《The Manager's Little Brother》XXV


[Male name] let go of Kiyoko when he saw his parents rushing towards them. Once they got to them they pulled Kiyoko behind them and his so called mother slap him.

"Mom!" Kiyoko panicked, she tried to get to his younger brother but their father hold her in her place.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter with that filthy hands of yours" Her mother said to him. "I don't want to see you ever!" Her mother added.

[Male Name] laugh lightly as he look to their parent or Kiyoko's parents, he brush his messy [Hair color] hair backward with his hand. He never should have hope high, he shouldn't. He should have expect this to happened that everything he do he will never be acknowledge by them, even now that they saw him win in their own eyes. Now he realize that he will never be accepted or welcome to Kiyoko's family. He had enough, he had enough trying to push himself in, when they don't even want him to be there. He decide that he will give up on trying to fit in.

"Don't worry about that mom, you won't be seeing me anyway from now on" He said and look at Kiyoko for a moment before walking away towards his teammates.

Kiyoko tried to reach out to his brother but was stopped by her parents. They pulled her away, she look back to her brother who is now talking to his teammates.

'Why do I feel like this will be the last time I will see my brother?'

'No. No. No. No. No, I promise I will fix this! I promise that I will end my brother's suffering, I promise that I will make him happy and proud'

She thought turning around and run towards his brother who is still talking to his teammates.


"Are you okay?" Kise asked as he reach out to [Male name] who grab his hand. "I'm fine, don't worry about me" [Male name] said with a soft smile in his face.

Kise gasp he never saw [Male name] smile this way, He felt like this is the last time he will see him. Just thinking about that makes him want to cry, he doesn't want that, he will not take it. He tries to say something however no words came out to his mouth.

"Now, now don't give me that look" [Male name] said as he mess the blonde hair.

"Let's go" He said and put his arm on Kise's shoulder but they stop when they heard someone called [Male name]. The [Hair color] haired male turn around to see her sister running towards them. He sign and look to Kise.

"You should go first, I'll be there" Kise nod and go to the others.

[M/N] look down to her sister and wait for her to talk.

"Where are you going?" Kiyoko ask him.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why do I feel that this will be the last time I'll see you? Tell me [Male name] where are you going after your celebration with your teammates?" Kiyoko said looking at his brother who just look at her for a while before answering.

"Maybe this will be the last time? It's not your business to know where am I going after the celebration, you should go back to your parents Kiyoko before making another scenes again" [Male name] said and walk away leaving Kiyoko standing there.


Sorry for the late update!!! I hope you like this chapter. Thank you for reading this story! For the support that you have been giving me! I really appreciate all of this. I hope you have a good day.

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