《Friendly Sex {{ GeorgeNotFound }}》FOUR: imessage/irl



Niki <3 ~ Niki Nihachu

Soph <3 ~ Sophie Moore

Astrid <3 ~ Astrid Faye


You disappeared

You were here like

an hour ago


And now i'm not

Funny how that works



I think i have an idea of where

she is ;)))

Whats with the face???

No reason ;))))


I get it ;)))))

I don't

You disappear into the night??

And think we don't know

where you are

Or who you're with ;)

You don't know

who i'm with tho

Because you won't tell us :(

Very mean

It's not even like we know them


Right you don't know them

So stop asking besties

Hmm you get away with it

For now...

We'll find out

No you won't


Astrid smiled lightly at her phone, whilst she had hated keeping the secret from them in the beginning, she didn't mind it so much now.

They had caught her sneaking in or disappearing way to often to get away with it. So they had already figured out that she was going out to meet somebody before she told them.

If it wasn't the coming home at late hours of the night or leaving rather quickly, it was definitely the fresh bruises on her neck or the way her makeup was a little too messy.

She still refused to tell them who it was and, whilst sometimes they pushed, they had accepted that she wasn't going to tell them anytime soon. They'd come to an agreement that as long as she didn't tell them his name or anything about him, they could tease her as much as they wanted.

It was easier this way, George and Astrid both agreed on the boundary and she intended to stick to it. In the same way, George hadn't told any of his friends, which was admittedly easier as she lived with her friends and all of his friends were halfway across the world.


That was one of the reasons they'd met, actually.

Their mutual friend, Wilbur Soot, had realised that George had been feeling kind of lonely as of lately, and decided to invite George to lunch with him, Niki, Sophie and Astrid.

They'd hardly talked at the dinner, she spent her time conversing with Niki and Wilbur whilst Sophie had gotten rather close to George.

She had sent glances over to her friends with wide eyes as if to say, 'look how cute this guy is' and 'i'm definitely going to follow up on this'.

It made Astrid laugh now, how Sophie had so quickly latched onto him whilst they had hardly talked, and now here they were. She was in his bed whilst Sophie was at home, rarely mentioning George ever again after their short meeting.

After that George had messaged her, light conversation leading to going to his house and the rest was history. She smiled at the memories, it had happened so easily.

She had fond memories of their first few times meeting, they were awkward and stiff around each other. Unlike now where they were comfortable enough to talk freely and touch without becoming shy. It was nice.

Astrid wished she could touch him now, be wrapped up in his arms or maybe continue what they had started before he had left her to be on Karl's stream. She wanted to beckon him back into bed, but knew that it wouldn't happen, she'd simply have to wait.

Or, she could get what she wanted whilst allowing him to still stream. Mess with him to get his attention, something she shouldn't crave but did.

Her feet made no noise as she crept across the carpet, not that he'd hear with his headphones on. His sudden loud laugh startled her, his head thrown back and hand hitting the table. She loved his laugh, he seemed to laugh within it, gasping to catch his breath each time.


Careful hands touched his shoulder, making him jump at the sudden contact. His eyes caught hers with a questioning look, waiting for a silent answer; perhaps thinking she wanted a drink or something like that.

Instead, her fingers danced along his collar bone, to his neck, her nails lightly scratching at the marks she had left, a smirk on her lips as she watched his eyelids lower. Clearly trying to stay quiet in fear that his friends would hear him.

She turned his chair, standing behind him whilst his eyes trailed back to the screen, speaking into the mic as if nothing was happening. Her hands teased him more, running threw his hair and tugging lightly or pressing her cold hands to his neck, creeping under his shirt from the collar, bending around the chair so that her lips could tease his neck.

He seemed to be getting frustrated, keeping quiet and trying his best to talk normally whilst being distracted.

A sigh left her lips, not knowing why she had done this, now she was just standing awkwardly while he ran around in Minecraft, presumably the Dreamsmp. She was just bored and wanted him to pay attention to her, to give her a reason to not fall asleep right there and then.

Her hands rested on his shoulders, just watching, until he turned his chair with his feet, her hand's move so he had space. He seemed to hesitate, his lips going tight before he reached out, quickly grabbing her waist and pulling him towards her. Spinning her so that she sat on his lap before turning back to the desk, pushing in again and continuing like he had been previously.

Astrid was shocked, to say the least. They did a lot of things whilst spending time together, but this wasn't one of them. He'd never had her so close whilst being with his friends.

Her heart pattered in a way it wasn't before, her legs lifting to curl herself into his body, her head into his chest, his chin resting in her hair.

It felt weird. Domestic. Something they most definitely weren't, and probably never would be.


Written: 26th April 2022

Published: 1st May 2022

Not the best chapter but we move.

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