" My dad walks in rolling up his sleeves. "It's too damn early for arguing! Use that energy for school!"

"Aww but dad school is pointless!" Asher whines.

"The only reason you think it's pointless is because, your dumb self is incapable of learning." Asher sticks his tongue at me while I flip him the bird.

"Harlow! Please be nice to your brother!" Mom rubs her temples as she washes dishes.


"Listen to your mom, Harley!" Dad pats my back. "Now get to school you two."

I tap on my Mercedes steering wheel, waiting for my slow brother. I honk running out of patience.

He runs in slamming the door shut.

"Hey watch it! I just got this!" I slap the back of his head.

"Good. Now that I know it's new, it'll be funnier destroying it!"

"Ugh I hate you!"

"Right back at you sis!"

Asher was four years younger than me. I was seventeen and in my senior year. My family just moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Dad got a offer to play for the 49ers and he took it. I would say i'm sad, but my bestie who's also my cousin moved to San Francisco too.


I park my car and take a deep breath. "Nervous?" Asher asks.

"Kinda'. How about you?"

"Nah! You'll be fine sissy! Just think about how much better we are than the people who go here." I laugh shaking my head.

"Don't be cocky bro!"

"Just saying!" He shrugs, hoping out my car.

I get out and shut my door. I start to walk inside, but shouting puts my walk to a stop.

"Hey princess!" Three guys in a Maserati convertible pull up behind my parked car. The one driving looks at me. "Your going to have to find another parking spot because that one is mine!" He points at my car.

His? Well it's mine now!

"First come first serve pretty boy!" I wink, lock my car and walk away.

There is no way I would allow some arrogant asshole tell me where to park my car.

After I get my schedule, I decide to take a pit stop in the bathroom. I walk in only to be attacked.

Oh lord, I left my rape whistle at home!

I let out a girly screech, but go quiet when I hear my cousin's voice.

"Kaia!?" I smile giving her a hug.

Kaia was a pretty and chill girl. She looked just like my aunt Nadia. Beautiful brown skin and long dark hair. The green eyes that she inherited from my uncle Riki looked like emeralds. I always wanted green or blue eyes, but i'm stuck with ordinary brown.

We chatted and caught up with each other. I told her about the encounter with the 'Arrogant boys.' She laughed asking me if they were fuckable.

I brushed my hair studying myself. I looked like my dad. Curly brown hair, brown eyes, sun kissed skin and plump pinkish lips.

"Harlow let me see your schedule." Kaia takes the paper grinning like Cheshire Cat.

"We have all classes together! Well except for French."

I take a seat in the very back and Kaia on my right. The teacher was an grumpy old hag who kept giving Kaia and I a nasty glare.


She's acting like I killed her cat!

The classroom door is thrown open and the class goes quiet. I immediately stiffen when I see the arrogant asshole who tried to make me move my car.

"Mr. King, nice of you to join us!" Ms. Barnes says with a sigh. "Would you like to share with the class about why your late today?"

He smirks and I swear I hear and see girls giggle or start to twirl their hair. "Well you see Barnes....I put moose and gel in my hair, and the rain this morning washed it all out. He fakes a pout. "I didn't want to have a bad hair day, so I had to take time to reapply the gel." He runs a hand through his silky black hair.

That's bullshit! It wasn't even raining this morning!

"Whatever Ace. Please take a seat." Ms. Barnes rubs her temples before mumbling, "I should have been a doctor."

Ace looks around and his eyes land on the seat next to mine.

Houston we have a problem!

Why? You may ask!

Oh just because the only seat available is the seat right next to mine!

Fuck my sad, pitiful and ugly ass life!

He sits down next to me and I get a whiff of his cologne.

Not gonna' lie.

He smells fucking good!

He turns his head and I get a good look at him. His hair is curly and black. His eyes are a light shade of green and his skin is an olive color.

He is attractive but him being arrogant....loses my interest.

"Take a picture it will last longer, Princess." His green orbs meet my brown ones.

I cock my head to the side innocently. "Portrait or landscape?" He laughs under his breath, giving me a dry look.

One of the most important skills my dad taught me was to always have a comeback ready to fire off.

"Oh, your so funny." Ace rolls his eyes sarcastically. "But don't worry." He starts adding. "I'll be the one laughing when I get you back for taking my parking spot. Harlow!"

I don't even question how he knows my name. The bell rings putting an end to our conversation.

Thank fucking God!


The rest of the day goes by fast without any complications. This school is pretty decent in my book. Except for the food! I swear I saw a fly in my potatoes.

Asher and I walk side by side ready to leave, but stop and stare when we see the state of my car.

My car is covered in colorful graffiti.

"What the fuck!?" I march over to my baby.

Yes my car is my baby!

"It looks like the Care Bears took a shit on my car!!"

I gawk in horror while Asher grabs his belly laughing. He takes out his phone snapping photos. I hit him in the back of the head.

"Stop tha-!" I'm cut off by a familiar voice.

"I told you i'd be laughing, Princess!" Ace stands by my car with two other boys behind him. I also notice almost half the school is standing around us. Laughing, recording or snapping pictures.

"I would say I feel bad because I just spray painted a nice Mercedes but I would be lying." A smug look crosses his face. "Next time don't take my parking spot!" Him and his little posse turns on their heels and walk off.

I just stand there like a deer in the headlights. How. Dare. He.

If he gets to prank and embarrass me. I get to do the exact same to him.

You just started a prank war, pretty boy!

Instagram is @bezerksaint

PIMD game- StormAngel

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