《The Manager's Little Brother》XI


Entering the gym to be meet with the one and only Akashi Seijuro. Kise who is by [Male Name] side leave right away when he saw how Akashi glared at the male. The guys who are practicing stopped and watch what will happened between the two.

"Where were you? Didn't I tell you to practice?" Akashi ask more likely stated. He wants answer after [Male name] say yes to him but didn't go anyway. "At home" He simply answered, he don't want to deal with this not after what happened to the house. They always ask and ask and ask why or what did he do this or that, why would they even care what he do anyways, no really cared.

Akashi is about to talk again but stopped when [Male name] put his finger in his lips. The [hair color] male lean in so that his lips was near to his captain's ear.

"Shhh.. I'm here now right? That what's matter the most" He whisper to him, leaning back and started to walk at the changing room leaving Akashi standing there.

Akashi turned around to see the guys are staring at him. He glared at them, as they go back to practice immediately. Akashi decide to follow [Male name] in the changing room, as he enter he see the male putting on his shirt. "[Male name]" Akashi called making the male gaze at him. The male fix his shirt and stand in front of Akashi. "What happen?" the crimson male ask the [Hair color] male. Akashi waited for the male to answer but he didn't, he's about to talk when [Male name] push him to the locker making a loud bang. "Shut up" [male name] said looking to Akashi's eyes. They were beautiful shade of red. He unconsciously lean down to Akashi, their forehead touching together, Akashi close his eyes when he sees [Male name] lean in more, He felt the [Male name]'s soft lips on him. Akashi put his arms around [Male name]'s neck to deepened the kiss as [Male name]'s hand goes to his waist to pull him close to him, the other hand of the male was on the locker to support.


"Akashi-kun? [Male Name]?" They heard Momoi's voice and a knock on the door. "Are you both okay? I heard a loud noise" the both male pulled away with each other. "We're fine, we will be out in a minute" Akashi said without stuttering as [male reader] trail his thumb on Akashi's lip before pulling away. "Let's go" the [Hair color] male said as he walk out of the changing room leaving the Akashi whose face is red as an apple.

After a minute Akashi walks out the changing room and sees [Male name] practicing with the other, he goes to them to join in.

Aiko look at the [Hair color] male while practicing, she still doesn't know what he is capable of doing, Akashi being good at point guard, Midorima is good at shooting, Murasakibara is good at blocking, Aomine is good at all rounder, Kise is good at copying, Kuroko good at passing, Takao had a hawk eyes, Wakamatsu is good at rebounding, Hyuga is good at shooting too while Kagami is good at jumping and [Male name] she doesn't know anything.

She wishes to see him play seriously even in the practice but to her disappointment he always laze around when practicing. She saw the male blocked Kagami again and he said something that make Kagami ticked with him. The others try to stop Kagami from punching [Male name] while Midorima cover his mouth so that he couldn't say anything anymore.


[Male name] block Kagami again, he land on his feet and face him with a smirk. The other see this and Murasakibara tried to stop the male, knowing what he will do.

"[Male reader]-chin, don----" He was cut off when the male start to talk ignoring the now pouting giant. "You shouldn't be full of yourself, Kagami, you're not even good at all that I'm starting to doubt that the Generation of Miracle just let you win for you to experience" He said to him which shock the others.


Kagami who is now irritated was about to punch the male when the others except for Midorima stop him, Midorima walk towards the male so he could talk to him about how rude he his.

"What? Going to punch me? Go ahea----" He is cut off when Midorima put his hand to his mouth, covering it so he couldn't talk anymore that will anger Kagami.

"[Male reader]-kun, please stop, we are a team here, we should act like one" Kuroko said to the now glaring male. "Now I really wonder, if all of you and this match really worth my time." He said still gazing to Kuroko. "Whatever" the male added and walk to the bench where Aida is and lay on her lap which startle her.

"Whaa----" She was cut off when he put his finger on her mouth.

"Shhhh, I'll rest for a minute after that I'll be back at practice" He said and close his eyes to relax a bit. The team look at the male in disbelief, they can't even do that without Aida shouting at them. Aomine look at the still angered Kagami and sigh, the other Generation of Miracle who knows [Male name] look at Kagami and sigh too.

"You shouldn't mind what he say" Aomine said to Kagami. Aomine knows how the male love to anger his enemy or the person he just met by insulting them. Even the Generation of Miracles knows this, because they experience it. They are surprise that the male targeted Kagami.

"Yeah you shouldn't! You need to get used to it really" Kise said to Kagami.

"Let's just go back to practice, let's leave [Male reader] alone for now, he'll have a double training when he wake up" Akashi said as they go back to train again.

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