《The Manager's Little Brother》V


"(First name)-cchi! (First Name)-cchi!" said by someone whose voice is utterly familiar. An exhausted sigh finds its way out of your lips. Great, I have to deal with another annoying person. He turn around and face the source of the voice with a tired yet annoyed smile written all over his features.

"Ryouta?" he greeted, faking his surprised expression at the appearance of the blonde model. "What brings you here?" Ryouta approach him like a puppy wagging his tail. "I wanted to see you so I came here though it's bothersome since Miyagi is far from Kanagawa." He pouted.

"Then go home and don't bother me.." he said, rolling his eyes.


"Nah it's nothing"

He spent the rest of minutes talking to his former teammate. Blabber this and blabber that, he wanted to choke him so that he would stop and so that his ears could finally rest.

"How's your life there in Rakuzan?"

"Good" He said in a monotone voice, tapping his feet against the floor. Looking at him with a bored expression.

"Did you mis-" As he is about to ask [Male Name] a question again but the male speak up. "Enough with question Ryouta" the [Hair color] male sent him an irritated look. Huffing in annoyance. Wishing that someone would appear and drag Ryouta out of this place and [Male Name] wish was granted.

"(Nickname)-chan! Ki-chan!" Momoi suddenly clings to [Male Name] sweaty arm that made him stumble a little bit towards Ryouta. "Congratulations!"

Where did she come from?

"O-Oi!" matching [Eye color] eyes looked at Momoi in bewilderment. "Why are you still here?" he thought that she went home already but why she's still here?

"Eh?" She looked at him clueless which made [Male Name] face palm.

"N-Nevermind!" He stomped his feet while making his way to the locker room.

"And you? What's your purpose here?" Momoi gazes at Ryouta. Curious to why he's in Miyagi at the first place. She immediately asked the blonde as soon [Male Name] stepped inside the locker room.

"When I heard (First name)-cchi has a practice match in Aobajosai, I quickly go in here"

"What about you?" He asks, eyeing the pink haired manager suspiciously.

"He is my boyfriend so I came here to support him" Momoi said happily.

"You mean ex...." Ryouta mumble beneath his breath.

"What was that Ki-chan?" Momoi said, smiling sweetly, way too sweetly at him that it starts to creep him out.


Ryouta hold up his hand in a defense manner "N-Nothing!"

"I thought so" Momoi said.

It didn't take [Male Name] too long inside the locker room, He took a quick shower then change to a new and clean clothes. Besides he's tired as hell and wanted to go home now. "I'm here" He went out the locker room, holding his bag.

The three of them exited the school gymnasium with nothing but silence lingering in the air until Ryouta decided to speak again.

"(First name)-cchi can I ask you?" He said in a serious tone which is kind of rare for him to do.

"Go on" he gestured lazily. Ryouta nodded. "Are you going to participate in the street basketball?"

"I don't know" He shrugged. This the second time that he have been asked today whether he's going to join in the street basketball and of course he still don't know.

"You should join because all us are there also Kuroko-cchi's new light!" Momoi stood beside the [Hair color] male, nodding her head along to what Ryouta's saying.

"New light?" he quirked his brows. No one told him that Tetsuya has a new partner, not even Momoi.

"Eh?! You didn't know-ssu?" Ryouta flinches, surprised that he don't have a single knowledge about Kagami Taiga.

"No, should I?"

"He's strong (First name)-cchi!" He proudly stated.

"Strong? He is nothing without Tetsuya" He said without any expression on his face. "Don't underestimate him or you'll lose" making [Male name] look to him in unamused expression, him lose? To whom? To the new light of Kuroko? No way in hell. "Lose? Since when did I lose? Remember that I didn't play in Winter Cup. It was Seijuro who lost against him not me" He said even dropping the honorifics when he is talking to his captain Akashi. "Now that you mention it, why didn't you play on Winter Cup?"

"I don't feel like playing" [Male Name] answered him like it's a normal thing and look at Momoi who is standing quietly beside him. Listening as [Male Name] and Ryouta converse to each other.

"Eh?" Ryouta eyed him to know if his joking or not. "Are you serious? Like seriously?" He can't believe it, just because he doesn't feel like it means that he will not play.

