《Prinxiety One Shots》Christmas Wishes


Roman was laying on his bed with his and over his face, covering his eyes. He moved his eye protection to use his hand in hopes of finding his phone. Once he felt the cold screen of his burning palm, he picked it up and brought it back to his face. He tiredly opened his eyes and looked at turned on the screen. He squinted his eyes to try and adjust, just simple wanting to read the time.

"6:24 AM"

He stared at the bright white writing and groaned inwardly. He was supposed to be out of bed 24 minutes ago and has to be at school in one hour and one minute

"6:25 AM"

Just one hour.

He tumbled out of bed and rustled through his messy and unorganized closet.

"Two more days" he thought. Two more days till Christmas break started. Two more days till he got on a plane and flew across the country. Two more days until he got to see is boyfriend again. Two more days felt like two more years at this point.

He checked the clock one more time before getting dressed.

"6:31 AM"

He got some plaid pants and a simple grey t-shirt with the words "CHERRY BOMB" on it in bright pink fancy writing. He tucked the shirt into the pants and put a belt on. He felt Luke the outfit was missing something and so he put on a flamingo unbuttoned buttton-up.


He walked into school and swiftly made his way to his Homeroom. He auditioned and got into chorus Homeroom, which was kinda cool.

"Roman! Good morning. We were just talking about the concert last night," The teacher, Ms. Riderlyn, sang as he walked in.

"Good morning Ms. Riderlyn" Roman responded, trying to match her upbeat attitude.

"Don't even bother, I think she can't be in a bad mood." The Freshman, Rondey, whispered to Roman once he sat down.

Roman chuckled "Yeah, I could see that" In chorus, and most co-curricular activities, you're friends with everyone, no matter of your grade. Roman was a Junior, and his to best friends, Caedon and Rondey, are a Senoir and a Freshman.


"Are you excited?" Rondey teased.

"For what?" Roman asked, not truly knowing what Rondey meant.

"You get to see Virgil for the holidays!" Rondey exclaimed, excited for his friend.

"Oh! Well, obviously I'm excited to see my boyfriend for the first time in 8 months!" Roman said.

"Morning guys, what's got you two idiots so excited?" Caedon mumbled sleepily as he trudged to his chair.

"Roman gets to visit Virgil in two days!" Rondey said.

Caedon seemed slightly more awake with this news. "Good for you Roman!"

"Thanks," Roman responded, and quickly changed the subject over to Rondey "Hey Rondey, aren't you flying to England to meet up with your boyfriend?" Roman teased. His diversion worked, cause now all the attention was on the bright red Rondey.

"I- We- we are not boyfriends!" Rondey stuttered, flustered by the sudden attention and accusation.

"That's not what your blush says," Caedon added.

Rondey and Caedon continued to bicker back and forth, but Roman wasn't listening. He was drifting off, thinking about his boyfriend. He really wish he didn't live in Florida. He was thinking about what life would be like if he lived in Oregon. He would get to experience living with his boyfriend, and not just over Christmas.


Roman had his bag packed and was ready to go to the airport. His flight leaves at 1 pm, and it was currently 7 am.

"Roman! Can you come down here for a second?" His mother called from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Roman brought his bags down with him, he needed to leave soon anyway.

"Ohhh, Honey," Roman's mother said when she saw him "Make sure to have fun and I love you" She finished and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you too" He said and grabbed his bags. He rushed to the car where his father was already waiting for him.

"You ready?" He asked, starting the car and turning on the radio.

"Always" Roman responded, quickly changing the station.


"JUMP IN THE CADILLAC! GIRL LETS PUT SOME MILES ON IT!" Roman and his father sung together on the way to the airport.


"YOU DESERVE IT BABY, YOU DESERVE IT ALLLL" They seemed to be having the time of their lives.



The song ended just as they got to the airport. Roman checked the time.

"8:30 AM"

Roman gave his father a hug.

"I'm- I'm- gonna m-miss you," His father sniffled.

"Dad are you crying?" Roman asked, surprised.

"N-no! You're crying. I don't cry," he responded defensively. He quickly wiped his eyes.

"I saw your wedding video dad. Mimi showed me," Roman responded smuggly.

"Oh! I just, wahh!" His father sobbed into Roman's shoulder.

"There there?" Roman looked around the parking lot and saw people looking at them with judgmental eyes.

Roman pulled away from the hug and looked into his father's teary eyes.

"It's only 2 months dad," He reassured.

"That's 2 months to long!" He cried.

"Ughhh" Roman inwardly groand.

"This is not what I wanted my day-of-departure ro be like." He thought.

After getting Roman's father to calm down, he was actually able to go into the airport while his father drove away.


He went through the painstakingly long and boring process that is airport security. After he checked the time on his phone.

"10:00 AM"

His eyes went wode and he quickly walked through the airport, ahveing to get to the other side in only 2 hours.

He realized that he was about to insure an 8 hour long flight to the other side of the country. He didn't even know what time it was going to be when he landed.

He luckily made it, got his ticket checked, and got on the plane, with 30 minutes till departure. He got comfortable in his window seat, and really hoped there was no one sitting in the row with him.

Not because he doesn't like people, but because he just wants to be alone to think about Virgil.

"Hi! I guess I'm sitting next to you?"

"Yeah, I guess so" Roman said to the mystery person with a very forced smile.

So, Roman might have slightly misjudged the stranger. Turns out, their name is Elizabeth, but she goes by El. El is on the way to Oregon to see her family. She moved to Orlando for college. She was 19 and it was her first year in college. She said she liked her school but Roman's mind was elsewhere.

"-an! Roman!" She shouted.

"Ah! Yeah?" Roman asked.

"I asked why you were flying to Oregon," she rolled her eyes and smiled at him.

"Oh, I'm visiting my boyfriend for the first time!" He said, in a tired voice. Why did he say that? He has no idea what this girl might think!

There was a brief scoff heard from the seat behind them, but they both ignored it.

"Oh thanks pretty neat! I hope you both have fun!" El said.



"The plane from Orlando, Florida has landed. Repeat, The plane from Orlando, Florida to Salem, Oregon has landed."

Virgil's nerves were through the roof, knowing that he's going to meet his boyfriend for the first time. He paces back and forth, trying to calm himself. The next 2 months are going to be great. Well, 2 months in Oregon. Virgil promised to fly back to Orlando with Roman for 2 more months to meet his parents and to spend Valentine's Day together.

Virgil felt a tap on his shoulder. Not technically rough, but more firm.


Virgil's heart skipped a beat. He had heard that voice so many times in a video call and now, hearing it in person, he felt like he was falling in love all over again.


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