《The 19th member [NCT FF]》Fansign and concert


I sat up. "It's none of your business. I'm going to sleep, good night." I said and got up to head to my room. "Meimei..." Kun said and I looked back at him. I immediately did my routine and put on my pajamas. I fell asleep instantly stressed over everything.

Today was my very first fansign, and I was very nervous. Everyone already had their's when they were S.M. Rookies. I got ready, and put on this outfit:

I then added light makeup and left my hair down. I exited my room, and the others rushed me out the house. I entered one of the cars and put on my shoes there. We arrived at the venue, and we got out the car and we went to sit at the table. We were given coffee and water, and we were getting ready for the event to start as fans started filling in the seats. the seatings looked like this:




















The event started and fans were sliding by, and some were very playful with me, and gave me a lot more gifts than the others, and I was eating a snack a fan gave me, when a fan came up to me. "Annyeong, what's your name?" I asked as I was signing her stuff. "Shut up, bitch. Just sign the damn thing so I can see Doyoung already. I can't believe they let you pass the audition instead of me. I AM BETTER THAN YOU!!! WHY DO THEY LOVE YOU MORE?!?! THYE SHOULD BE LOVING ME A MEMBER THAT SHOULD"VE JOINED!!!" I flinched away, and stood up. WinWin grabbed my arm. "I am sorry that they allowed me to pass with my sweet nature and excellent talent." I told her back. "SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!! YOU SHOULD JUST DIE BITCH!!!" she said as I glared at her. I then grabbed the mic and asked the fans a question. "Am I annoying or talentless?" I asked and they replied back with a no. I looked at her and smirked. "Please get her out of here, before she gets hurt." I said as the guards came and got her. I sat back down and another fan came up to me. It was a male. "Jaeri, will you be mine? I bought these for you~" he said as he handed me a box. I smiled and thanked him. "Man, I wish I was a member like the others, they get to hang out with a beautiful girl like you. One I would like for myself." He touched my cheek while talking, and WinWin removed his hand. "Please don't touch our maknae." he said politely. The fan looked at him and glared at him. I stood up after opening what was inside the box. "W-What do you want with me?" I asked him. "For you to be mine~ You are the most beautiful girl ever. I only wnat you for myself." he said as I looked at the guards who came and also took that person out of the hall. "Jaeri, what's in the box?" a fan asked and I looked up. "O-oh, i-its um....s-sex t-toys..." everyone gasped and the members looked at me instantly. They immediately stood up and bowed to the fans and said thanks to them for coming. When we got to the back, I threw the box away. "Are you okay Jae?" Jaemin asked, and I just nodded my head. "Let's just go." I said while walking to the car. Damn him, Donggu. As we,were in the car of the China and English line, I got a notification on my phone. It was from him.


donggu: my baby how are you

Yn: what do you want and how did- you are in sum aren't you

d: yes I am my love, and I am here waiting for you in your studio...

Y: I am not going there and how did you get into the building without getting caught? You don't work there. You work somewhere else.

D: I have my ways...

Y: goodbye...

I blocked his number and opened the window just to throw my phone out. The car stopped and everyone looked at me in shock. "THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT?!?!?!!" I yelled and got out of th car. I went picked up my phone to see the screen completely annihilated and the glass shattered everywhere on the road. I then walked towards the bridge and collected myself before I threw it into the river. "What the fuck are you doing?!?!" I heard one of the members yell. "Meimei, ni zai gan am?" The China line. I just shook my head. I walked to the dorm from there and everyone got in the car. When I arrived, I went straight to my room and locked myself in there for a few hours. "Jae we have a concert....it's time to go." Jisung said and I hummed. "I'm not going. Have fun." I told him. "Jae...please....." "OPPA CANT YOU SEE THAT I DONT WANT TO GO AT ALL. GO AWAY!!!!" I yelled at him and he left. After I heard the last of the members, one of the managers came and forcefully pulled me out my room and made me get dressed into my clothes.

Since I was already in my stage outfit, I hid in the line of fans and a fan recognized me when we arrived. I put a finger to my lips and she just smiled at me getting the hint. As the line moved forward, I winked at the guards when their eyes widened at me, and the smiled. I entered inside, and I sat in the back on the bottom, and the concert started after 10 minutes. As it started, they said they were going to do a cover of my song and that they were going to call me. I quickly exited the building and went to the club down the street. They indeed did call me.


Doyoung: Jae-ah, we are at the concert venue already, and was wondering if you could say something to the fans... By the way, where are you? It's so noisy where you're at.

Me: Ah..... Annyeong yeorobeun, have fun at the concert and I'm at the club....I'm meeting with some friends... I gotta go. Hasta luego

Doyoung: ah....Jae, neoneun aegi. You shouldn't be at the club. Anyways, bye.

We hung up, and I went back inside the concert hall and I was led back stage as the members were getting changed into a female outfit for my song and as soon as the song started and they got to the high light I started si going behind a screen and burst through it as the fans started screaming... Mostly the male fans.

"1...2...3.. SEOROJILA!!!!" Everyone started screaming and going crazy, that they startled the members. They didn't realize at until they heard my voice singing and the fans pointing and saying my chant for the song. Everything then went dark after the song, which was all planned by by me, as my fans got to see me perform my new song Red, and I told them that they may not see me in this group anymore and everyone was shocked and I told them to keep a look out for the news.

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