"Yeah, do I look like I'm joking to you?" [Eye color] eyes gaze at him.


"No, I thought you love basketball?" He asks the male.

"I love basketball, but if you always win it's getting boring" he said like it was nothing.

"But Aomine-cchi i's the same as you, but he still plays!" Kise stated.

"I'm not like Dai-chan, we're different" He explain to him.

"Just play this one, (First name)-cchi, we need you to our team" The blondie pleaded. [Male Name] frown and about to protest against Kise but Momoi beat him to it. "He's right, (Nickname)-chan and I want to see you play again!" Momoi eagerly said, teaming up with Ryouta to convince [Male Name] to join.


"(First Name)-cchi?"

"I'll think about it"

Both Momoi and Ryouta whine at the same time. "Come on!"

"Fine, just stop whining"

"Finally!" Ryouta said as if a heavy boulder was lifted on his shoulders.

"(First name)!" someone abruptly called him.

[Male Name] turn around to see his sister and her teammates walking towards them, making him scowled, he don't want to see his sister and her annoying teammates.

He's about to walk away when Momoi grab his arm. "Stay and talk to them" Momoi said seriously.

The male look as if she was crazy but when he saw her being serious, he sigh. This will be the last time he will agree on her.

Fine then.

"What do y-" "(First Name)-kun!" [Male Name] is about to speak to her sister when again someone intervene. He sigh, frustrated. He glance to the owner of the new voice; Reo Mibuchi. "What now?"

"We're leaving and Sei-chan is looking for you" He said to the male as he wait for him so that they can go back together.

"Go ahead, I'll follow after talking to them" He only nod in return and walks away.

The [hair color] male face them; his sister and her teammates. "I'm going now"

"You're not going home?" Kiyoko asks still hoping for his brother to stay.

"Why should I?" He asked her. "To celebrate our win" She said to him, hoping for him to come home with her and celebrate with their family.

"No" He glared at her, he's not going to stay with them in there.

"Hey!" Noya and Tanaka yelled at the same time. Returning the glare back to Kiyoko's younger brother.

"This is a sibling talk so shut up baldy and shorty" He insulted them, Looking down at them with an intimidating expression on his features.

"(First name) you should respect your sister" Sugawara said, reminding the male that he is talking to his elder sister.

He only clicked his tongue. They're starting to get on my nerves.

"(First name) please just this once" Kiyoko pleaded.

"No, I have classes tomorrow and you should know that I only go home every weekends"

"But-" "Shut up will you?!" Everyone in Karasuno even Momoi and Ryouta didn't fail to flinch when [Male Name] unexpectedly raised his voice against his own sister. Kiyoko felt like crying, his younger brother never raised his voice to her like that. He is definitely not her little brother anymore that she used to.

He sigh deeply. "I'll be going now, my teammates are waiting for me" He said as if nothing happen then starts to walk away but then stops for a moment, looking at Ryouta, who gave him puzzled look. "I have a favor" he said.

"Eh?" He asks.

"I want you to walk Momoi home" He said to him.

"EH?! Why?" Ryouta whiningly said.

"She's a girl, so walk her home" he said to him.

"Why not you?" He asks still whining.

"The train" He simply say.

"What about the trai--- ohh I see" He said finally knowing what [male name] is talking about because if the male accompany Momoi to Tokyo he will not be able to attend class tomorrow since he resides in Kyoto which is far from Tokyo.

"Now that you understand, walk her home, make sure she is safe" he said to him, narrowing his eyes.

"Alright.." Ryouta dejectedly agree.

"Good, I'll be going then" [male name] said and continue to walk. When he disappear at their sight. Momoi and Ryouta look at the Volleyball team. "We'll be going then" Momoi said.

"Yeah, we'll be going too, Have a safe trip" Sugawara said.

"Thanks" Ryouta said and after that they began to make their way to the nearest train station.


While Momoi and Ryouta silently waits for the train to arrive, the blonde male came up with a question.

"So Momoi-cchi.." He began.

"What is it?"

"Do you still like (First name)-cchi?" Ryouta glances at the pink haired female beside him. "I mean love?"

Momoi was about to open her mouth to answer the question but her phone suddenly ring.

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