《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》SEVEN: irl/imessage


It wasn't often that Astrid slept past noon, she hated losing her day, hated waking up late with the sun already setting and having done nothing.

George, however, welcomed it. He'd rather spend his nights talking to his friends than spend his days awake and alone.

That's what led to this moment, Astrid laid awake in his bed as he breathed softly next to her. He was still holding at her waist tightly but not in a way that would hurt, in a way that made her feel safe and wanted.

He'd never held her like this, sure they'd hug or have a cuddle here and there, but he'd never held her without being conscious, without knowing he was doing so.

It made her heart race when it shouldn't.

But her meddled mind was soon cut off by a loud ringing sound, at first she assumed it was just her ears but when it stopped and started again she recognised the familiar sound.

Her eyes rolled, once again George's phone would ruin their moment. This one a bit more domestic but to her just as much intimate, if not more.

George didn't even stir, his eyes still closed and arm still tight, she knew he wouldn't wake on his own.

After all, it wasn't often that he got calls that woke him up, he'd told her how only Dream had the power to call him during certain hours of the night. Apparently, it was unneeded thought, as even if anybody else called she doubted he'd wake up.

"George" she prodded his arm, getting slight déjá vu at the whole situation.

"George" she shook his arm and spoke louder this time, smiling at his low grumbles.

"What?" He spoke, even though it was only one word it still made her stomach turn, she'd never heard his morning voice before and now doubted she'd be able to live without hearing it again.



He mumbled under his breath, something along the lines of 'fuck sake' as he picked it up, answering.

As he spoke Astrid began to move, it was probably time she went home, she'd surely overstayed her welcome. But, as she pulled forward to get away from him, he pulled her backwards pressing her back into his chest as his head rested over her shoulder, light kisses to her neck and cheek, a smile on both of their faces.

"I don't remember agreeing to that" he spoke on the phone, his hot breath on her neck and deep voice in her ear.

Her eyes closed, it really wasn't the right time to be getting this riled up, especially over just his voice.

"No, I don't think I did" he spoke again, apparently arguing with the other speaker, though he didn't sound particularly bothered about the outcome.

She decided to lean into his touch, enjoying the sensation whilst she could.

Astrid's own phone sat on the bedside table next to her, she reached and grabbed it, aware of George's eyes over her shoulder as she typed.

Wilbur asked if you want

to join our stream later



Why aren't you in your


Ohhhh did you stay the night ;)

Okay, i'll leave you be

Leave it out

Ill be back soon

And tell Wilbur i'll join

Will do ;)

She flushed at Niki's simple texts, just feeling the smirk on George's lips as he continued nipping at her neck was enough for butterflies to swarm her stomach.

"Isn't it still early for you?" George questioned the American, sure that the sun must just have risen over there, "then why do you want to do this now? Sleep instead"

Astrid turned her neck to look into his eyes, they captured her entirely every time she looked. Whoever had said that brown eyes were boring had clearly never seen his. They changed in the slithers of light that slipped through the blinds, changing from honey to chocolate in seconds as he moved, squinting.


As she did, he stared into hers. She'd told him they were green, but he liked the yellow that had become so known to him, though he would give anything to see their true colours. They fit together, the brown and green swirling in an earthy tone, grounding them together.

His lips met hers briefly, wary of the closeness of his phone, even if the speaker was on the other side of the world.

"Later, I'm sure Sapnap's not even awake yet," clearly she was right when guessing who was calling, "you can't just wake him up at 6 am Dream"

George's voice held a breathy laugh, again she basked in the sound, hoping to remember it as long as she could.

Hoping then when she lay in bed that night, alone, she'd remember how his arms felt around her, how his body heat affected her in such a way and how he made her feel like the only person in the world.

Praying that this wouldn't be a one-time thing.


Written: 6th May 2022

Published: 12th May 2022

Im still avoiding my essays :/

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